10/07/18 01:30:18 ZycuVD4T
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Hatena Fairy @ Let's Be a Cool First Grade! Entrance Quiz
! /´ .,. -、 ,ノ , ' 、 ヽ The Fairy has come back...! We remember that she shook the internet in 2008.
l _ ´/ .,´ ./ { / l. l l ヽ She appears in a DVD accompanying "Challenge, First Grades."[1] She is just Hatena Fairy!
_ - ´ 、 > .{ /._ / '´ 「` 、 ! | \ Her voice actress is Toyoguchi Megumi.
ヾ `´ `´(_,ノィ´ .ハ. l .l ,| l 、 ヽ、 , -─- 、
` - _ ,ィ´ |l l |' /-+、./ ハ ヽ、 ヽ、 〈 `ヽ She couldn't take part in saimoe last year, but this year can since a new episode was made.
` ┬--r‐ 7´ハ. ト l 、 ,' レ´l::::レ、ヽ / l l ヽ `ヽ、 ヽ、` -―- 、 ヽ First, see pics of the episode↓
| l! ハ「ヽト、 、./ ' lー'::::::::}/l〉/. ′| 、 `ー `- } .l URLリンク(park7.wakwak.com)
′ l |.、 〈| し::::::::l ´ 、::::::;ノ .レ' ′ |! l 、⌒ ー-‐' ./ The design is changed. Seems a little bit younger.
/ ィ l ヽ トヽ;;:::::ソ __' -,、 `´ "イ / | ! .| , - 、、, - 、_ / URLリンク(park7.wakwak.com)
. / /l lヽ `ヽ_ゝ"" V } ./| /. l l l ノ、 } Her droopy eyes are so cuty... I feel really comforted.
/- ´ l .| ヽ l `,‐- _ゝ __,ノィ´ ,イ /,ヽ_ ./. l l //`´
/´ | |! ヽ. l l` 、_ `ヽ_,/_..∠ | /( .( 〉 r┐ // [1] "Challenge, First Grades" is an educational material of a correspondence education for first grades.