07/07/30 22:39:24 l5s2svpb0
Reply Value: 8 A very long game with a ton of hidden secrets and unlockable
content,with online leader boards and factor 5 promising future content lair will be a game
you will find yourself playing onto the new year. Would have easily been a 9 if online
multiplayer was added, but lets cross our fingers for part 2 =)
Overall: 8.9
Lair is the game that officially sets the standard in High Definition gaming.
From the beautiful graphics to the amazing sounds all in high definition prepare
yourself for a treat. Sixxaxxis control can be a bit frustrating at times
but its easy to get used to. Running at 1080P/30 frames you will be dazzled.
If your thirsting for long hour gameplay blended with fantastic graphics & sound,
Lair is the game for you.
PSN ID: RioHustlaInc