08/08/12 03:09:03 vIqQDdXb0
「最新AVギャル完璧データファイル ベスト50」
"Best 50"female porno stars. There are photographs of all the women,many of them
displaying their (credentialsと読めます。翻訳されないので違うのかも…).The date-file on each woman includes her height
and 3 saizu,her date and place of birth,a recent "representative"video(body of work?),
her attributes,weaknesses and "category"--e.g.lustful-type,Lolita
complex-type or idol-type.
In time, even a humble AV Lolita may come to be
regarded as a shinboru(日本語ローマ字読み表記でした) along the curvaceous lines
of Marilyn Monroe,and Spa!(2.12)searches for can-
didates in the past and present among Japanese and
other women who have served as pinups and stars of
sports and screen.The magazine also selects some male
sex symbols for women;none of them is Japanese.