14/01/10 21:10:38.43 .net
「誰それらしい、誰それに似あう」という意味での me, you についての OED の解説を引用したけど、
us, them などについても、ここにコピーしておく。今はざあっとしか見ていないけど、あとで
2. In predicative use: suited to or representative of our tastes, personality, etc.; appropriate for us. Cf. me adj.
1940 M. Dickens Mariana viii. 312 ‘How could you know I'd like something like this?’.. ‘It just looked absolutely us, somehow.’
2003 A. Sayle Overtaken 13 And the thing was, we were entranced with how us it was―quirky, individual, original.
3. In predicative use: suited to or representative of their tastes, personality, etc.; appropriate for them.
1989 Dimensions Spring 26/2 All executive dressing services agree there is no point in pressurising clients into clothes they feel are not really ‘them’.
2008 W. H. Calhoun Fall & Beyond vii. 105 Trying to please their parents by playing a role that was not really them.
2012 J. Roper Double Time iv. 54 The girls' behaviors and mannerisms, even at just days and weeks old, were so completely them.
him と her については、「彼(彼女)に似合う、彼(彼女)らしい」というような意味での