07/06/23 19:28:04 SDmlG8OL0
Mont - it's great program she's giving us. Annie. a great program.
Cand- It's not impossible that we'll see on the first two step of the podium two japanese.
Mont- Two japanese on the the first two step. oh la la.
They will celebrate it greatly , here.
Cand - But remember, at Calgary, we already brang on this possibility,
after the japanese team results.
【Double axel】
Cand- Double axel. There should be a triple Lutz.
【triple Lutz】
Cand - yes.
Dumo- Oh la la la. It's fantastic.
Cand - The technic goes through.
She should be a little bit smily, give it a little bit more conviction in her choreography.
【Mao's smiling in the spiral sequence】
Mont - She listens to you. She listens to you ! Look!
Cand - We are linked by earphone. With simultaneous translation.
Mont- This choreography is a marvel.
It is left one and a half minute for this young japanese
for who knows fly to the world title. This choreography is a marvel.
Watch carefully.
【Triple flip】
Cand - Triple flip. She's so relaxed . Peacefulness.
Go Mao! You musn't give up. You must go. You should have pushed a little more.
Mont - Careful, the Lutz, careful
cand - Yes, beautiful,, in combination.
Cand- She's happy, she know se did an extraordinary performance.
Mont - Biellman Spin to finish.