Yet another chat thread for non-practice purposeat ENGLISH
Yet another chat thread for non-practice purpose - 暇つぶし2ch39:名無しさん@英語勉強中
19/07/29 06:33:53.59
For the past seven months I've been into the life and music of
Karen Carpenter, the lead singer of the musical group Carpenters.
She died in 1983 of complications stemming from anorexia nervosa
and she's been famous, or rather, infamous, for that.
But her music has always been popular all over the world.
There are numerous fans in Japan as well.
As one of her recent fans, I've been watching innumerable
videos on YouTube where she performs. I've been seeing
documentaries and interviews on her life as well.
Not only that, I've been reading several books on her. Of all the
books on her life and music that I've read so far, by far the greatest
is this:
   Randy L. Schmidt, "Little Girl Blue: The Life of Karen Carpenter," 2010
It's a book containing 300 of real text, with 50 pages of notes and appendices.
Has anyone here read it? Or is anyone into Carpenters music or Karen's life at all?
The more I listen to her, the more I get to appreciate her music and persona.
The more I try to delve into her life, the more mesmerized I feel.
She's just fantastic in every way. And that's why I've been trying to
translate and analyze about 120 of her songs on my YouTube channel.
I hope I'll get to do her remaining songs (perhaps 50 of them) in the near future.
I want to analyze her life in a series of my videos as well.
