09/05/01 14:27:27 ROXrWWzB0
chinese eat shit!
i fuck all of u! fuck your family every body u fucking chinese! just go and eat shit you sucker plus mother fucker!
do u think that wanking china is really good??? sorry infact it's not! and u mother fucking chinese only know solve things by violence!! low class!
do u gay really got brain? or one of lowermost creature in the world? give me answer u chinese pig~ i really interesting to know how big your brain are !
give me answer chinese dogs.. just go home and fuck your dad ok??
fucking wanker mother
fucking hell china, you
guys just go back and meassure how big your fucking asshole are !!! do not talking about shit !! oh~ yeh i see~!! cause the fucking assholes of u guys
just too big so
you guys can't even stup that your shit keep coming out from your ass
that's why you fucking chinese always talk shit!! please do not doing gay fucking too much ok?? otherwise your asshole will getting biger and biger
then the shit of u
wanker chinese will getting more and more!!!
chinese eat dogs watch its sick man