18/06/05 01:14:58.03 Tl4cM+XB.net
18/06/05 01:18:55.19 Tl4cM+XB.net
18/06/05 01:26:17.33 rSED7LqK.net
Nanjing Massacre Survivor Dies
May 30, 2018
Qiu Xiuying, an 88-year-old survivor of the Nanjing Massacre, died on Tuesday afternoon in Nanjing, capital of Jiangsu province,
the Memorial Hall for the Victims of the Nanjing Massacre by Japanese Invaders said.
Born in 1930, Qiu was hiding in a cellar with four family members when China’s then-capital was captured by the Japanese army
in December 1937. Her mother was shot dead, the bullets piercing her shoulder and chest, when she left the cellar one day.
The four remaining family members later hid in the premises of a foreign food-processing company but were found by the Japanese
and sent to the Yangtze River for execution. They managed to sneak away from the column of captured Chinese being escorted to
the river and avoided execution by hiding in a shed made of straw.
Qiu had been to Japan several times to testify against Japanese right-wingers who rejected the facts of the Nanjing Massacre.
Fewer than 90 registered survivors of the massacre are still alive.
18/06/05 01:26:46.33 rSED7LqK.net
Memorial service held for late Nanjing Massacre survivor
2018-06-01 19:31:29
NANJING, June 1 (Xinhua) -- A light representing Qiu Xiuying on a wall commemorating Nanjing Massacre survivors has been turned off,
signaling her passing.
Qiu, 88, died on Tuesday afternoon in Nanjing, capital of Jiangsu Province. On Friday, a memorial service was held at the Memorial Hall
of the Victims in Nanjing Massacre by Japanese Invaders.
Her family members, staff of the memorial hall, and visitors stood in silent tribute. They laid flowers and bowed to show their respect.
In December 1937, Japanese invaders captured Nanjing, then China's capital, and killed about 300,000 Chinese during a six-week atrocity.
Qiu survived, hiding in a basement with four family members. But her mother was shot dead when she left the basement one day.
Zhang Jianjun, curator of the memorial hall, said the survivors are the living witnesses of history and their experiences are proof of
the atrocities by the Japanese invaders.
"Although my mother has passed away, I will continue telling our future generations what happened," said Li Jincheng, Qiu's son.
According to Zhang, there are only 100 registered survivors who are still alive.
18/06/05 01:27:25.25 rSED7LqK.net
Details About The Rape Of Nanking You'll Never Unlearn
The Rape of Nanking is one of the most brutal moments in the history of humanity. Chinese civilians in the then-capital of the
Republic of China were tortured, raped, and killed in shocking numbers over a span of six weeks. Also known as the Nanjing Massacre,
the event followed one of the battles that involved China during the Second Sino-Japanese War.
The war was a bloody conflict between Japan and the
89: Republic of China from 1937 to 1945. Tensions had been running high between the two countries because their politics and beliefs viciously collided. Then, Japan decided a full-scale invasion was necessary according to its imperialist policies and thus began the Second Sino-Japanese War. Photos of the Second Sino-Japanese War reveal that Japan was initially successful in its military campaign. They captured Nanjing in 1937, which was the capital of China at the time, and continued to spread across their enemy's territory with plans to conquer as much land as possible. Japanese soldiers were told to annihilate both the city and the residents. What followed such vicious orders were mass killings of Chinese citizens, from infants to the elderly. Historians have always debated the death toll, though most agree that around 300,000 perished in the Nanjing Massacre. The atrocities committed against the non-combatant Chinese citizens in the city of Nanjing are sickening. It took several decades for Japan to even acknowledge that mass murder occurred in Nanjing because the horrors were excused as a natural result of military conflict. Below, you will find grisly and abhorrent details about the Rape of Nanking that will stay with you forever. Be warned: both the text and the photos contain graphic content.
18/06/05 01:28:00.35 rSED7LqK.net
The Chinese Government Pulled Out Nearly All Military Troops From Nanjing And Forbade Citizens From Fleeing As Japan Marched Closer
Japan turned its attention on Nanjing after capturing Shanghai in a brutal battle. The Chinese government was afraid of losing
its army in a head-on battle against Japan. Thus, almost all troops were pulled out of Nanjing, save for "untrained auxiliary troops."
Chinese civilians knew that Japanese invaders were coming, but the government would not let them evacuate.
Civilians grew fearful as the armies of their enemy marched ever closer. Many decided to flee despite the government's orders, and by
the time the Japanese arrived on December 13, 1937, approximately 500,000 people remained in Nanjing.
Mass Executions Took Place Immediately
Hubert Sone was a methodist missionary in China when the Rape of Nanjing began in December 1937. He documented the horrors he witnessed
as the Japanese invaded the city on the very first day.
"The Japanese soldiers came into the city in quite large numbers on Monday, Dec. 13. Many civilians were killed on the spot - shot
or bayoneted. Everyone who ran, and many were frightened on the first appearance of the troops, was immediately shot."
Sone also documented the mass executions he witnessed in the following weeks:
"They shot and bayoneted on the spot and without question anyone whom they might consider to be a soldier. As a result, great numbers
of people were shot down, even though in civilian clothes. [...] The streets were literally littered with the dead."
18/06/05 01:28:47.75 rSED7LqK.net
Japanese Soldiers Raped Any Women They Saw And Murdered Them In Horrific Ways
As the Japanese soldiers swarmed through the city, no one was safe - especially the Chinese women. The Japanese troops went from house to
house, looking for Chinese soldiers to execute. Whenever they found a woman, they proceeded to rape her and sometimes even killed her.
Not only were the rapings horrific, the executions were also sickening. Japanese soldiers would kill the women " in a number of horrific ways,
including having their vaginas being penetrated with bayonets, bamboo poles, and other objects. Others were captured and held as sex slaves."
Gang raping and brutal murder became normal in Nanjing. Japanese soldiers knew there were no consequences for their actions, and the
brutality grew worse and worse. Pregnant women were stabbed in the belly, some had their breasts sliced off, and others were nailed to
walls while they were still alive.
18/06/05 01:29:39.86 w+CYBXU8.net
Children Were Not Spared
The children of Nanjing were shown no mercy from the Japanese soldiers. Some were beaten until they were maimed for life, losing their
eyesight or limbs. Others were shot or stabbed to death after their mothers were raped and killed. Girls as young as 13 were gang raped,
and babies were tossed in the air and pierced by bayonets for sport.
One account tells of a five-year-old boy who was injured by a grenade carelessly thrown by Japanese soldiers. The soldiers couldn't
catch a chicken, so they decided to blow it up. The boy was caught in the blast, and suffered grave injuries and the loss of an eye.
A Japanese soldier recounted how, when he stumbled upon a Chinese woman and her baby, he became so enraged by the incessant crying of
the child that he tore the babe from the screaming mother's arms and tossed it into a boiling vat of water. When the mother attempted
to rescue her child, he kicked her and raped her.
18/06/05 01:29:44.65 Tl4cM+XB.net
味方の南ベトナムの婦女子を強姦殺害 凶悪 キチガイ
18/06/05 01:30:16.01 w+CYBXU8.net
Some Women Were Kept As Sex Slaves
Rape ran rampant throughout the six weeks of the Nanjing Massacre. The open assaults shocked civilians as Japanese soldiers went from
house to house, looking for any female victims. Eventually, soldiers grew tired of having to find women, so they began to take them
away and stockpile them in houses as sex slaves. A fifteen-year-old girl told John G. Magee, an American missionary, about such an experience:
"She was carried off to some barracks where there were some 200 to 300 soldiers. She was kept in a room and her clothes taken away
and there raped a number of times daily for about a month and a half when she took sick and they were afraid to use her. She told me
that there were a number of other girls held there in the same way as herself."
18/06/05 01:30:56.10 w+CYBXU8.net
Thousands Were Executed And Tossed Into Mass Graves
Thousands of Chinese soldiers and civilians captured during the invasion found themselves taken in large groups to ditches, where they
were executed and tossed into mass graves. The largest of these graves became known as the Ten Thousand Corpse Ditch. The ditch was a trench
that was five meters wide and 300 meters long, and it is believed at that least 12,000 bodies were thrown into the mass grave.
Tillman Durdin, an American reporter for the New York Times, recalled how horrific the executions were. He remembered how in a span of
ten minutes, 200 people were murdered. He writes:
"I was 29 and it was my first big story for the New York Times. So I drove down to the waterfront in my car. And to get to the gate
I had to just climb over masses of bodies accumulated there. The car just had to drive over these dead bodies. And the scene on
the river front, as I waited for the launch [...] was of a group of smoking, chattering Japanese officers overseeing the massacring of
a battalion of Chinese captured troops. They were marching about in groups of about 15, machine-gunning them."
18/06/05 01:31:20.74 w+CYBXU8.net
Chinese Prisoners Were Buried Alive
With the initial invasion of Nanjing came several executions. While gunning down victims and throwing the bodies into trenches was
a common practice, so was burying them alive. Groups of victims would be forced into a hole and have dirt heaped on top of them as
several Japanese soldiers watched.
The Japanese Soldiers Set Captured Prisoners On Fire
Being captured did not mean safety as a prisoner-of-war. Indeed, it was a guarantee of a potentially more gruesome death. For many of
the soldiers, their gruesome treatment of captured Chinese people was nothing more than a game. Some prisoners were tied together in groups,
doused in fuel, and lit on fire. Some groups had grenades tossed amidst them. One female caked herself in mud to hide, but was found,
locked in a shed with straw, and burned to death.
Live Chinese Prisoners Were Used In Practice Drills By The Japanese Soldiers
Japanese soldiers used Chinese soldiers in live demonstrations about how to kill with a bayonete. Chinese troops were slaughtered in
practice drills outlining the most effective way to behead enemies.
18/06/05 01:31:56.93 w+CYBXU8.net
Nanjing Was Razed To The Ground
The city of Nanjing was essentially burned to the ground. Accounts tell of how the Japanese troops seemed to be systematically
destroying the city:
"The homes of many people have been burned, and shops and stores are still burning. Every day and night fires can be seen in the city.
Nearly all of Taiping and Chung Hwa Roads have been burned. Nearly all the important business and shopping districts have been burned.
[...] So the people cannot all go home even when they might be able to. Many of the villages outside the city have been burned."
18/06/05 01:32:00.43 Tl4cM+XB.net
18/06/05 01:33:10.97 w+CYBXU8.net
It Took Almost 60 Years For Japan To Formally Apologize
Many in 21st century Japan are skeptical about the extent of crimes perpetuated during those six weeks of the Rape of Nanjing. Though
most acknowledge that horrible crimes have happened, there remains a lot of controversy as to the death toll and the atrocity of the event.
The controversy has raged for decades, despite legal decisions made at the war crimes tribunals after the war ended.
Almost 60 years after those fateful events took place, the Japanese Prime Minister kind of apologized for Japan's actions in China.
It was not a direct apology, which angered some people in China. Xinhua, a Chinese news agency, wrote:
"Instead of offering an unambiguous apology, Abe’s statement is rife with rhetorical twists like ‘maintain our position of apology’
– dead giveaways of his deep-rooted historical revisionism, which has haunted Japan’s neighbourhood relations."
There are a few in Japan who still believe that the massacre never took place, though is a bit rare. The issue of Nanking continues to be
one of the most formative events in the relationships between Japan and most of east Asia.
18/06/05 01:34:14.47 w+CYBXU8.net
Nanjing Massacre
18/06/05 01:37:10.27 Tl4cM+XB.net
18/06/05 01:50:16.71 gx45ATl0.net
18/06/05 02:52:24.94 gx45ATl0.net
× 日本の侵略、日本が悪い
○ 日本は被害者。 悪いのは侵略者のイギリスアメリカ列強中国、NHKマスゴミ敗戦革命サヨク
・ 世界大戦の政府はサヨク政府(ゾルゲ事件ソ連サポーター近衛や木戸幸一や瀬島や朝枝繁春等 ルーズベルト政権も共産ソ連サポーター(ヴェノナ文書
・ イギリス中国アメリカ列強が日本を侵略したのを殆どスルー、偏向のサヨクTV局 ・ アメリカ列強は未だに侵略地だらけ ←←
・ 多くの植民地アジア国が列強の手先で敵 = 植民地アジア国は悪
・ 日本は侵略者列強に正当性ある自衛反撃をしただけ(ゾルゲ事件サヨク敗戦革命に誘導されたが、日本の反撃は正当
・ 例:元寇大虐殺、尼港大虐殺、長崎事件、アメリカイギリス小笠原諸島侵略事件、フェートン号事件、安政五カ国条約、文化露寇、ロシア軍艦対馬侵略事件、ユウ江門事件等
・ 日本に正当性がある → その正当性をサヨクが敗戦革命に利用し戦争誘導 → イギリスソ連アメリカ中国等列強サヨク
18/06/05 03:13:24.26 gx45ATl0.net
【 中国の悪事等(一例。他大量にある) 】
・1871年 宮古島島民遭難虐殺事件
・1886年 長崎事件(李鴻章=恫喝の反日クズ
・1896年 芝山巌事件(六氏先生
・1919年 寛城子事件
・1920年 尼港大虐殺事件
・1800~1900年代 数多の反日テロリスト事件、抗日パルチザン等(シナ朝鮮や様々な国であった
・1927年 真の南京事件・漢�
105:緖膜� ・1928年 済南事件(中国による虐殺。中国やサヨクによる捏造被害者面プロパガンダに発展 ・1930年 間島共産党暴動テロ ・1930~年代 ハロルド・ティンバリー反日工作事件 ・1931年 中村大尉殺害事件 ・1931年 万宝山事件暴動テロ ・1930~年代 東北抗日聯軍問題 ・1937年 大山事件、普天堡日本人虐殺事件 通州事件 (シナ人側による日本人虐殺 堅壁清野(焦土作戦)、ユウ江門事件(内ゲバ ・1938年 長沙大火、黄河決壊事件 ・1940~年 通化事件 ・1940~年 満州等引き上げ時等に中国等が日本人を大規模に拉致強制連行大虐殺事件問題(芸人友近先祖も被害?
18/06/05 03:27:42.03 gx45ATl0.net
【米中】天安門事件から29年 米国は死者数公表を要求、中国は猛反発 ★2
18/06/05 04:30:10.83 YTUd62Bl.net
18/06/05 04:51:56.63 gx45ATl0.net
これをどうぞ↓ もちろん共感できるよね
北朝鮮民族 = 反日テロリスト抗日パルチザン東北抗日聯軍金日成系象徴 = 反日テロリスト民族
韓国民族 = 反日テロリスト大韓民国臨時政府光復軍系象徴 = 反日テロリスト民族
18/06/05 07:45:09.95 hIIkgJ0X.net
18/06/05 09:20:30.13 gx45ATl0.net
【区別をヘイトスピーチ扱い】「反ヘイト条例は是か非か」討論会が反対派サヨクの抗議で中止 反対派は座り込み妨害 講演の弁護士ら、会場に入れず★2
【反日クズ韓国人】韓国小学生86%、日本が嫌い「独島を自分の領土だと言い張るから」 「日帝時代の蛮行のせい」 「歴史をわい曲するから」
【韓国世論調査】 「日本に親しみを感じない」8割近く、 「親しみを感じる」13%
サヨク → 北朝鮮・中国共産党レベルの言葉狩り弾圧をする集団
証拠 → YouTube動画を大量にBAN工作( = ネット元寇 ) 朝鮮に忖度
18/06/05 10:34:49.60 eT88/j2s.net
18/06/05 15:46:11.48 Tl4cM+XB.net
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18/06/05 16:05:50.43 DiRalUHo.net
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18/06/05 16:08:16.41 ykpN2X+Q.net
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18/06/05 16:13:10.08 Q0VjmCPB.net
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18/06/05 16:15:56.32 Q0VjmCPB.net
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18/06/05 16:16:36.67 Q0VjmCPB.net
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18/06/05 16:16:57.19 Q0VjmCPB.net
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Rock54: Caution(BBR-MD5:1341adc37120578f18dba9451e6c8c3b)
18/06/05 16:40:22.83 Q0VjmCPB.net
general adult man general adult man
general adult man general adult man
アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍アダルトマン将軍 👀
Rock54: Caution(BBR-MD5:1341adc37120578f18dba9451e6c8c3b)
18/06/05 16:40:40.51 Q0VjmCPB.net
general adult man general adult man
general adult man general adult man
アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍アダルトマン将軍
18/06/05 16:40:42.14 Q0VjmCPB.net
general adult man general adult man
general adult man general adult man
アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍アダルトマン将軍
18/06/05 16:40:57.20 Q0VjmCPB.net
general adult man general adult man
general adult man general adult man
アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍アダルトマン将軍
18/06/05 16:40:59.02 Q0VjmCPB.net
general adult man general adult man
general adult man general adult man
アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍アダルトマン将軍
18/06/05 16:41:14.14 Q0VjmCPB.net
general adult man general adult man
general adult man general adult man
アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍アダルトマン将軍
18/06/05 16:41:15.97 Q0VjmCPB.net
general adult man general adult man
general adult man general adult man
アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍アダルトマン将軍
18/06/05 16:41:30.95 Q0VjmCPB.net
general adult man general adult man
general adult man general adult man
アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍アダルトマン将軍 👀
Rock54: Caution(BBR-MD5:1341adc37120578f18dba9451e6c8c3b)
18/06/05 16:41:32.85 Q0VjmCPB.net
general adult man general adult man
general adult man general adult man
アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍アダルトマン将軍 👀
Rock54: Caution(BBR-MD5:1341adc37120578f18dba9451e6c8c3b)
18/06/05 16:41:47.83 Q0VjmCPB.net
general adult man general adult man
general adult man general adult man
アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍アダルトマン将軍
18/06/05 16:41:49.38 Q0VjmCPB.net
general adult man general adult man
general adult man general adult man
アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍アダルトマン将軍
18/06/05 16:42:04.61 Q0VjmCPB.net
general adult man general adult man
general adult man general adult man
アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍アダルトマン将軍
18/06/05 16:42:06.55 Q0VjmCPB.net
general adult man general adult man
general adult man general adult man
アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍アダルトマン将軍
18/06/05 16:42:21.79 Q0VjmCPB.net
general adult man general adult man
general adult man general adult man
アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍アダルトマン将軍
18/06/05 16:42:23.59 Q0VjmCPB.net
general adult man general adult man
general adult man general adult man
アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍アダルトマン将軍
18/06/05 16:42:38.37 Q0VjmCPB.net
general adult man general adult man
general adult man general adult man
アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍アダルトマン将軍 👀
Rock54: Caution(BBR-MD5:1341adc37120578f18dba9451e6c8c3b)
18/06/05 16:42:40.11 Q0VjmCPB.net
general adult man general adult man
general adult man general adult man
アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍アダルトマン将軍 👀
Rock54: Caution(BBR-MD5:1341adc37120578f18dba9451e6c8c3b)
18/06/05 16:42:55.31 Q0VjmCPB.net
170:#128512; 😗😗😗😗😗😗😗😗😗😗😗😗😗😗 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎 😙😙😙😙😙😙😙😙😙😙😙😙😙😙 😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐 😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑 😶😶😶😶😶😶😶😶😶😶😶😶😶😶 😛😛😛😛😛😛😛😛😛😛😛😛😛😛 😕😕😕😕😕😕😕😕😕😕😕😕😕😕 😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴 general adult man general adult man general adult man general adult man アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍アダルトマン将軍
18/06/05 16:42:57.11 Q0VjmCPB.net
general adult man general adult man
general adult man general adult man
アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍アダルトマン将軍
18/06/05 16:43:11.96 Q0VjmCPB.net
general adult man general adult man
general adult man general adult man
アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍アダルトマン将軍
18/06/05 16:43:13.75 Q0VjmCPB.net
general adult man general adult man
general adult man general adult man
アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍アダルトマン将軍
18/06/05 16:44:17.97 Q0VjmCPB.net
general adult man general adult man general adult man general adult man
アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍アダルトマン将軍
18/06/05 16:44:19.76 Q0VjmCPB.net
general adult man general adult man general adult man general adult man
アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍アダルトマン将軍
18/06/05 16:44:35.34 Q0VjmCPB.net
general adult man general adult man
general adult man general adult man
アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍アダルトマン将軍
18/06/05 16:44:38.57 Q0VjmCPB.net
general adult man general adult man
general adult man general adult man
アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍アダルトマン将軍
18/06/05 16:44:53.83 Q0VjmCPB.net
general adult man general adult man
general adult man general adult man
アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍アダルトマン将軍
18/06/05 16:44:55.78 Q0VjmCPB.net
general adult man general adult man
general adult man general adult man
アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍アダルトマン将軍
18/06/05 16:45:11.11 Q0VjmCPB.net
general adult man general adult man
general adult man general adult man
アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍 アダルトマン将軍アダルトマン将軍