14/06/14 09:20:53.72 gyTFIVUt0 BE:183724976-PLT(12001) ポイント特典
Stony Brook University physicist Chang Kee Jung analyzed the play frame by frame and estimated it would take 600 Newtons of force for Lovren to stop Fred's FRED forward motion.
The force required to cause him to fall backward, Jung said, would have been "much larger" than that.
So was Fred's fall legitimate? "Highly unlikely," says Jung.
Lynchburg College physicist Eric Goff also studied video of the 0.4 seconds in question.
After scrutinizing his "linear and angular momenta," Goff concluded that Fred's fall only could have happened if Fred had made a conscious decision to hit the dirt.
There's a highly scientific term for that: Fred took a dive.