英文を気の向くままに書いていくスレat ENGLISH
英文を気の向くままに書いていくスレ - 暇つぶし2ch104:名無しさん@英語勉強中
22/10/18 00:44:05.55 Wa9OwHb/0.net
Today, I'm gonna think about why Japan is not concerned with global environmental issues such as global warming, extreme weather, and introducing natural energy.
Nowadays, it is a big problem in advanced countries how to fix the environmental problem we're facing to lead this world to be sustainable for future generations.
EU countries recently announced that they're trying to accomplish the goal that coming to be a fully EV society by 2030, and now quickly shifting to EVs from ordinary vehicles.
but, this essay unexpectedly take much amount of time than I thought before.
I cannot avoid giving up todays writing.

22/10/18 01:35:06.77 Wa9OwHb/0.net
I struggle with the fact that my lack of knowledge in various subjects causes my inability of writing about them.
It seems a common problem with anyone.

22/10/18 04:56:03.05 Tis2fd7x0.net
Taro finished today's work so he has free time.
Taro thinks about why my right hand is shivering.
He says this is Japanese samurai shivering so he wants to exercise now.
But he has been exercised already so he has no willpower.
He watches a display as doing net surfing for kill his free time.

22/10/19 07:45:24.63 aXaBSdF+0.net
Have you ever studied environmental problems on your own? Perhaps you are too busy in your everyday life to think about it, which is not special but common for people in Japan (I am one of that).
I guess the reason why not learn it is that we consider the knowledge of it meaningless for our happy life, which means we favor pursuing something like bringing us just actual profits such as money, promotion, and hobby.
I just want to say jaaaaaaaap! sorry, I am a kenmomen.

22/10/19 09:15:04.12 KJwWtBjg0.net
Today night is very cold so Taro can't wake up from the futon.
But now has good sunshine and warm his room so he got willpower.
But he rest today for his mental care. These are very important things.
If he makes effort then he would get damage his mind so he needs rest for his health.

22/10/20 07:52:18.56 Gp9i+bXM0.net
This summer's heat waves raged all over the world, especially in European countries, and this circumstance is said to be attributed to global warming resulting from industrial and household usage of fossil fuels.
I have heard the thesis is not true, but recent extreme weather certainly proved that climate change is an actual crisis we're faced with now. It seems there is no room for doubt.

22/10/21 02:26:17.10 B7RuTKPS0.net
How to make him notice a booger is sticking to his nose not to embarrass him? Maybe you guys feel like this question doesn't deserve to be considered by saying "don't take much time for such a stupid thing". However, is this attitude truly smart? That's because thinking anything deeply doesn't waste time but widens your perspective you have, so let me know your answer.

22/10/22 00:21:36.20 2tT4W+oM0.net
A: I believe Mr. Yamagami is a miserable victim rather than a ruthless murderer, so at minimum, he should not be convicted of the death penalty.
Some insisted on saying this is a challenge to democracy in Japan and an unprecedented terrorist attack, which has a certain fair point enough to say because of the consequence of the former PM's assassination. However, their perspective seems to be very narrow and doesn't see his tragic background.
As above I wrote, we are carelessly prone to thinking someone is awful for a conclusion, but something lurks in that back that we can't notice if not try to recognize. I always feel like Japanese people are likely to simply determine whether someone is good or evil without considering the contexts and backgrounds.
From Kenmo point of view, Yamagami is not guilty and grants a pardon for the sake of honoring his great achievement.
Today, I can write a lot and feel great.

22/10/22 00:25:00.14 2tT4W+oM0.net
I forgot to mention it
Q: Do you think Yamagami, who is said to be a notorious terrorist, should be heavily punished for the former PM's assassination?

22/10/23 01:16:42.71 A7BzR1GL0.net
Eiken Pre-grade1
Agree or disagree: The number of young people who live with their parents after they finish their education will increase in the future (POINTS: Convenience, Cost of living, Personal freedom, Safety)

22/10/23 01:18:22.11 A7BzR1GL0.net
A:I agree with this idea for the following two reasons.
First, I think that young people's minds have been changing to pursue safety rather than personal freedom. Conventionally, they were believed to prefer freedom even if something is sacrificed. But recently, this stereotypical image has been shifted to their passive minds by mass media in Japan.
Second, as I said above in the first reason, their minds have been more passive than in the past, so younger generations have considered their low cost of living so important. These days, young people think they don't need to be promoted at their workplace because of their unwillingness to work so much. Living with their parents, they are able to decrease work times and enjoy more favorite things.
Based on the above two reasons, I agree with this idea.

22/10/23 09:41:51.81 4j+LULCT0.net
Today is Sunday so Taro has free time.
Taro is thinking to go to a picnic or shopping today.
But Taro thought why he want to go to these nevertheless he is alone.
He has no friends and no talk partner so he can't play with another one.
He is thinking again to he will play pc and net surfing in his room.
Today is a very peaceful day.
He can eat free and he can sleep free which is very important for life.

22/10/24 05:21:00.17 6MSsl9wm0.net
Taro woke up a while ago and ate breakfast.
He likes rice and natto so this morning too he ate these foods.
But he thinks to want to eat junk food once in a while.
Examples, Macdonalds, Hotmotto, Katsuya, etc.
But natto is a very healthful food so he keeps his health with it.
Recently, he has desire that become to large day and day. But he hasn't how to solve it.

22/10/24 08:04:12.03 01Ju8Mrf0.net
I often confuse the way of using prepositions. It is put before nouns, but which one should I choose? Sometimes I make that mistake even on basic knowledge of it, especially about the time.

22/10/24 13:20:56.78 6MSsl9wm0.net
Sorry. I don't know. My English is supported by Google Translator and Grammarly.

22/10/25 06:41:06.51 3YcbXwIr0.net
Thank you for your response to my question.
I just write what I thought, so feel free to ignore my asking and saying, sorry for my writing a sentence like it can be misinterpreted.
I recognize this place for writing exercises where we can write anything we want. By the way, I also use Grammarly and feel like it's a useful tool for English learners.

22/10/25 17:24:23.15 Pndci7ii0.net
I see.
Grammarly is a good tool for learning English.
But my sentence was fixed well by this tool so I sad. lol
My goal is to talk in English and write a blog article in English.
But this goal is still far.
Because Grammarly still teaches me.

22/10/26 03:22:14.02 R0cc67xZ0.net
Agree or disagree: A lack of female leaders is a serious problem in Japan
1. I doubt the necessity of female leaders because whether the gender is man or female is not related to the skills demanded in various types of organizations.
As for opportunities, discrimination against women is exactly a big problem we need to fix, but I believe such trouble doesn't exist in Japan. The reason for the few women leaders in Japan is their tendency to decline to work hard. In fact, it is indicated in polls that married women are likely to hope to stay at home as household keepers rather than work for a living, which proved women have passive minds and this mind is inadequate for a leader.
I feel like the skill of my English writing is very poor, so need more practice than before.

22/10/28 04:55:18.90 KZekQ1Wk0.net
When I heard the good news that Mr. Komuro passed New York bar exam, I was almost crying. Although he is a very humble and nice guy, many people on the internet criticized him for his mom's money problem. I didn't know why Mr. Komuro faced such awful blaming even though this problem didn't directly have anything to do with him.
One thing that I've learned from this is that Perseverance can change our reputation and position in our society, so never give up.

22/10/30 07:38:40.31 A7Ks5e+V0.net
Today I wrote many texts so I have a good feeling.
But my energy is empty because I am tired of writing.
If I have more energy and I will be young then I can do more writing.
I am sad! Humans are old which is the natural result.

23/01/05 01:54:49.73 RjzSKHn00.net
I recently realized the need to write English for my goal to come up with something that I want to say smoothly. For this goal, I start to write something without searching for the right phrases in English because looking up them takes a long time. But if I cannot come up with the meaning of the words in my mind, searching it. Someone perhaps insists on the importance of grammar and using the right phrases for the natives. I agree with this idea to some extent, but many English learners in Japan lost their morale for the reason above.
And I feel like the same. Being Afraid of some mistakes is an obstacle to the habit of writing and this causes disastrous results in terms of English skills. Therefore, don't care about grammar and the right sentences or not.
