03/08/07 22:18 VKsy9g/y
::: 2003年大邱夏季ユニバ‐シア‐ド大会 :::
競技 URLリンク(www.universiade-daegu.org)
テコンド URLリンク(www.universiade-daegu.org)
柔道 URLリンク(www.universiade-daegu.org)
競技 URLリンク(www.universiade-daegu.org)
テコンド URLリンク(www.universiade-daegu.org)
柔道 URLリンク(www.universiade-daegu.org)
一方、韓国の手搏・拳法を伝えられた日本は、16世紀ころ ‘柔術'という独特の武芸を形成し発展させて
競技 URLリンク(www.universiade-daegu.org)
テコンド URLリンク(www.universiade-daegu.org)
柔道 URLリンク(www.universiade-daegu.org)
(joo'do) , sport of Japanese origin that makes use of the principles of jujitsu, a weaponless
system of self-defense. Buddhist monks in China, Japan, and Tibet developed jujitsu over
a period of 2,000 years as a system of defense that could be used against armed marauders
and yet would not be in conflict with their religion. Jigoro Kano, a Japanese jujitsu expert
, created judo (1882) by modifying or dropping many holds that were too dangerous to be
used in competition.