I'll chat with you in English.at ENGLISH
I'll chat with you in English. - 暇つぶし2ch294:名無しさん@英語勉強中
15/11/07 20:15:20.43 TxVD6qUu.net
[Part 3]
No poet wept him: but the page
Of narrative sincere;
That tells his name, his worth, his age,
Is wet with Anson's tear.
And tears by bards or heroes shed
Alike immortalize the dead.
I therefore purpose not, or dream,
Descanting on his fate,
To give the melancholy theme
A more enduring date:
But misery still delights to trace
Its semblance in another's case.
No voice divine the storm allay'd,
No light propitious shone;
When, snatch'd from all effectual aid,
We perish'd, each alone:
But I beneath a rougher sea,
And whelm'd in deeper gulfs than he. [End of poem]

15/11/07 20:29:42.51 TxVD6qUu.net
This poem quoted at >>292-294 was really hard for me to understand.
First, it contains a great many words I'm not familiar with and
I had to consult my dictionaries numerous times. Second, many of
those unfamiliar words are archaic. Third, although I already knew poems
put rhythm and stylistic beauty before grammatical correctness
(or idiomatic-ness), this particular poem was one of the hardest
to understand, at least for me anyway, in terms of structure and
grammar. Even after a couple of hours of study of this poem, some
of the phrases still remain a mystery.
That said, I think I've managed to appreciate the approximate gist
of the spirit of the poem anyway. The reason I tackled the poem is
that it appears in my favorite, if very difficult, novel
"To the Lighthouse" by Virginia Woolf. Fragments of the poem are
quoted here and there in 3-5 of the novel. Woolf's novels are ridden
with fragments of famous novels. Not only that, she writes her novels
as if as long poems. "The Waves" is a full-length novel (about 250
pages long) but it reads exactly like a very long novel. It doesn't
feel like an ordinary novel at all.
In any case, her novels are filled with famous novels and they read
like long poems themselves. Whenever I find a fragment of a famous
poem in any of her novels, I try to find the whole poem containing
the fragment and read the whole poem through. Not only that, there
are lots of allusions in her novels, including mythical heroes,
so that it takes a very long time to read a single work of hers.

15/11/07 23:34:58.10 5800UlhT!.net
This passage feels like even today it would still be "he" because I get the
impression that the author intended for the main character to be a man.
It's great that you enjoy these works, but I'm sorry to say the rhythm to this
poem is one of the most basic that's taught here, at least when I learned
poems. I'm sure you understand its structure now, but just to make it obvious,
the structure is as follows:
1) I therefore purpose not, or dream,
2) Descanting on his fate,
3) To give the melancholy theme
4) A more enduring date:
5) But misery still delights to trace
6) Its semblance in another's case.
1) and 3) rhyme with the last word, and share the same number of syllables.
2) and 4) rhyme with the last word, and share the same number of syllables.
5) and 6) rhyme with the last word, and share the same number of syllables.
So every other line rhymes on the last word, and have the same number of syllables.
Except the last two lines rhyme with each other and have the same syllable count.

15/11/08 06:43:22.30 pKWdakAB.net
Thanks, 臭い米国人, for your explanation of the poem. As a matter of
fact, when I was trying to decipher the poem yesterday before making
my last post here, I was so busy merely trying to decipher the meaning
of each word, consulting my dictionaries literally fifty or even a
hundred times, and trying to grasp the grammatical structure of each
phrase or line, that I failed to notice the rhythm that you beautifully
explained above.
Then, later last night, when I was browsing several
passages of a book on the basics of poetry (entitled "Understanding
Poetry" by Cleanth Brooks), I noticed the rhythm, which was quite
obvious. I think I hadn't noticed the whole forest, busy with
examining the single tree that was right before my eyes.
I also noticed only later last night that the poem dates back to the
18th century. No wonder the language itself felt a bit difficult
to me, at least harder than poems written in the 19th and 20th
centuries anyway. Dryden's poems, however, at least the ones that
I've happened to read, are easier for me to understand even though
they date back to the 17th century, being even older than this
Cowper poem. And oh, John Donne is also rather hard for me because
his language seems very archaic to me.

15/11/11 08:21:31.02 lZbcX0VL.net
Virginia Woolf "To the Lighthouse," 1-3
[Note by the quoter: The following quotation depicts the feelings and
thoughts of Mrs. Ramsay, a middle-aged mother of eight children. She
is staying for a summer vacation in a country cottage on the Isle of
Skye (one of the Habrides, Scotland) rented by the family together
with her children, her husband, and her several guests. She is sitting
in the house, with her young son. She is hearing murmurs from another
room. The murmurs are probably those of her husband and one of her
guests. She also hears the voices of some of her children playing
cricket outdoors. She also hears the soothing sound of the waves.
The following quote consists of one very long sentence. Or could it
be called three sentences? (It looks like a single sentence divided into
three segments by semicolons.) Even if they are three sentences, they
are each very long anyway. Structurally, they are hard for me to
understand. For me at least, to savor the delicate meaning of the
passage, it takes a long, long time. But the effort is quite rewarding.
It is just beautiful. Virginia Woolf is a genius of quietude.]
   ******** QUOTE ********
  But here, as she [= Mrs. Ramsay] turned the page, suddenly her
search for the picture of a rake or a mowing-machine was interrupted.
The gruff murmur, irregularly broken by the taking out of pipes and
the putting in of pipes which had kept on assuring her, though she
could not hear what was said (as she sat in the window), that the men
were happily talking;
(The long sentence is continued on the next post.)

15/11/11 08:22:11.37 lZbcX0VL.net
[Continued from >>298]
this sound, which had lasted now half an hour
and had taken its place soothingly in the scale of sounds pressing on
top of her, such as the tap of balls upon bats, the sharp, sudden
bark now and then, 'How's that? How's that?' of the children playing
cricket, had ceased; so that the monotonous fall of the waves on the
beach, which for the most part beat a measured and soothing tattoo to
her thoughts and seemed consolingly to repeat over and over again as
she sat with the children the words of some old cradle song, murmured
by nature, 'I am guarding you - I am your support,' but at other times
suddenly and unexpectedly, especially when her mind raised itself
slightly from the task actually in hand, had no such kindly meaning,
but like a ghostly roll of drums remorselessly beat the measure of
life, made one think of the destruction of the island and its
engulfment in the sea, and warned her whose day had slipped past in
one quick doing after another that it was all ephemeral as a rainbow
- this sound which had been obscured and concealed under the other
sounds suddenly thundered hollow in her ears and made her look up
with an impulse of terror. 
  (Virginia Woolf, "To the Lighthouse," 1-3, Everyman's Library p.17-18)

15/11/11 11:10:59.37 KhmY+vL6.net
[Structural analysis]
I'm omitting the first sentence beginning with "But here," because
it's short and easy to understand. Here comes the second, long sentence:
The gruff murmur,
  irregularly broken by
   the taking out of pipes and the putting in of pipes
     which had kept on 【assuring her】,
       though she could not hear what was said
        (as she sat in the window),
     【that】 the men were happily talking;
(Note: In the above phrase, the phrase "assuring her" is followed by
"that + clause." And the above phrase as a whole is a noun phrase,
if I may put it that way (I don't know what it is called exactly in
grammatical or linguistic terminology). What I mean is that the
above string of words as a whole has the main subject ("the gruff murmur")
but it is not followed by a verb. Its verb, if I understand the
whole long paragraph correctly, appears long, long afterwards. 9 lines
later in my paper version of the novel. The verb of "the gruff murmur"
is actually "had ceased."

15/11/11 11:23:36.78 KhmY+vL6.net
[Structural analysis of the second segment of the long sentence]
【this sound】,
  which (1) had lasted now half an hour
   and (2) had taken its place soothingly
     in the scale of sounds pressing on top of her,
       such as (i) the tap of balls upon bats,
            (ii) the sharp, sudden bark now and then,
              'How's that? How's that?' of the children playing cricket,
【had ceased】;
If I understand it correctly, in this second segment of the long sentence,
the phrase "this sound," appearing at the top, is the subject, which is
followed by its verb "had ceased," appearing at the end.

15/11/11 11:41:54.91 KhmY+vL6.net
>>299 [Third and last segment of the long sentence]
Here comes the third and last segment of this long sentence. It's by
far the longest segment and pretty hard to analyze, for me anyway.
Is it easy enough for educated native speakers, I wonder?
so that
[AAA] ■the monotonous fall of the waves on the beach■,
  which ●for the most part●
    ★(1) BEAT a measured and soothing tattoo to her thoughts
    ★(2) SEEMED consolingly to repeat over and over again
      << as she sat with the children >>
      the words of some old cradle song,
        murmured by nature,
         'I am guarding you - I am your support,'
[[[ but ●at other times● suddenly and unexpectedly,
  especially when her mind raised itself
   slightly from the task actually in hand, ]]]
    ★(3) HAD ◆no◆ such kindly meaning,
  ◆but◆ << like a ghostly roll of drums >>
    ★(4) remorselessly BEAT the measure of life,
    ★(5) MADE one think of the destruction of the island and its engulfment in the sea,
    ★(6) 【WARNED】 her whose day had slipped past in one quick doing after another
         【that】 it was all ephemeral as a rainbow
- [BBB] ■this sound■ which had been obscured and concealed under the other sounds
   (i) suddenly THUNDERED hollow in her ears
   (ii) MADE her look up with an impulse of terror. 

15/11/13 01:30:13.99 GnpkwPzK!.net
back, how have you fellows been doing?

15/11/13 01:32:53.86 GnpkwPzK!.net
If people don't know the gender of a person, like, if I were to say "x person invented the jet engine"
I would say "he invented the jet engine." Keep in mind this would ONLY be used if I knew neither the person or the name,
Or just the last name.

15/11/13 01:40:04.73 GnpkwPzK!.net
>You don't seem to know what you're talking about.
Oh the irony.
I don't understand why you don't understand what I'm saying. I'll try to make myself as simple as possible:
Japanese, has lots of characters, lots of rules, and cannot properly import foreign words. It is also used by only japan as a primary OR secondary language.
English, while more complicated in it's grammar, can import foreign words with ease; as well as letters, and it's alphabet is a puny 26 characters, or 30 if you use adapted, improper ones.
It is used as a primary language or secondary languages by quite literally billions of people.
More importantly, it's alphabet, the Latin script, is used in other languages WELL over half of the world.

Additionally, well over half of the internet is written in english, and up to about 90% is written in the Latin script.

So, if I speak english, I will not only have a better chance to learn the languages of other places, use the internet, speak with other people,
adopt new words, and educate others. This is why it's preferable.

However, it also needs a revision to be proper.
Do you understand me a little better now? I'm not trying to attack Japan or it's people.

15/11/13 01:46:40.86 GnpkwPzK!.net
Top expand on this a little, Mr. Or Mrs. Smith would in a casual setting default to he or him.
"They" and it's forms is also used, so you are correct in saying that, and possibly more so in a professional setting
If Leslie Smith was my future employer I would not want to screw up his gender!
I would myself use something along the lines of

"Dear Leslie Smith, I am interesting in applying for work positions in your company."- avoiding the use of any gender indicative words
English is a language of avoidance in many ways.

15/11/14 00:00:53.45 VmjNtcUs!.net
I can't make heads or tails of this, but it's because of all of these extra symbols that are on the words.
I imagine that you put them there? If so, what do all of them mean? We don't use a lot of symbols in English
when analyzing texts, so to me I have no idea where to begin or end.
We mainly use [ ] or ( ) when adding something the source originally omitted, and the ellepses for our own omission of the original work.
English is simply the language used by the world powers for this current time period.
As late as the early 20th century, Latin was the dominant language for the sciences, and depending on how far back one goes,
the dominant languages have included Italian, Egyptian, Greek, and Chinese.
Had the interconnectivity started in another nation, the internet, we most likely would be striving to speak that language instead.
The ability to import words "properly", which is a vague term, has no relation to the ease of learning the language. Instead it has to do with
grammatical and lexical similarities.
This last part I'm stating to you directly: please learn the distinctions between graphemes and phonemes, because you project that you don't know the difference.
Your attacks on the character count as making the language impractical are baseless. They may -add- to the time to learn the language, but if they wielded
a power over the language as much as you think they do, they would have been abandoned in favor of another way of writing thousands of years ago.

15/11/14 10:48:16.30 2Jse3XUF.net
>Or just the last name.
"Leslie" can be use for both male and female names.
If you don't know the gender of a person called Leslie Smith, what pronoun do you use to refer the person?

15/11/14 10:52:15.10 2Jse3XUF.net
If you don't know the gender of a person called Leslie Smith, what pronoun do you use to refer *to* the person?

15/11/14 10:59:34.35 2Jse3XUF.net
>Oh the irony.
I meant that you didn't seem to have enough knowledge of the Japanese language to discuss the subject.
Can you read a Japanese newspaper?

15/11/15 00:14:00.01 W/libPC+!.net
Since you asked specifically for pronouns, it would be "they" and its derivatives.
Sorry, thought I had answered it before.

15/11/15 03:26:00.60 oUnb/Jar.net
>>311 Oops, I forgot to say that the question was asked to Dreas.

15/11/17 10:04:06.27 rxWnqTpI.net
【F. Scott Fitzgerald "The Great Gatsby"】
I've just begun reading "The Great Gatsby." People say the author's
language is really beautiful. I don't care about the plot but the
beauty and rhythm of the language in novels. And yes, the reviewers
were right: Fitzgerald is a great stylist.
   ******** QUOTE ***************
I [= the narrator of the novel, Nick Carraway] began to like New York,
the racy, adventurous feel of it at night, and the satisfaction that
the constant flicker of men and women and machines gives to the
restless eye. I liked to walk up Fifth Avenue and pick out romantic
women from the crowd and imagine that in a few minutes I was going to
enter into their lives, and no one would ever know or disapprove.
Sometimes, in my mind, I followed them to their apartments on the
corners of hidden streets, and they turned and smiled back at me
before they faded through a door into warm darkness. At the enchanted
metropolitan twilight I felt a haunting loneliness sometimes, and
felt it in others - poor young clerks who loitered in front of windows
waiting until it was time for a solitary restaurant dinner - young
clerks in the dusk, wasting the most poignant moments of night and life.
    F. Scott Fitzgerald, "The Great Gatsby," Chapter 3,
      Everyman's Library, p.48

15/11/17 18:25:11.85 rxWnqTpI.net
【New Testament, St. John 11:1-】
Now a certain man was sick named Lazarus, of Bethany, the town
of Mary and her sister Martha. (...)
When Jesus heard that, he said, This sickness is not unto death, but
for the glory of God, that the Son of God might be glorified thereby.
Now Jesus loved Martha, and her sister, and Lazarus. (...)
Then said Martha unto Jesus, Lord, if thou hadst been here, my
brother had not died. (...)
Jesus saith unto her, Thy brother shall rise again. (...)
Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that
believeth in nme, though he were dead, yet shall he live:
And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest
thou this? (...)
When Jesus therefore saw her weeping, and the Jews also weeping
which came with her, he groaned in the spirit, and was troubled,
And said, Where have ye laid him? They said unto him, Lord, come
and see.
Jesus wept.
Then said the Jews, Behold how he loved him!
(to be continued)

15/11/17 18:31:52.55 rxWnqTpI.net
(continued) St. John 11:37-
And some of them said, Could not this man, which opened the
eyes of the blind, have caused that even this man should not have died?
Jesus therefore again groaning in himself cometh to the grave. It
was a cave, and a stone lay upon it.
Jesus said, Take ye away the stone. Martha, the sister of him that
was dead, saith unto him, Lord, by this time he stinketh: for he hath
been dead four days.
Jesus saith unto her, Said I not unto thee, that, if thou wouldest
believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God?
Then they took away the stone from the place where the dead was
laid. And Jesus lifted up his eyes, and said, Father, I thank thee
that thou hast heard me.
And I knew that thou hearest me always: but because of the people
which stand by I said it, that they may believe that thou hast sent me.
And when he thus had spoken, he cried with a loud voice, Lazarus,
come forth.
And he that was dead came forth, bound hand and foot with
graveclothes: and his face was bound about with a napkin. Jesus saith
unto them, Loose him, and let him go.
Then many of the Jews which came to Mary, and had seen the things
which Jesus did, believed on him.
   New Testament, St. John 11:1-45

15/11/17 18:50:51.65 rxWnqTpI.net
【The beauty of language as a source of solace】
Toward the middle of Chapter 4 of "Crime and Punishment," Raskolnikov
the hero/murderer urges Sonya the harlot to read for him the
above-quoted passage about the raising of Lazarus. She then reads it.
I've read the novel at least 12 times, most of the time in English.
I've also listened to the reading of the novel by a professional actor
at least 30 to 50 times.
Although not a Christian, this passage somehow impresses me a lot. God
may be dead, but the beauty and the power of the Bible lives on. I
may not believe in God but I do believe in the mysterious power of
language. This world may be just a cesspool, constantly temping me to
seek the quietude of nothingness, but the beauty of language remains
a great source of solace, keeping me barely able to live on.
May God or the Universe bestow ye my brethren a similar source of solace!

15/11/18 19:41:49.75 /WHPKoP4.net
You might be thinking opposite, but Kelt is black also Turkish. Parisians are white.

15/11/18 19:42:58.52 /WHPKoP4.net
However, Teutons are white.

15/11/20 15:29:42.94 VCV17z5K.net
【Lao-Tzu "Tao Te Ching" 老子「道徳経」】
   Thirty spokes.
   Share one hub.
Make the nothing therein appropriate, and you will have the
use of cart. Knead clay in order to make a vessel. Make
the nothing therein appropriate, and you will have the use of
the clay vessel. Cut out doors and windows in order to make
a room. Make the nothing therein appropriate, and you will
have the use of the room.
Thus we gain by making it Something, but we have the use
by making it Nothing.
     Translated by D.C. Lau, Everyman's Library, p.59

15/11/24 01:14:21.28 OybvGTdR!.net
I read a book by Kato Lomb over the weekend. She was a hungarian polyglot who did simultaneously interpretation after WWII.
The book is called

15/11/25 09:42:33.96 ISgpFXXX.net
【Lao-Tzu's "Tao Te Ching" (2)】
   Bowed down then whole;
   Warped then true;
   Hollow then full;
   Worn then new;
   A little then benefited;
   A lot then perplexed.
Hence the sage grasps the One and is the shepherd of the empire.
   He does not display himself, and so is conspicuous;
   He does not show himself, and so is manifest;
   He does not boast of himself, and so has merit;
   He does not brag about it, and so is able to endure.
It is because he does not contend that no one is in a position
to contend with him.
The way the ancients had it, 'Whole through being bowed down',
is as true a saying as can be. Truly, it enables one to hand
it back whole.
   Lao-Tzu's "Tao Te Ching," Everyman's Library, p.71

15/11/29 18:32:42.20 dsJA0jFU.net
>>208 >>211
I'll move my bags. を僕が発音した録音サンプル
暗証番号として 000 つまり「ゼロ3つ」を入れると、

15/12/02 00:14:42.24 rRkP7D2D!.net
You have good pronunciation. Especially the L's, which I know is hard for many Japanese.
If you don't mind a nitpick, your W on will is pretty strong. We don't push out a lot of air for the W, it's about as much as あ or い instead of は行。
But honestly I only noticed it because of your microphone clipping from too much air hitting it.
If you, or anyone else, wants a collection of phrases to practice pronunciation, look up

15/12/03 10:24:15.00 t/q/jB48.net
Thanks for the compliment, 臭い米国人.
Here's my recorded response to you:

15/12/03 10:36:26.48 t/q/jB48.net
Here's another recorded response to 臭い米国人.

15/12/03 10:38:06.90 t/q/jB48.net
Oops, I forgot to post the link to that **second** recorded response to

15/12/03 12:15:54.98 t/q/jB48.net
How I began to learn English at 11, then at school at 12,
and how I fell in love with its musicality: a recorded message

15/12/03 12:32:00.06 t/q/jB48.net
The joy of learning (especially language and literature)
as my primary driving force in life: a recorded message (about 5 minutes):

15/12/03 13:50:40.06 t/q/jB48.net
How I Love "Crime and Punishment" by Fyodor Dostoevsky
(my own recorded message on YouTube)

15/12/03 14:19:47.58 t/q/jB48.net
How I Love "Thus Spake Zarathustra" by Friedrich Nietzsche
(my own recorded message on YouTube)

15/12/03 14:43:20.36 t/q/jB48.net
How and Why I Love "Les Pensees" by Blaise Pascal
(my own recorded message)

15/12/15 06:29:51.01 qYtbE1O2!.net
You haven't proved that I don't, you're just insulting people.

Just use the name, or perhaps "they, them" ext.
So if I don't know L. Smith, I could just say
"I had invited Leslie Smith to attend the meeting"
You'll figure out his/her/it's gender eventually if you stall enough I figure.
They/them might be awkward but it is gender-neutral

15/12/15 06:30:24.18 qYtbE1O2!.net
I'm aware it's only around for the time being, but you forget that English has been lent
a permanence because of it's scale, and because of the internet.
"The ability to import words "properly", which is a vague term, has no relation to the ease of learning the language. Instead it has to do with
grammatical and lexical similarities. "

That's not true, It's an important part of being able to adapt one's own language to others and to make it "familiar" so to speak. It also makes it much more flexible.
English evolves by importing other words. If I learn English, and need to describe something from my former language, I am completely able to just copy paste a word
from my previous language into English. Alternatively, if I want to do something as simple as call someone by name, I can call Jason, Jason, not some hideous butchering of the pronunciation.
"But English butchers pronunciations too!" Of course, but whereas there literally isn't an "l" sound in Japanese (not even getting into the fact that most Hiragana characters link two different phoneme) most English origin
goofs come not from a lack of foundation but from a literal lack of ability in the English speaker.
I can't speak Chinese because my vocal cords haven't adapted to the task, not because there is no letter for the "ess" sound or what have you.
Sadly when importing words many people don't bother to change the spelling properly; this is why "a" makes about four different sounds. But this is an issue with the people, not the tool.
and of course “lexical similarities” contribute greatly to ease of use.

15/12/15 06:31:15.35 qYtbE1O2!.net
"graphemes and phonemes"
If I didn't know what they are (and I do) I could simply search them on the internet. Are you a professor, teacher or so? If not then you have little base to criticize me on this.
I'm writing this all in vernacular English. I could go absurdly "scholarly" with this and use every overly long phrase, clause and word I possess but I won't because I shouldn't and I don't need to.
I'm not hiding anything.
Furthermore, don't insult your own audience, because that's not debate, that's just dumb.
I have not spoken against you in the past, am not doing now, and will continue to not do so in the future. This is because I respect you as an (anonymous) person and will give you your fair time to prove your points.
You should give the same respect to your opponent. At any time I could throw a hissy fit and refuse to talk with you and make a bunch of troll posts, but I'm not going to, because that would be dumb and I don't want to be dumb.

15/12/15 06:33:09.04 qYtbE1O2!.net
Now it's my turn to talk to you as a person. You can hold whatever opinion you want, so long as you can defend it in an educated way. But please man, don't be pretentious. Our posts are literally a click away
from some dude spamming a thread with pictures of futanari catgirls being reamed senseless by tentacle aliens. This is not exactly the place to try and format a doctorate. I don't know why you still seem to
think that I am somehow attacking you or your country. I am doing neither.

"Your attacks on the character count as making the language impractical are baseless. They may -add- to the time to learn the language, but if they wielded
a power over the language as much as you think they do, they would have been abandoned in favor of another way of writing thousands of years ago. "

You literally just admitted that it makes the language impractical. You just said it adds time to the learning of the language. That's a hindrance. Maybe it's a small one (it isn't) but it is still a hindrance.
We need as few hindrances as possible. And most (not all) "symbol" (logogram, morpheme, pictogram, ect ect) languages have been abandoned, modified, or adapted. The amount of people that use, as I stated before,
just the Latin script completely surpass the languages that use the former. Romaji exists for a reason. It makes things simple, or at the very least, more simple. If you think that having a massive amount of
Kanji somehow makes things easier, alright, can you prove it? But until you do so you can't honestly say that somehow memorizing some thousand plus Kanji in order to read a newspaper is easier than remembering the sounds of
26 characters, 30 in an edited alphabet.

15/12/15 06:33:34.44 qYtbE1O2!.net

About the only perks I see to Kanji are that you can read without knowing
the sounds, which is a gimmick at best, and the fact that you can't have people insist that "no really, 'c' makes three sounds!"
That's actually a bonus, but it doesn't matter really, because that's a quirk only found in English, not the languages that English stole from.

I also do not understand while you repeatedly criticize me and English's notoriously unreliable alphabet as if I somehow like that mess.
I am criticizing it too. We need a better system.
If you think that English needs a completely new alphabet before it could ever be practical, I could agree with you; but that's not very practical.

Remember, English doesn't have to be perfect, it just has to be better, which I firmly think it is.
Are you arguing that Japanese is a better language? Why do you think this, if so?
Why do you think otherwise?

15/12/16 00:16:57.28 9Bwm9yu5!.net
I'm going to reply to these posts as they're separated.
I understand what you mean about needing to describe something and substituting
the English word. But are you saying that Chinese is a bad language to use as a world
language because you as the individual don't have the ability to produce certain sounds?
I'm not really sure what you're trying to say for those last few sentences, if it's not that.
I'm sorry it comes off as a personal attack, and re-reading it I can easily see why it looks like that.
It's just from how I understood it, what you had stated earlier sounded to me like you didn't know the difference
between the two.
No, I'm not a scholar in Linguistics. The closest I have is my undergraduate essay in the history of Japan's
writing system, which is saying almost nothing. I simply study Linguistics as a hobby, and most of what I've read is
written in the "scholarly" way. So it's just a natural way for me to write. If we were talking about something else,
I would most likely write differently, like I do when I've held conversations in the other English talking thread.

15/12/16 00:17:50.34 9Bwm9yu5!.net
If my writing is what's giving the sense of pretentiousness, I wrote about that in the previous response.
No, I did not say it was impractical. I said it adds time to learning it. With Japanese specifically, prior to widespread
adoption of kanji, and even with it for a while, people would use certain variations of kana depending on the word they wanted to say.
This is because of all of the homophones, and this is, in my opinion, what would happen again if kanji were to be abolished.
I'm fairly certain that most languages will have several ways to pronounce a letter, it's just English as it is today has
a lot more peculiarities with them compared to most. Even Japanese isn't 100% 1-to-1, look at 新聞 where ん shifts to an "M" sound.
Thank you for clarifying, because up until this point I had thought you were saying English was a
vastly superior language to others. So to me it felt like you were coming to this board to say
"Sure I'll help you with English, because your own is terrible and you should get away from it ASAP."
Lastly, no I don't think Japanese is a better language. I think that there will always be more than one language, and
honestly I feel that's for the best. This is because I'm a firm believer that language ties to culture, and they influence each other.
So although there will be world languages, like how English is right now, as long as people maintain their unique cultures,
there will be a lot of languages to learn.

15/12/16 00:27:06.71 9Bwm9yu5!.net
Haha oh my, thanks for that.
It wasn't meant to cut off at "look up" instead it was supposed to say:
If you, or anyone else, wants a collection of phrases to practice pronunciation, look up "tongue twisters".
Also, クサベ is fine, I know what the name 臭い米国人 means.
I have to go for now, I'll listen to the rest of your recordings later.

15/12/16 12:01:27.12 b0mibE35.net
>You haven't proved that I don't, you're just insulting people.
I have no intention to insult you.
I'm just saying that you don't seem to have enough knowledge of the language to discuss the matter.
If I'm wrong, I'll apologize.
Would you tell me how much you know about it?

16/01/02 02:19:12.98 +P9wZj5t!.net
Bumping this thread before it goes off the page. If anyone wants to have longer discussions, feel free to write here.

16/01/02 04:53:17.22 SwEiA1BW!.net
I'm not sure how I got here. But what do the Japanese think about twerking?

16/01/02 19:19:51.76 sd458BMz.net
See the following thread.
What do you think the answer is?

16/01/02 19:27:02.52 sd458BMz.net
I don't find a girl twerking attractive.

16/01/02 23:41:21.76 +P9wZj5t!.net
I cannot see the video, but based on what the thread says, option three is my choice.
Like what Ben Kovitz said in his answer,

16/01/02 23:42:23.28 +P9wZj5t!.net
It ate my reply...
>>343 I cannot see the video, but based on what the thread says, option three is my choice.
Like what Ben Kovitz said in his answer, "is" should match with "thing" not "oranges",
but since this is spoken instead of written, the actor probably forgot this and chose to agree with "oranges".
As a result, they said "are" instead of "is" in the video.

16/01/03 02:16:37.72 qOBCJc0u.net
You can watch the video here.
What do you think of Gary Botnovcan's answer?
Namely he says that the oranges is the subject.

16/01/03 09:49:55.58 vAIboMRt.net
Oops!! holiday is final until today of 3-Jan.
I'll have to go to work tomorrow.
I wonder why holiday always passes early.
Now I'm feeling heavy.
To begin with why this time of holiday are
very short like this!! there're only 5 days
between 30-Dec till 3-Jan. It's too short!!

16/01/04 01:06:31.42 urJCEg7b!.net
Thank you for the link. After watching the scene a few times, I think
that Gary Botnovcan is correct. The accepted answers would be right,
and I agreed with them too, when given that sentence in isolation as text.
I think that those answers didn't actually watch the scene, or didn't watch it
carefully enough.
Gary, on the other hand did, and his explanation is very good as to why the
line was that way. It is intended to emphasize. So yes, the subject is
the oranges.

16/01/04 16:09:00.69 4z65eVCe.net
Thank you.
That is interesting.
I have accepted Gary Botnovcan's answer.
The question was posted about a year ago.
At that time, the video was not yet deleted.
I think Ben Kovitz probably saw it.

16/01/04 19:29:47.60 OVucEOMg.net
Hellow!! you japanese fecker's!! lol
and please don't tell me about my miss spelling!!
.Writting english is fucking difficult!!
becouse. i'm ディックレス!!(how to spell it?)
I have no japanese frends who speak english
and another Foreign language!!
fuck them!!
and.. how about you guys? (or geys?)
you have any friends speak english ? huu?
(i mean...only japanese)

16/01/06 15:47:54.03 MjBh49Pj!.net
Hello everyone. Have a good day.

16/01/06 18:25:27.39 u+5glIyd.net
Pussy is not for lick. Pussylickers.

16/01/06 19:30:14.25 MjBh49Pj!.net
I like to give cunnilingus.

16/02/18 02:24:17.80 SIOuTZ/S.net
I... Don't exactly know how to answer this, I obviously can't give you a number out of ten.
And even if, for the sake of the argument, I knew nothing about it at all, how does this make what
I've said about english illegitimate?
What would you like to talk about?

16/02/18 02:40:25.32 MUIQi7X8.net
wass up,ma bro&sis?
this is my first writting.
i'm 19 years old. i'm learning english every day.
Cuz i wish go to america next year.
how much i need money(\)for trip to america for 3week?
if i did mistake in grammer in the text,can u tell me
where is.

16/02/18 09:57:53.04 mI87aaBJ.net
Are you >>332?

16/02/18 11:30:09.01 lL+eTUyD.net
I am neither your brother nor your sister. Please do not presume.

16/02/18 11:51:28.74 MUIQi7X8.net
it's slang.lol

16/02/18 14:06:52.89 mI87aaBJ.net

16/02/18 23:53:06.93 8cEK1seZ.net
i see

16/02/24 12:26:20.11 CjQGBMrJ.net
i see

16/02/24 15:02:21.42 bvKcSMjq.net
>>354 Pussychat.

16/02/24 15:29:13.11 J1JeRwrP.net
How should I say 花粉症 in English ?

16/02/24 18:15:30.77 5icmGOoa.net
Pollen allergy
I have pollen allergy.
I am allergic to pollen

16/02/25 09:38:03.24 lKoRCdBy.net
Hey fever

16/02/25 15:02:59.50 H/ekLpog.net
>wass up,ma bro&sis?
>this is my first (writing).
>i'm 19 years old. i'm learning english every day.
>Cuz i wish (to) go to (America) next year.
>how much (do) i need for (a)trip to america for 3week(s)?
>if (there are) mistakes in gramm(a)r in the text,can u tell me
>(what they are?)


16/02/26 21:25:40.02 qx2/Pefx.net
"I have pollen allergy"じゃなくて、"I have a pollen allergy"です。

16/02/27 10:01:22.38 W3I28nVv.net
Native speaker here. "I am allergic to pollen." is the best way to say it.

16/02/27 14:54:34.28 lK+iS9Hi.net
I have hey fever.
I'm Japanese.

16/02/28 08:41:02.23 dvtxpIet.net
I'm also a native speaker, and to me "I have a pollen allergy" also makes sense.
"I'm allergic to pollen" sounds good and perhaps better, but for some reason the thought of it never entered my head.
I think it's because I was just trying to correct the original post.
"Hey"じゃないです、"Hay"です。"I have hay fever."

16/02/28 08:46:06.96 dvtxpIet.net
Cool, I didn't think there were many native speakers on here.
Do you know/are you learning Japanese, too?
What are your hobbies if you don't mind me asking?

16/02/28 08:47:33.18 r+K87cmD.net
Thanks for your correction.
I believe that "I have hay fever" is more natural than "I'm allergic to pollen" when you have actually have hay fever.

16/02/28 08:52:00.75 dvtxpIet.net
thinking of someone saying the words "I'm allergic to pollen" in a monotone voice.
You're right, "I have hay fever" is much more natural.
If it were a different context, say, where the topic is pollen, it would be the other way round.

16/02/28 12:47:54.09 mVqjc9/M.net
>when you have actually have hay fever.
Oops. when you actually have hay fever.

16/03/05 11:26:18.40 hCw6n0Qr.net
there are so many native english speaker hire?
sombody please tell me the detail?

16/03/14 19:15:42.38 d0pQIGZJ.net
I'm japanese.

16/03/17 18:15:04.88 fDhR16oO.net

16/03/19 22:37:50.58 HiKT5WIC.net
I'm japanese too

16/03/26 17:57:52.29 NMREeYIq.net
Please come and see my blog.
I would appreciate if you point out my English mistakes
Thank you.

16/04/15 02:04:29.12 rrls+MmX.net
is this the proper thread?

16/05/09 18:44:14.24 pEbEqUcT.net
I can't speak English well,OK?

16/07/04 22:58:59.44 bwTgpRlL0.net
Camfrog is available on all of your devices.
Stay in touch with friends wherever you are.
You want to talk about Camfrog on 2ch?

16/07/04 23:00:09.16 bwTgpRlL0.net
Here we go!

16/12/28 15:34:18.70 2OJg4xZj0.net
I want to speak English.

17/07/27 13:03:48.00 YNPTp23R0.net
☆ 日本人の婚姻数と出生数を増やしましょう。そのためには、公的年金と

17/08/17 11:35:33.28 PQg6jY9X0.net

17/08/17 12:07:04.36 jlalrdL90.net
60000 yen is of no use

17/09/25 21:26:00.79 hAYnd4OB0.net
Will you listen to me?
A young mother cat came to my garden with her 4 little babys yesterday.
The kittens were playing pleasantly there, the mother was watching over them in peace.
She is a very beautiful cat and kittens are adorable. The scene was good like a picture!
Hours later when I was there, they were moving to the garden of the next house in which
an old cat phobia woman lives. I had a bad feeling seeing it as she is so strange and feared by neighbors
Soon after, I found that they had disappeared completely, couldn't hear them at all.
She might do ill to the cats. I can't sleep for worrying about them.
I have no association with her. I dont know what to do for them.

18/06/16 12:53:17.57 2ABpQmJ20.net

18/11/21 16:36:23.24 RQqOneN1M.net
Let's get the chat on again!

18/11/30 16:34:31.44 UyrnlgBt0.net
shut up and make money as much as possible

19/01/23 13:40:20.12 wgCGNcs9H.net
For your purposes you should probably translate it as "non-japanese citizens" if the precise meaning is important

19/01/31 19:14:48.39 Wwgg9yE1d.net

19/01/31 22:45:33.18 Wwgg9yE1d.net
I'm told "get out, this is native speaker
only" at chat thread.

19/02/01 00:15:48.03 NTAuX+GVd.net
( ^ω^ )

19/06/03 16:27:42.50 8aC6/RMrH.net
In which thread?

19/06/23 03:10:10.05 oK1woZGAM.net
Don't mind!

20/02/06 12:14:37.51 Z0gdk6jK0.net
can you explain the meaning of the phrase "tonight love is rationed across the nation"??
its a phrase of a song. I cant see the meaning...

20/02/06 22:06:06.84 bLViBTvT0.net
If you ask for explaining it in Japanese, its phrase means "トゥナイトラブは全米で配給されている".
The singer may express that American people know my song through the movie.

NG NG.net

22/03/26 02:24:53.92 SSPtC3A+a.net

22/03/30 03:24:38.77 lfhN3wjba.net

22/03/30 03:27:27.47 lfhN3wjba.net
No idea.

22/03/30 06:04:26.49 TxfaUkUka.net
Why don't you come to the new chat in english?
Why new one?
Because 5ch will be closed someday in the near future.

22/05/05 08:59:28.23 wnvr9DB2r0505.net
Like no one knows here except me.

22/05/09 21:55:28.84 yJ/ihiQWp.net
I’ll update this thread to take attention from all. Thank me :)

22/05/18 07:02:10.08 nzRRxxxYM.net
Viva Ukraine.

22/05/19 15:57:57.88 sO+tC7jBa.net
Don't hold
back to

22/05/19 16:29:42.54 QVIhE+ala.net

22/05/30 14:09:07.19 cMhLN2Zqa.net
Why don't you get the conversation started?

22/06/03 11:03:49.71 fG9MxARda.net
I want you to get chat started.

22/06/03 12:24:54.29 HsyFHT0X0.net
【体調不良】 広瀬アリス、渡辺裕之 【ワクチン】

22/06/04 08:32:10.65 kdvD9hX4a.net
No vaiccine related matter I guess.

22/07/05 07:04:49.52 14/pzIuB0.net
Is this thread dead?

22/08/05 20:18:26.05 VGsWy2BEa.net
I am alive.
Don't hold back to talk.

23/01/17 08:21:13.78 c2ofGkV1a.net
Get up.

23/03/27 23:50:00.61 RropOXP6a.net
Cross-Cultural Connections Japan and Taiwan

23/05/12 08:34:12.77 4wuGNSZKa.net
I wanna be rich.

23/06/12 01:58:12.18 DQKtSWora.net
No one here for a while.

421:名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 21f1-HM7Z)
23/08/07 23:51:13.25 Jn84MIdF0.net
Are there any other places on 5ch where international users are allowed to post?

422:名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 21f1-HM7Z)
23/08/07 23:56:20.40 Jn84MIdF0.net
How popular is Hololive in Japan?

423:名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ニククエW 1a1c-AUmz)
23/09/29 19:15:26.36 NWU2XelB0NIKU.net

24/04/29 10:51:27.53 WmYp5SxJa.net
"chat in english" etc

24/04/29 10:51:57.73 WmYp5SxJa.net
Almost no one knows.

24/04/29 13:43:11.54 AEmRrxqE0NIKU.net
I'll chat with you in English.

24/04/29 14:03:57.80 6SXXyzhi0NIKU.net
How can I say "I'm human" in another way?

24/04/29 14:40:42.88 3Hdo237j0NIKU.net
I'm not a korean lol

24/04/29 14:48:47.28 6SXXyzhi0NIKU.net
Yeah Japanese are nice, checks out

24/04/30 01:45:32.52 odR3kTnI0.net
I hate robot.

24/06/21 13:46:24.40 as+40WE3a.net
Now we have 梅雨 which make me feel so groomy.
