08/05/11 22:01:49 0
unnecessary. → necessary. 正反対の意味へ修正です ↓
In order to confirm the report mail to ISP is an official, an official mail address to use as a CC is unnecessary.
In order to confirm the report mail to ISP is an official, an official mail address to use as a CC is necessary.
became の後ろの半角スペースが抜けています ↓
When the ISP took sufficient action against the vandal, there will be no need to continue the access regulation.
However, there is no official procedure to lift the regulation that became
unnecessary in the current PNK Channel.
unneccesary, → unnecessary スペルの修正です ↓
In order to ask them to lift the PINK regulation that became unneccesary,
あと vandalism は vandal のほうがいい気もしますがそのあたりくらいですかね、