スレッドを立てるまでもない質問スレッド Part 356at ENGLISH
スレッドを立てるまでもない質問スレッド Part 356 - 暇つぶし2ch154:名無しさん@英語勉強中
19/07/26 19:17:38.49 5v+nZiO70.net
I shared with you the link and the theory. I just wanted you to feel, someday
in the near future, how joyful it is to find people you like, people you want
to talk to and people who make you like what you are as you are including the
differences you feel from other people. They appreciate you as what you are,
and you appreciate them as what they are. I'm no superior than you in any
sense, and I'm less experienced in life. You must have more experiences in
life. Please forgive my rude attitude.
Getting familiar with the theory helped me a lot and liberated me a lot. Thanks
to the theory, I could accept the differences between me and my parents as a
natural thing, and I became less bothered by my awareness that I'm different
from other people. Because I know that I'm not alone. It takes some time for
you to get familiar with the theory, and getting familiar with the theory has
some downsides in my opinion. So I'm not going to recommend it to you any
further at least for now.
I just want to suggest to you that you should try to be honest with yourself as
much as you can. It seems you're doing so. Trying to pretend to be someone else
is not a healthy thing. It's more terrible to lose your honesty with yourself
than to feel alone, I think.

19/07/26 19:50:31.98 jR2KFpxQ0.net
Thanks. And I apologize for having been a bit overly nervous and
emotional. When it comes to communication with people, especially
with my parents, I overreact. It's not you. You were not being
rude at all. It's me.
If I could get to be totally objective, I would realize that I'm not
as different from others as I think I am. It may be just that
I tend to feel the difference that there is between me and others.
I feel it so keenly and I feel the lack of communication between people
so strongly that I tend to feel as if all attempts at communication or
any other effort with human interaction are eternally futile.
So, as you say, maybe I should stop behaving like someone else.
But then again, I don't think people would forgive me if I behaved
as I really am. I have never behaved honestly to myself when in
the company of others. You know my true reaction to people?
When I see people, I would like to say things like,

19/07/26 19:53:17.26 jR2KFpxQ0.net
"Drop dead already! Stop procreating, which is the eighth cardinal sin.
Can't you understand already that at least one of your future descendants
would hate life as I do? Can't you understand that it's a terrible crime to
make anyone feel the way I've been feeling my whole life?"
My greatest dream is, if it is ever possible, to explode the entire planet
in a split second so that all the living things would perish instantaneously.
After that, there would be no sufferings. No more of these futile attempts to
pursue peace, communication, love, friendship, or whatever.
Humans have made only two mistakes. They were born. And they have produced offspring.
These are the only mistakes they have ever made. They have made no other blunders.
These are my totally honest feelings and ideas. Do you think I can freely express them
to other people? No, never. No one has been patient enough to listen to even 30 seconds of
what I truly feel or think. And that's precisely why I've been pretending to be someone else.
I've always been a clown, always lying by making the others think that I somehow enjoy life
and accept the others as they are.
By the way, you don't have to keep talking to me. You can always call it quits. As long as
you keep writing to me, I'll be going on responding. But the moment you stop, I'll have no
recourse other than to stop too. Don't worry. I won't ever hold any grudges against you.
On the contrary, I've enjoyed talking to you and I'll keep appreciating that you've bothered
to talk to me so far. I don't think that there is anyone who can put up with anyone like me.

19/07/26 22:20:02.21 5v+nZiO70.net
When I say being honest with yourself, I mean try not to deceive yourself by
trying to forcefully believe something you wouldn't believe otherwise. This
mental attitude doesn't necessarily come with actions or behaviors toward
others. Rather, I agree that often times it's a lot safer to behave as if you
were one of other people. But at least you should try to keep being honest with
yourself internally. That's what I meant, and I think you are doing so, at
least to the extent that you didn't pretend as if you were satisfied with your
life or with the world when you talk to me. I think it's a good practice to
When looked on the physical level, I don't quite understand why the world and
people are like the way they are. To me, it's hard to understand their
immaturity. We had some, or lots of, great people in the past, and I think in
the present as well, but I wonder why on earth the world, especially the
people, are like the way they are. I'm no mature than anybody else, so I have
no right to criticize them sharply without first changing myself, but this is
my honest response to the world and people.

19/07/26 22:20:40.71 5v+nZiO70.net
But still, I think I have hope in people, or the world. I guess it's because at
some point in my life I thought deeply and became spiritual if not religious.
On the physical level, I don't see any point in the existence of the world. But
if you look at it from a whole different level, like from spiritual or
religious viewpoint, you may see it differently. I know I'm ignorant, and I'm
aware of the limitations of my mental capabilities. To me, it's surprising,
either, to know the world has some meaning, or to know the world doesn't have
any meaning. It's like about the beginning of the universe. If there was
nothing there before, it's surprising and hard to understand. If there was the
world there from the beginning, it's also surprising and hard to understand. My
power and my capability of understanding things are very limited.
One of the reasons why I'm inclined to the way I see the world the way I see it
is that we have beautiful things as well. Sometimes I see good things in
people's hearts. Seen physically, it might not mean anything, but I can't deny
the fact that I can see some value in it. I just want to be honest with myself
and being open, throughout my life, to any idea regardless of how strange it
might sound.
(Talking about this, I remembered "Faust" by Goethe, even though I haven't read
it till the end.)
There is no proof about things like this, and I'm not trying to impose my views
onto you. You opened your thoughts to me, so I'm doing the same thing to you.
(It could be just because my life has been happy enough so far. If I was born a
bit earlier and experienced the world war, my views of the world might have
been different. I struggled a lot when I was young, and I don't think my life
so far has been very happy, though.)

19/07/26 22:21:04.38 5v+nZiO70.net
One thing I found it interesting was that you care about the future of other
people and I don't care about it as much even though we have similar awareness
about the differences between you and people. I'm aware that I'm different from
other people to the extent that I don't even think I can understand other
people, or I can be easily understood by other people. Other people might have
totally different views of the world from mine. Possibly they enjoy their
lives, at least at times. Maybe some people see some values in their lives. I
just want to respect their views. (I won't say I'm more aware of the
differences between me and other people than you are. It's just that it was
interesting to me.)
Honestly speaking, I was a bit sad to know the fact that you suffer from your
awareness, or the fact, of the difference between you and other people, to the
extent where you feel you have always been a clown and you feel you are always
If you enjoy talking with me, I believe you can find some people who you want
to talk with. Again, I don't think they necessarily need to be similar to you.
Instead, I want to suggest that you should try to find moderately different
people from you. (I guess you are a logical person rather than emotional, so I
think you potentially enjoy interacting with people with feeling type. I won't
go deeper here, though.)
I do enjoy talking with you. Let's just go with the flow. You don't need to
force anything, I think. If you feel like writing about anything, you can write
here. You don't need to hurry to reply to my comment. I'll do the same thing.

19/07/26 22:35:45.74 5v+nZiO70.net
This mental attitude doesn't necessarily *need to* come with actions or
behaviors toward others.

19/07/27 06:49:57.08 QTjg6JJ/0.net
Wow, how beautifully you express your thoughts! Right from the very beginning
of our interaction, I've known you're a great writer -- at least in English.
If you happen to know some other languages, you'll get to express yourself
in all those languages as well. These three posts I've received this morning
are written especially beautifully. How have you managed to acquire
such a highly logical and articulate way of communication, I wonder?
(You don't have to answer that. I'm just talking to myself.)
You've learned all that from intensive reading and thinking, and perhaps
you've somehow inherited much of your high intellect from your ancestors.
By the way, sometimes I exaggerate myself and say thing a bit illogical maybe.
As you say, I don't feel like a total clown now, not any longer anyway. I used to be
a clown when younger. But at least on the inside, I was always aware of the darker
side of my mentality, I guess. When younger, I was confused. On the outside, I
always behaved cheerfully. When I was 12 or so, my father told me, "You're totally
cheerful." I remember wondering how anyone can call me cheerful while I don't
feel happy at all. But then again, it really was a fact that I was constantly
talking and behaving as if cheerfully when in the company of others.

19/07/27 06:50:35.79 QTjg6JJ/0.net
By the age of 12 or so, I hadn't yet formed the habit of keeping my diary or
writing something to express my ideas or feeling. It was when I was 15 or so
that I finally began to write things -- not as assignments that I should submit to
my teachers or anything but for myself. By the age of 17, and especially by the age of
22 or so, I found that whenever I was writing something for myself, I was writing
the most depressing ideas and feelings, like "at the bottom of my despair" or
"The world should go extinct" or something of the sort. I remember always wondering
why on earth I was writing things like that because I also knew that I was
being cheerful whenever I was with others.
I think that when younger, I basically believed that life was about living it as though
you believed it's worth living even though you actually know it's completely meaningless
and laughable, so much so that the ideal is for the world to vanish instantaneously on the spot.
My ideal has, ever since I was 22 or so, been for the world to disappear. If possible, it would be
better for even animals and plants to disappear instantaneously. But as a human I can't get to
know what the ideal would be for those non-humans. But as a human again, I think I know
what our ideal is. Most people argue that it's wrong and even arrogant to assume that everyone
wants to perish just because you yourself wish you had never been born. I know that.

19/07/27 06:50:58.56 QTjg6JJ/0.net
But I also know that all humans, including myself, are just genetically programmed to
feel as if it is better to go on living than to perish immediately. I myself enjoy some days when
I don't feel that bad. There are even some days when life seems as if meaningful in a mysterious
way. But I also know that all these hopes and optimistic feelings and ideas are the root of all evils.
We should, I believe, try to abandon these hopes and begin considering gradually perishing from the earth.
As for me myself, I'm already 63 and I know that at this rate I'll manage to live on with relatively healthy
insensitiveness, idiocy, and pettiness until my natural death.
But I'm concerned about our descendants.
Those other people, still in their childhood or in their teens, or in their mothers' wombs, and those
who have not yet been conceived, should be exempted from the excruciating pains and madness that
we have been undergoing. I don't know about others, but at least I myself know that if God or the Devil
or whoever up there or down there asked me if I wanted to be reincarnated and live another life
in exactly the same way I've lived so far, I would surely decline. And I wish that people would stop
procreating now and start to go extinct little by little. I mean, no one has to explode hydrogen bombs or
kill each other or commit suicide. All we have to do is to stop procreating and learn to live by themselves.
They can always have sex and try to live happy lives, but without producing any more offspring.
Then, 100 years from now at the latest, we will go extinct. And then there will be no more sufferings.

19/07/27 06:59:06.55 QTjg6JJ/0.net
No more Yemenis constantly bombed by Saudis. No more Iraqis massacred by the USA or other superpower.
No more Biafrans murdered by other Nigerians. No more Vietnam Wars. No more Agent Orange.
No more children with disabilities. No more bipolar personality disorders or anorexia or
pessimism or depression or schizophrenia or whatever. There will only be this quintessentially
angelic world of quietude. And that's precisely what all religious people and other wisest people
have always been wishing for.
But then again, I know for sure that this antinatalist idea would never ever be the thinking of
a majority. Humans are just programmed to be otherwise. Humans have survived so far
precisely because they tend to believe that, all things considered, the amount of comfort
surpasses that of discomfort. And they live on. They produce offspring. When one out of
every 1,000 descendants turns out to be an anorexic, terrorist, suicide, self-mutilator,
schizophrenic, serial killer, or a person with severe disabilities, the parents will explain
away their anguish by saying, "Well, we tried anyway. Life is not always bad."
And then life goes on. And then war, massacre, and Agent Orange, and Hiroshimas and
Nagasakis and Vietnam Wars and Korean Wars and KKK lynching and the oppression of
Uyghurs and Tibetans and Biafrans go on and on. And people go on forgetting.
I know all that. So I am totally aware that it is completely useless to advocate any
antinatalist philosophy here.

19/07/27 15:19:44.27 ue1fhqCDH.net

19/07/27 17:55:07.07 K5OKe7Oj0.net
I'm sorry. I've created a new thread.
Yet another chat thread for non-practice purpose
Anyone is welcome as long as you follow the rule (intension) of the thread.
I wrote my reply in the new thread.

19/07/27 20:18:14.53 boN+iwCV0.net
I can't read four column or larger

19/07/28 15:43:47.64 U6pmENj+0.net
「I want you to study English.」みたいな文の
不定詞句「to study English」が、目的語なのか

19/07/28 18:03:25.94 +JroHG3t0.net

19/07/28 18:09:01.89 +JroHG3t0.net
He seems to be worried.

He is worried.にseems toという外から見たときの気持ちが加わっただけ
だけど、He want the box to be put away to the gabbage can.

19/07/28 18:34:27.49 U6pmENj+0.net
There are at least two types of raising predicates/verbs: raising-to-subject verbs
and raising-to-object predicates. Raising-to-object predicates overlap to a large extent
with so-called ECM-verbs (= exceptional case-marking). These types of raising
predicates/verbs are illustrated with the following sentences:
a. They seem to be trying. - seem is a raising-to-subject verb.
a. Fred wants us to help. - want can be a raising-to-object predicate.

19/07/28 18:40:11.77 U6pmENj+0.net
I expect that he will help us.
I expect him to help us.

19/07/28 23:44:54.64 SHhDP9WJ0.net
いつも「メイッ」って言う癖がついてると、make a~とmade a~の区別がつかなくなりそうなんですが

19/07/29 00:58:04.52 /QjDNkXy0.net
