12/03/29 00:17:36.59 qAMVu0Gb0● BE:592337333-BRZ(10617)
New Wolverine Movie Could Piss Off Japan
“Man, this is going to piss off the ‘netouyo,’” wrote one 2ch user.
“Netouyo” is short for “nettouyoku” (ネット右翼) and it literally means, “right wingers who use the internet”.
The term isn’t referring to right-wing Republicans in the US,
but those in Japan who are typically very conservative and very nationalistic.
While many in Japan would look at this poster and just kind of shrug it off or, at most,
wonder why the Japanese flag was being defaced, the netouyo take to the internet, where they’ll trash this poster and this movie.
MARCH 27, 2012 AT 12:03 AM
btw.. using netouyo people to be called “renkorian (renko=repeated calls, korian=korean)” that is repeated calls korean
Your Name
MARCH 28, 2012 AT 4:27 PM
Oh…This is typically “netouyo”comments , isn’t it? l