10/05/28 18:06:44 L63XtQb10
One of the primary producers of such imagery is Japan where there is a huge market in manga, and other forms of animation, that many believe are sexually exploitative. A report in the UK’s Guardian newspaper (Guardian,
2008) suggested that sexually explicit comics account for a large proportion of Japan’s Yen 500 bn manga
market, with many featuring schoolgirls or childlike adults being raped or engaged in sadomasochism.
However, the article suggested that manga belonging to the popular ‘lolicon’ .
Japanese slang for Lolita complex . genre are likely to escape the proposed ban in Japan on the possession of child pornography,
“as MPs are concerned that outlawing them could infringe on freedom of expression and drive men who use them as an outlet for their sexual urges to commit more serious sexual offences”.
In the final report of the Japanese National Police Agency External Experts Study Group on Protection of Children from Harmful Effects of Virtual Society
(External Experts Study Group on Protection of Children from Harmful Effects of Virtual Society, 2006) it was stated that there are comics,
PC games and animation in circulation with sexual abuse images of children who appeared to be under 18 and some as young as primary school age. While some show images of children engaged in sexual intercourse,
there are also those which appear to contain children being gang-raped by many adult men, forced into violent and demeaning sexual activities, and
in which it is suggested that the children are enjoying these sexual acts.
Further,some of these publications have such images on their front covers.