07/04/19 17:54:56 4h2jUkYu0
“I think it was apparent in both men’s and ladies’, the game has changed,”
said Skate Canada CEO William Thompson. “Everyone has figured out how to
maximize points in spins and spiral sequences and transitions, and now the
quads are back (in men’s). You’ve got to do two quads, one in combination,
and the triple Axel ― period ― to play in the top group. And in the ladies,
triple-triple is the name of the game. Joannie can do triple-triples. And now
there is no option.”
“We are paying some price for lack of development in the past few years,”
admitted Thompson.
“Chris can do quads. Give him time, he will be a force,” Thompson said. “Jeff
(Buttle) had a truncated season, so let’s see how Jeff fares next year. But if
you’re not doing quads, you’re not in the game. And I think that’s a good
thing for the sport, to be honest.”