15/12/07 20:19:48.30 roWtGE9a.net
Orphan -- 'Esther's Secret' Scene (3 minutes) 書き取り
Go to your room. Stop talking to me like I'm a child. I'm calling Sister Judith tomorrow.
We're going to have a conversation about your future and ??? I can't do it. I just... I can't do 3it any more. Bye. Esther. (電話が鳴る) Hello. Is this Gretchen Cohl, ma'am? Hello? Yeah,
this is she. My name is Dr. Varva. I'm calling from the Sarren Institute. Oh. I've just seen
the picture you emailed to us. And you recognize her? Where is she right now? Is she
someplace where she can hear you? No, she's not with me. She's with my husband at
home. Call your husband right now. And tell him to get your family out of the house. And
then call the police. He won't listen to me. Why? Then tell him the little girl in the picture
isn't really a little girl. She's a grown woman. What? What are you talking about? The
picture that I sent you is of our adopted daughter and she's nine years old. No, she's not.
She has a rare hormone disorder. It's called hypopintarism. It causes disproportion of ism. She only
looks like a child. (続く)