英検1級に棚ぼた合格した者が、TOEFL何点取れるのかat ENGLISH
英検1級に棚ぼた合格した者が、TOEFL何点取れるのか - 暇つぶし2ch38:棚ぼた
23/01/23 14:06:46.34 AsNuuM99p.net

Agree or disagree:Industrialization has had an overall beneficial effect on humankind.
It is true that industrialization has brought about negative effects such as the development of nuclear weapons and environmental pollution.
However, I agree with the idea that industrialization has had an overall beneficial effect on humankind.
There are three reasons to support my opinion.
The first reason is the development of transportation.
Thanks to the development of transportation systems such as trains and airplanes, we are now able to travel abroad in a short amount of time.
Not only from the perspective of individuals but also from the perspective of society, it has created an internationalization of business and has also enabled trade facilitation.
The second reason is the evolution of information devices.
The latest types of information devices such as smartphones have made it possible to instantly communicate with distant people anytime, anywhere.
Owing to such instant communication, we can easily interact with a wide variety of people.
The third reason is medical breakthroughs.
For example, the development of medical equipment has dramatically lengthened people's lifespans.
Also, diseases which were incurable in the past can now be cured, thanks to the latest medical technology.
For these reasons, even taking into account that the negative effects of industrialization certainly exists, I believe that the advantages of industrialization outweigh the disadvantages of that.

39:棚ぼた ◆tnTl1nZEu77W (ササクッテロ Spc7-oudr)
23/01/23 15:07:19.24 AsNuuM99p.net

Agree or disagree:Industrialization has had an overall beneficial effect on humankind.

It is true that industrialization has brought about negative effects such as the development of nuclear weapons and environmental pollution.
However, I agree with the idea that industrialization has had an overall beneficial effect on humankind.
There are three reasons to support my opinion.

The first reason is the development of transportation.
Thanks to the development of transportation systems such as trains and airplanes, we are now able to travel abroad in a short amount of time.
Not only from the perspective of individuals but also from the perspective of society, it has created an internationalization of business and has also enabled trade facilitation.

The second reason is the evolution of information devices.
The latest types of information devices such as smartphones have made it possible to instantly communicate with distant people anytime, anywhere.
Owing to such instant communication, we can easily interact with a wide variety of people.

The third reason is medical breakthroughs.
For example, the development of medical equipment has dramatically lengthened people's lifespans.
Also, diseases which were incurable in the past can now be cured, thanks to the latest medical technology.

For these reasons, also considering that the negative aspects of industrialization can be controlled to some extent by human reason, I believe that the advantages of industrialization outweigh the disadvantages of that.

40:名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ e355-qYbV)
23/01/23 19:30:18.00 x43K7Ule0.net
Not only from the perspective of individuals but also the perspective of society,
it has created an internationalization of business and has also enabled trade facilitation.

Also, diseases that were incurable in the past can now be cured, thanks to the latest medical technology.

41:棚ぼた ◆tnTl1nZEu77W (ササクッテロ Spc7-oudr)
23/01/23 22:16:45.32 BjOkl2t+p.net

23/01/23 22:32:04.12 x43K7Ule0.net
"Which" is a relative pronoun that is used to refer to something previously mentioned or understood.
In this sentence, it is not clear what "which" is referring to and it is not necessary for the sentence's meaning.
"That" is used instead as a relative pronoun to indicate the diseases that were once incurable.
