18/05/26 17:20:10.23 tkxdE6by.net
subject:Descrimination against the Jewish people in Japanese Youtube channel
body: Dear Simon Wiesenthal,
my name is XXX, XXX, Japan.
The reason I am writing this e-mail to you is because I found some videos, which contains discriminative contents against the Jewish people.
Although I reported them to Youtube soon, some of the videos still remain there.
Could you request YouTube to delete these videos?
♯72 報道特注【高須クリニック院長降臨SP!①】
From 11:00 in this video a white haired man says
"We [ = Armed Forces of the Empire of Japan] were held down a good relationship
with Hitler. He may have done some bad things, but he did also good things.
It is said that around 8 million Jews were slaughtered in Holocaust,
but it was not true. It's an exaggrated number."
He repeat racial discrimination as routine duties in a big Youtube channel
and his twitter account (URLリンク(twitter.com)).
He was disaffiliated from American Academy Of Cosmetic Surgery before due to antisemitism and Holocaust denial so you might know him.
【Front Japan 桜】関東大震災「朝鮮人虐殺6600人」の嘘 / 北朝鮮経済制裁でなぜ原発を止めるのか / 民進党は
From 12:01 in this video, a white haired man said
"South Koreans see Japan as a business opportunity and are earning money
from Japanese government just like Jews did it, what is called Holocaust-business."
Best regards,
地の文の Jew は全てthe Jewishに変更するように