I'll chat with you in English.at ENGLISH
I'll chat with you in English. - 暇つぶし2ch307:臭い米国人
15/11/14 00:00:53.45 VmjNtcUs!.net
I can't make heads or tails of this, but it's because of all of these extra symbols that are on the words.
I imagine that you put them there? If so, what do all of them mean? We don't use a lot of symbols in English
when analyzing texts, so to me I have no idea where to begin or end.
We mainly use [ ] or ( ) when adding something the source originally omitted, and the ellepses for our own omission of the original work.
English is simply the language used by the world powers for this current time period.
As late as the early 20th century, Latin was the dominant language for the sciences, and depending on how far back one goes,
the dominant languages have included Italian, Egyptian, Greek, and Chinese.
Had the interconnectivity started in another nation, the internet, we most likely would be striving to speak that language instead.
The ability to import words "properly", which is a vague term, has no relation to the ease of learning the language. Instead it has to do with
grammatical and lexical similarities.
This last part I'm stating to you directly: please learn the distinctions between graphemes and phonemes, because you project that you don't know the difference.
Your attacks on the character count as making the language impractical are baseless. They may -add- to the time to learn the language, but if they wielded
a power over the language as much as you think they do, they would have been abandoned in favor of another way of writing thousands of years ago.
