08/07/13 23:38:41 b2O9TbVQ0
・Saito called it a night -- and, perhaps, a career.
・That he would notice elbow tightness in a game with his adrenaline flowing, Saito said, was the first sign of trouble.
・"The kind of tightness that you feel on the mound isn't a normal tightness," he said.
He threw three more pitches. "It became gradually worse and I thought, 'This isn't tightness,' " Saito said.
・Saito, who was an All-Star last season, had bone chips removed once over his 14-year career in Japan,
but said he never felt anything like what he felt on Saturday night.
・Saito, who has 17 saves and a 2.18 earned-run average, has said that because
of his age and injury-plagued history in Japan, he has treated every start as if
it could be his last. He said he didn't want Saturday to mark his end because "I didn't help the team win."