15/12/19 15:37:06.61 Ymjx4VOi.net
Combat って、本当に難しいな。
COMBAT! s.2 ep.3: "Masquerade" (1963) --- 3m45 から
You ??? power you want to. Do you know where we are? Yes, I know exactly where we
are. I just don't know what the stupid Americans keep their battalion headquarters.
And it's not likely we'll find that German map. Well, then destroy it. Burn it. So ??? ???
americana. I'm sorry. I'll remember to speak in English. Yes, you do that, lieutenant.
(クレジットが流れる) Kirk, what about that crop colonel rhyme? Here's wounded GI
making it on his own. I'm not kidding, lieutenant. They've got a manual some place.
There's a colonel's got a ride. Don't matter what happens to them or what side ???
happen to ??? You get ride. Okay. (負傷した James Coburn が気絶している) Take it