16/03/06 10:07:23.30 i0M6sCgW.net
Leonardo DiCaprio Oscars 2016 Acceptance Speech Wins Best Actor Oscar for
The Revenant & Chris Rock
2分ほどの Leonardo DiCaprio のスピーチ
90:を書き取ってみる。 Thank you. Thank you all so very much. Thank you to the Academy. Thank you to all of you in this room. I have to congratulate the other incredible nominees of this year on... for their unbelievable performances. Uh, "The Revenant" was a (ここで [ə] では なく [ei] と発音していることに注意したい) product of the tireless efforts of an unbelievable cast and crew I got to work alongside. First off, to my brother of this endeavor, Mr. Tom Hardy (19世紀のイギリスの小説家 Thomas Hardy を意識した名 前か?). Tom, your fierce talent on screen can only be surpassed by your friendship off screen to Mr. Alehandred(???) on the [reetoo](???) as a history of cinema folds you have forged your way and the history of the past two years. What an unbelievable talent you are! Thank you to you and Cheevo(???) for creating a transcendent cinematic experience for all of us. Thank you to everybody at Fox and New Regency, in particular Milsham you're the champion of this endeavor of the entire team. I thank everyone from the onset of my career; to Mr. Jones, for casting me in my first film. To Mr. Scorsese for teaching so much about the cinematic art form. To Mr. Ricky Ong; thank you for helping me navigate me through this industry. And to my parents; none of this would be possible without you. And to my friends; I love you dearly for who you are. (続く)
16/03/06 10:08:06.87 i0M6sCgW.net
>>77 からの続き
Lastly I want to say this: making "The Revenant" was a man's relationship to the
natural world, a world that we collectively felt in 2015 as the hottest year in the
recorded history. Our production needed to move to the southern tip of this planet
just to be able to find snow. Climate change is real. It is happening right now. It is the
most urgent threat facing our entire species and we need to work collectively together
to stop procrastinated... procrastinating. We need the support of the leaders around
the world who do not speak for the big polluters - big corporations - but who speak for
all of humanity for the indigenous people of the world, for the billions and billions of
underprivileged people most affected by this, for our children's children, and for those
people out there whose voices have been drowned out by the politics of greed. I thank
you all for this amazing award tonight. Let us not take this planet for granted. I do
not take tonight for granted. Thank you so very much. [2'44"]
16/03/08 09:25:10.29 79l/Vd5M.net
Pulp Fiction - Opening Scene
transcript はネット上にあるだろうけど、どれくらい聴き取れるか自分なりにテストし
てみた。聴き取れていないところが多い。理解度は 80% か?それとも 70% か?
Scary. Too risky. I'm free *** night shift. You always say that. The same thing every
time. I'm through. Never again. Too dangerous. That's what I was saying. I was right,
too. And you forget about it in a day or two? Yeah, in a day Let me forget about ???
You remember it. It just began. You know, when you go on like this, what
93:you sound like? Sound like a sensible fucking man. That's what I sound like? What hell's that? [Imitating the sound of a chicken.] Because you're never ??? Since I'm going to have to do it again, you're never going to have to quack. I'm never going to do it. After tonight? Correct. I'll alternate quick. Can I get anyone more coffee? Oh, yes. Thank you. I'm in the way. Is now. Taking a sandwich and rob a bank. Taking more of a risk. ??? toresia. Federal banks ??? any way during a robbery. And sure. Why should I give a fuck? ??? guy in a federal bank. What about this one block ??? funk? You gaze a funk at ??? tella. ??? says, "We've got this ???, we'll go." We're going to get all your money.
16/03/08 09:26:08.13 79l/Vd5M.net
>>79 からの続き
We're going to kill her. Did it work? Fucking right. So what I'm talking
about ?? rob a bank with a telephone. Not pistol. Not shotgun. A fucking phone. ???
out. ??? fucking finger. Did they ??? a girl? I don't know. I probably never was a ??? in
the first place. Quick a story, isn't it? The point of the story is. I ??? a bank with a
telephone. You want to rob a bank? I don't want to rob a bank. I just illustrate what
we did. Easier but we can do it. ??? look a store? What have we been talking about?
Yeah, ??? look a sto??? so ??? used to be. to be foreigners??? Vietnamese, Korean, a
fucking English. ??? I don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Let me get too
personal. We keep on ??? one of these fucking ??? kill him. I'm not going to kill
anybody. I don't want to kill anybody, either. But the public person ??? situation???
sassle then. And if it's not a good ??? all fucking Jews under stole ??> fucking
generation grandpa Irvin same by the ??? fucking magnetism is at. Trouble is one of
those ??? nothing but ??? fart at you. ??? is going to fuck you, forget it. All right, ???
Yeah, what then, day jobs? Not in this life. What then? Garcon, coffee! This place.
"Garcon" means "boy." This place, a coffee shop. ??? from a... nobody ever robs
restaurants. Why not? Bus, liquor stores, gas stations.... You get ripped ??? one of
them. Restaurants, on the other hand, you cash with the pants down. And you're
expecting to get robbed.
16/03/08 09:26:52.92 79l/Vd5M.net
>>80 からの続き
As expected, anyway. I beg you could cut down on the hero
factor in a place like this. You're right. Same as banks, this place has been insured.
Manager. He doesn't give a fuck. ??? door before you get start plugging a diner's.
Waitresses, fucking, forget it. Now, wait a second for the register. Bus boys, some
wet ??? can pay a dollar fifty an ounce. Really give a fuck. You steal from the owner.
Customers sit in the ??? house. I don't know ??? One minute. ??? ten minute ??? next
stick ??? a gun in his face. See, I've got the idea. ??? stall ??? remember? All customers
get coming. Yeah. You got the idea taking their wallets. Hhmmm. And that was a
good idea. Thank you. ??? different register. Yes, we did. A lot of people come to
restaurants. Lot of wallets. Pretty smart, huh? But is smart. I'm ready. Let's do it.
Right now. Right here. Come on. All right. Same as last time, remember? You ???
control. I ??? employees. [They kiss.] I love you. I love you, honey bunny. Everybody,
cool ??? It's a robbery. Any of you fucking ??? move, and I'll let ??? motherfucking last one of you!
16/03/08 13:52:19.21 TpdCwT7B.net
16/03/08 23:08:23.18 koeeUlBQ.net
16/06/15 02:59:50.25 kKaunpcC.net
Four from unofficially tying Pete Rose's major league record.
He's got the same side burns too.
Slow ground ball up the middle and Ichiro's got another hit.
He has one shine(?) of Rose's record.
う~ん あとはよく分からなくて面倒だった
16/06/15 03:34:44.82 sosUHGw/.net
16/06/15 03:56:40.73 kKaunpcC.net
報道ステーション スポーツコーナーで聞けたメジャーリーグの実況
16/06/15 04:10:41.56 sosUHGw/.net
16/06/15 07:12:34.85 kKaunpcC.net
最後以外は結構自信あるんだけどなw 間にコンマが必要っぽくてもそれは無視してるけど
音源は… あれば後で探す
104:名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ f338-mecg)
16/09/20 09:17:50.51 X3t3iqlX0.net
105:● (ワッチョイ 23b0-fmb+)
16/10/16 02:36:02.75 NkSEL4CU0.net
17/05/13 21:22:25.47 2QOusg0P0.net
Tupac Exposes The FBI / COINTELPRO (Says They're Targeting Him)
similar to ??? is
they join the Panthers and they would start the~
以降but it's a cop!まで
どなたか聞き取りレベルの高い方、ご教示いただけないでしょうかm(_ _)m
17/05/15 14:59:10.38 dF7Rq4wd0.net
17/08/14 22:08:19.50 xJ9cfaZO0.net
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