23/12/18 18:02:51.19 dBAQxKM90.net
So how was I trained "to be different" as a kid, was that my parents never gave me that many toys at all. I didn't have a Tamagotchi, a Nintendo, a Wii, an Xbox, nothing. What they gave me, however, was a hot glue gun, and I had to make my own toys. That's where the first area of me was almost being put in a position, or almost forced to be in a position where I had to be creative in solving one of the first problems you ever have as a kid which is how to keep yourself entertained.
この背景で、That's where the first area of me was almost being put in a position, この部分が文法的にどう捉えて良いのか良く分かんないんだけど…