16/03/06 13:17:33.68 i0M6sCgW.net
>>695 からの続き
2. a. A sudden commotion or excitement; perturbation, nervous
agitation, flutter, hurry.
語源欄によると、上記の flurry はおそらくもともと onomatopoeia だろうとのこと。
そして flurr を参照せよと書いてある。flurr もおそらくもともと onomatopoeia だと
1. trans. To scatter, throw about; also with up.
flurry (as a verb)
1. trans. To bewilder or confuse as by haste or noise; to agitate,
‘put out’.
2. intr. To flutter down in sudden or gusty showers. Also transf. and fig.
----------------- OED Second Edition