08/10/21 00:03:00 5JofueIW
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. >、_L-ノニヽ:`丶、 | | <<柊つかさ@らき☆すた>>
/: :/イ~ハ: : : :``: : : :.\ / ヽ
/ /: : : :/.ハ ト、-、ヽ: |: : : :} | r┤ Tsukasa Hiiragi CV: Kaori Fukuhara
/イ: :|/: :イ|/ ヽ| \: : :.|: : :l | LL」 Ryoo High school 3-B
' /: :〃: : /」z_ 孑ヾ.|: : :| :| ├‐-} Hobby : making cake and dish
. /: : |,ィ: :/イ い トイゝ :ん' { ノ Good subject : homemaking course
. // |l ヽlヘ 弋」 `‐´/ :/ノ| L」 Favorite : melon
′ ||:∧ト λ (_> ノ:∠<_ || Hate : green pepper and Horror
Ⅳ ヽrクT>― └' ニィ r┤ ||
. /ヽ\L//:::::::| |:::| || Tsukasa is the younger fraternal twin sister of Kagami
. ノ::::::〉○r'":::::::::::〃::::| || and lives in a six-member family household with her parents.
/::::r「>‐rヘ:::::::::::〃:::::::>、 || She is in the same class as Konata.
/::::::::/,イ| い:::::://:::::::::::| |\|| While she is ordinary or not good at studying or sports,
,z='´ >|-v'"// | ヽV/::::::::::::ノノr'^ヽ she excels in cooking.
└レ' トぅ/;.;.| ぃ r‐、 // ヽ'T.} She is making a yellow ribbon a head by a purple bob.
| V;.;.;.| ぃ 0 ', イ;.;.;.;.;.;.イ~ She is portrayed as the stereotypical friendly,
|;.;.;.;.、「丶-―ヽ'/‐┤;.;.;.;.;イ| good-natured but clumsy person.
レ'" マヽ‐‐┬‐┬―ァ‐|.ハ;.;.;/||
|ヽ、_ 」;.;.;.ヽ//{ ∨ .|| URLリンク(luckystar.matome.org)