オレの英語ノートat ENGLISH
オレの英語ノート - 暇つぶし2ch89:名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 0b55-NxyT)
23/09/28 09:33:24.90 1Gwh+nDE0.net
tk_tk (不要な方のN.G登録用)

90:名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 539d-R3K4)
23/09/28 11:01:04.67 GU+25CJS0.net

91:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM)
23/09/28 12:56:49.56 D0aR6B560.net
turn a profit=make a profit

92:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM)
23/09/28 13:07:12.35 D0aR6B560.net
She has faced questions over her autonomy in the role as CEO and the company's ability to court advertisers who have been wary of the rapid change.
to court
-try hard to win (favourable attention)
-seek - pursue - go after - try to obtain

93:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM)
23/09/28 13:10:32.35 D0aR6B560.net
The velocity of change and the scope of ambition
-the speed of something in a given direction
-the extent of subject matter that something deals with or to which it is relevant

94:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM)
23/09/28 13:22:43.00 D0aR6B560.net
-hostile to or prejudiced against Jewish people
Musk accused the nonprofit that works to fight antisemitism of primarily causing a 60 per cent decrease in US ad revenue at X.
She also defended Musk's right to speak out on the platform.
"Freedom of speech is only successful if someone you disagree with says something you disagree with."

95:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM)
23/09/28 13:26:57.23 D0aR6B560.net
-the setting or background for a scene, event or situation
No matter the distance of the weather, she was determined to see the giant pandas before they left Washington.

96:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM)
23/09/28 13:27:44.50 D0aR6B560.net
*no matter the distance or the weather

97:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM)
23/09/28 13:32:54.55 D0aR6B560.net
-disorder or confusion, uproar
-bedlam - chaos - mayhem - madness - havoc - turmoil
"I've had 'panda-monium' ever since."

98:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM)
23/09/28 13:38:04.55 D0aR6B560.net
-an all-out crazy party
The zoo has kicked off a week long "Panda Palooza" event ahead of the departure.

99:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM)
23/09/28 13:41:42.96 D0aR6B560.net
While the departure had been expected due to contractual obligations, many can't help but see the shift as reflective of the growing strains between two countries.

100:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM)
23/09/28 13:46:52.86 D0aR6B560.net
-the young of a fox, bear, lion, or other carnivorous mammal.
-baby - whelp - offspring

101:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM)
23/09/28 13:51:11.93 D0aR6B560.net
While giant pandas are extremely specialized herbivores, they possess the digestive system of a carnivore.

102:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM)
23/09/28 13:52:59.55 D0aR6B560.net
They tend to 'bestow' pandas as a form of soft power projection.

103:名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW a332-eaKJ)
23/09/28 13:58:12.20 WGZWXuVP0.net

104:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM)
23/09/28 13:58:14.82 D0aR6B560.net
-the general meaning, character, or pattern of something
"In that respect, given the current tenor of our relations it is not surprising that the authorities are allowing panda contracts to expire."

105:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM)
23/09/28 14:04:01.62 D0aR6B560.net
One attendee highlighted successful efforts to grow the wild population of pandas.
"We've come a long way in getting the numbers back."
The species remains listed as vulnerable.

106:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM)
23/09/28 14:04:46.85 D0aR6B560.net
The singular form of species is also species.

107:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM)
23/09/28 14:07:45.18 D0aR6B560.net
let up
-(of something undesirable) become less intense
-abate - lessen - decrease - diminish - subside
As the rain let up, a steady stream of visitors began filling the area around the panda's outdoor enclosure.

108:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM)
23/09/28 14:12:59.35 D0aR6B560.net
-a small piece of ground

109:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM)
23/09/28 14:21:59.76 D0aR6B560.net
区切り ( ・ω・ )

110:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM)
23/09/28 14:25:25.14 D0aR6B560.net
"I don't think everyone is completely innocent, but I don't think there's any point in faulting anyone too much either."

111:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM)
23/09/28 14:35:51.07 D0aR6B560.net
"This is such a common misconception that somehow if you get rich and famous all your problems are solved."
"When in reality these are just cravings that everyone has that will never leave you satisfied."
"You will never feel happy and content."

112:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM)
23/09/28 14:42:17.84 D0aR6B560.net
"It should be in their best interest to make sure that anyone that signs up gets a good service."
"But in their terms of service, they say that they don't."
"And this is obviously, because they are mass producing it."

113:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM)
23/09/28 15:06:15.62 D0aR6B560.net
区切り ( ・ω・ )
-ooze -exude - drip - dribble - discharge - trickle
The reason I cant use as much demon magic is because this one here is broken, meaning the magic seeps out.
I'm the only one in my family with a broken horn. I'm very pissed about it.
You think that with the kind of people that they are that maybe they would have encountered something like that but you know it's it's whatever.

114:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ 1e89-CSnM)
23/09/28 15:28:03.87 D0aR6B560.net

115:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ニククエ 1e89-CSnM)
23/09/29 15:36:59.66 qJqvJwba0NIKU.net
( ・ω・ ) 再開

116:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ニククエ 1e89-CSnM)
23/09/29 15:56:33.16 qJqvJwba0NIKU.net

-a substance that brings about a chemical or physical effect or causes a chemical reaction

-remove or conceal an unpleasant smell
-freshen - purify - disinfect - sanitize - sterilize

117:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ニククエ 1e89-CSnM)
23/09/29 16:07:27.87 qJqvJwba0NIKU.net
区切り ( ・ω・ )
cut it close
- to almost not be able to do something, to almost fail, lose, etc

There are two types of people: those who show up to the airport hours before their flight, and those who cut it close.

118:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ニククエ 1e89-CSnM)
23/09/29 18:06:44.97 qJqvJwba0NIKU.net

119:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ニククエ 1e89-CSnM)
23/09/29 18:46:35.57 qJqvJwba0NIKU.net

120:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ニククエ 1e89-CSnM)
23/09/29 21:59:49.65 qJqvJwba0NIKU.net
Project Gutenbergというサイトでパブリックドメインの本を探してみようと思います

121:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ニククエ 1e89-CSnM)
23/09/29 22:52:03.15 qJqvJwba0NIKU.net
Title: A Short History of the World
Author: H. G. Wells

122:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ニククエ 1e89-CSnM)
23/09/29 23:02:45.34 qJqvJwba0NIKU.net

123:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ニククエ 1e89-CSnM)
23/09/29 23:10:31.05 qJqvJwba0NIKU.net

124:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ cb89-tvb5)
23/09/30 02:53:45.03 /UXwlDdg0.net
( ・ω・ )読書開始 >>121

125:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ cb89-tvb5)
23/09/30 03:05:11.44 /UXwlDdg0.net
It is universally recognized that.....
the universe in which we live .....

126:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ cb89-tvb5)
23/09/30 03:06:20.65 /UXwlDdg0.net
That S V ...... may be regarded as an altogether exploded idea.

127:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ cb89-tvb5)
23/09/30 03:08:31.41 /UXwlDdg0.net
The earth is a spheroid
a sphere slightly compressed, with a diameter of 8000 miles

128:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ cb89-tvb5)
23/09/30 03:10:05.84 /UXwlDdg0.net
has been known at least to a limited of intelligent people...
but before that time it was supposed to be flat...

129:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ cb89-tvb5)
23/09/30 03:12:13.83 /UXwlDdg0.net
various ideas which now seem fantastic were entertained

130:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ cb89-tvb5)
23/09/30 03:13:48.65 /UXwlDdg0.net
this is the cause of the alternations of day and night
it circles about the sun

131:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ cb89-tvb5)
23/09/30 03:16:05.76 /UXwlDdg0.net
Earth and Moon are not the only bodies to travel round the sun.

132:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ cb89-tvb5)
23/09/30 03:18:09.27 /UXwlDdg0.net
...will serve to give one some conception of the immense emptiness of space in which the drama of life goes on.

133:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ cb89-tvb5)
23/09/30 03:19:22.77 /UXwlDdg0.net
we know of life only upon the surface of our earth.

134:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ cb89-tvb5)
23/09/30 03:21:14.66 /UXwlDdg0.net
No bird can fly so high as five miles

135:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ cb89-tvb5)
23/09/30 04:17:41.57 /UXwlDdg0.net

136:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ cb89-tvb5)
23/09/30 14:13:49.49 /UXwlDdg0.net
( ・ω・ )終わり>>121

137:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ cb89-tvb5)
23/09/30 14:44:26.00 /UXwlDdg0.net
He established a routine anew. Every morning he drank coffee, fixed the door, then smashed it.
It was a labore to memorize all his routines.
It got so that every time she saw the door, she could hear the shattering sound in her mind.

138:Cit ◆Ofshu0TFjUiu (ワッチョイ cb89-tvb5)
23/09/30 14:50:10.46 /UXwlDdg0.net
I liked playing football when we lived there. I thought of little else during that time.
My only worry was a potential injury.
