20/12/05 12:17:55.67 CwhubDwj0.net
It seems like immensely weird expressions. It's just my two cents, they aren't English, also Japanese translation was too literal. They're difficult to comprehension accurately for the average English native speakers what you wanted to say more than you thought you would.
He made just a bunch of random sentences as well as a lot of grammatical mistakes. It was nothing less than they weren't established as a logical paragraph. There are certain things that little did he know about English grammar even quite simple rules. I suggest you'd better off that you might want to skim over some extremely low level of textbooks in English.
Even so, if you seek to read aloud silly sentences, that's a personal preference. It might as well be saying to each their own. If your English pretty worked during you've been traveling, there might have been some existence who had made a lot of effort and the one definitely got stressed out, for sure.
Therefore, please let me know your thought in English.