デジモンアドベンチャー02 part15at RANIMEH
デジモンアドベンチャー02 part15 - 暇つぶし2ch561:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。
10/02/14 23:52:44 0
Question Answer given Answer expected
Is your character a girl? No No
Does your character really exist? No No
Is your character black-haired? No No
Does your character fight? Probably not Probably
Is your character an animal? No No
Does your character live in America? No No
Is your character from an anime (Japanese animation)? Yes Yes
Does your character go to school? Yes Yes
Does your character have a brother or sister? Probably Yes
Is your character a sportsman? Don't know No
Is your character a High School student? No No
Is your character a ninja? No No
Does your character live with his mother? Don't know Yes
Is your character an adult? No No
Is your character linked with sports? Probably not No
Is your character a member of a team? Yes Yes
Is your character blond? Yes Yes
Does your character wear a hat (cap, crown,...)? Yes Yes
Does your character wear a glove? Don't know No
Is your character a student? Yes Probably
Does your character have magical powers? No No
Does your character have a older brother? Probably Yes
Is your character Japanese? Yes Yes
Is your character rich? Don't know No
Does your character have long hair? Probably No
Does your character ride a giant robot? No No
Does your character have brown hair? Yes No
Does your character use guns? No No
Is your character a member of a crew? Yes Yes
Does your character have a famous brother? Probably not Probably
Does your character fight against monsters? Yes Yes
Does your character have a sister? No No
Has your character been sent to another world? Yes Yes
Is your character the head of a group of people? No No
Was your character wearing a cap most of the time? Yes Yes
