[English] -- 英文法・語法に関する質問 Part 28at ENGLISH
[English] -- 英文法・語法に関する質問 Part 28 - 暇つぶし2ch205:名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 1e6a-Eo7F)
23/12/08 12:54:42.12 KZhsHO3j0.net
on the deskの場合、前置詞のonがthe deskを修飾していると言えますか?

はい、正しいです。"on the desk"の場合、前置詞の"on"は名詞句"the desk"を修飾しています。この表現では、"on"が"the desk"の場所や位置を示しています。


206:名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ eae2-cSwH)
23/12/08 13:43:12.46 6DS9BP4s0.net

User:Is the preposition “on” modifying “the desk” in the phrase “on the desk”?

ChatGPT:Yes, in the phrase "on the desk," the preposition "on" is indicating the relationship between the noun "desk" and another element....


User:Is the preposition “on” modifying “the desk” in the phrase “Look at the book on the desk”?

ChatGPT:In the phrase "Look at the book on the desk," the preposition "on" is not modifying "the desk." Instead, the preposition is indicating the relationship between the verb "Look" and the object of the preposition, "the book." The prepositional phrase "on the desk" functions as an adverbial phrase providing additional information about where to look for the book.....


User:How is it the case that the preposition “on” is modifying “the desk” in the phrase “On the desk,” but the preposition “on” is not modifying “the desk” in the sentence “Look at the book on the desk.”?

ChatGPT:I appreciate your question and would like to clarify any confusion. In both cases, the preposition "on" is indicating a relationship between other elements in the sentence, and it's accurate to say that it is providing information about the location of an object. Let's break down the two examples....

207:名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ eae2-cSwH)
23/12/08 13:47:43.01 6DS9BP4s0.net

"On the desk":
In this simple phrase, "on" establishes the relationship between the preposition and the noun "desk." It provides information about the location of something (unspecified in this case) in relation to the desk. Here, "on" directly modifies "the desk."

"Look at the book on the desk":
In this sentence, "on the desk" is part of a larger phrase. The preposition "on" is still indicating a relationship, but it is now part of the prepositional phrase "on the desk," which functions as an adverbial phrase modifying the verb "look." It provides information about where to look for the book, but in this context, it's not directly modifying "the desk" in the sense of describing the desk itself.

In the first example, "on the desk" is a standalone prepositional phrase providing information about the desk. In the second example, "on the desk" is part of a larger structure providing information about where to look for the book. The key difference lies in how the prepositional phrase interacts with the overall sentence structure and what it is modifying within that structure.

208:名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 1e6a-Eo7F)
23/12/08 13:52:20.68 KZhsHO3j0.net
on the deskの場合、前置詞のonがthe deskを修飾していると言えますか?

はい、正しいです。"on the desk"の場合、前置詞の"on"は名詞句"the desk"を修飾しています。この表現では、"on"が"the desk"の場所や位置を示しています。


209:名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ eae2-cSwH)
23/12/08 13:53:35.15 6DS9BP4s0.net

User:If "on" in the stand alone phrase "on the desk" provides "information about the location of something (unspecified in this case) in relation to the desk,” then the "on" is supposed to be modifying the something unspecified, not the desk, is it not?

ChatGPT:You are correct, and I appreciate your careful consideration. I misspoke in my previous responses, and I appreciate the opportunity to clarify.

In the stand-alone phrase "on the desk," the preposition "on" is indeed providing information about the location of something (unspecified) in relation to the desk. Therefore, it would be more accurate to say that "on" is indicating the relationship between the preposition and the unspecified item rather than directly modifying "the desk."

I appreciate your attention to detail, and I apologize for any confusion caused by the oversight in my earlier responses.

210:名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 1e6a-Eo7F)
23/12/08 13:59:44.83 KZhsHO3j0.net

211:名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 1e6a-Eo7F)
23/12/08 14:08:39.05 KZhsHO3j0.net
Until less than five days ago
もlessが形容詞で、than five daysが比較を表す句という説明
です。lessは名詞でthan five daysが形容詞句でlessにかかり、thanは前置詞で、less than five days が名詞句
で、agoが前置詞で、less than five days agoが副詞句で、
それに前置詞のuntil がついて、前置詞の後に副詞句がきて、until less than five days ago が副詞句になっているという解釈でいいか?

23/12/08 14:49:41.22 6DS9BP4s0.net

213:名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 1ec7-y1Bm)
23/12/08 22:47:24.05 KZhsHO3j0.net
