I wanna be rich.at ENGLISH
I wanna be rich. - 暇つぶし2ch2:名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 7fdf-ayqt)
23/05/13 08:34:02.64 2plK0Hb10.net
Success in life depends heavily on luck, so I think it's good to think about
how to increase the chances of getting lucky and how to make the most of luck.
But don't try too hard at first. If you try too hard, you will catch bad luck.
It's the same with learning English and getting rich.

23/05/13 14:22:38.75 uEW7rzjDa.net
First things first do you think it's depends on luck if you can get success or not while the one can speak english?

23/05/13 14:24:06.52 uEW7rzjDa.net
And do you think wanting luck gives one bad luck?

5:名無しさん@英語勉強中 (JP 0Hff-+/XS)
23/05/13 20:39:25.69 phh7q0+gH.net
There is something called the "Law of Reversal of Effort".
The harder you study English, the worse it gets.
You know that going to school makes you stupid.
As long as you use English, you will naturally improve without realizing it.
Effort hinders progress. Of course, looking from the outside, the person
looks like he is making an effort.
Toddlers try hard to find words. But as an infant, you probably don't think
you made an effort to learn the language.

23/05/14 06:50:50.83 laHzmyC5H.net
What does ”luck” mean to you? Money? social status?
There are acquaintances who have social status and money,
but who are excessively concerned about complaints from local residents,
who always use excessively polite language and are excessively timid.
I persuaded him over and over again, saying, "Don't take vaccines because they're dangerous."
Nevertheless, he was overly timid, so he took advantage of his priority position and shot him first,
and even gave him three more shots.
As a result, he suffers from extreme ill health.

7:名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウウー Sa67-5hI3)
23/05/18 02:19:58.05 DFf16kEFa.net
These days, if one only can speak English, will they be able to be rich?
