【地上波】 NHKニュース英語スレ 【19時・21時】at ENGLISH
【地上波】 NHKニュース英語スレ 【19時・21時】 - 暇つぶし2ch350: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/10/08 19:59:08.74 .net

02: Since Maehara's announcement, no substantial progress has been made. Sumio Mabuchi
became Land Minister a year ago. He decided to temporarily shelve the decision of Maehara and
make a final decision within a year whether or not the dam will be built.

04: Maeda says some of what the gavernment has said may be correct. He says the government
needs now to responsibly carry through the projects already decided on.

21: Japanese pop culture has a deeply rooted popularity in Asian countries. But compared to rival
South Korea, Japan has been slow in making it sales pitch. It's also been slow in taking counter
measures against piracy and so far hasn't been very succcesful businesswise.

25: This afternoon a fire broke out at a brewery in Fukuoka City. No one was hurt. The two-story
wooden building in Hakata Ward was built in the 1870s and was registered as a tangible cultural asset.

351: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/10/09 20:18:53.73 .net

00: A centuries-old sacred dance performance that was on the brink of disappearing due to the March
disaster has been revived.

02: A doctor is examining children's thyroid glands by ultrasounds for tumors or other normalities.
Doctor says the white area shows a thyroid gland and that a tumor will register as black.

15: In the old lunar calender morning dew cold around this time of year people can feel the autumnal air
and expect winter is coming soon.

21: Back in September Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda said that once the stress tests are complete
and the host communities give their consent, the government will give the greenlight to operations.

352: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/10/09 20:22:43.96 .net
I wonder whether #647 at a certain thread saw my response and trial translation: I'm the 862,957&996.
It would be better the last line to be as follows:

...And a Korean claims it originated in his motherland!!

353: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/10/10 22:40:17.84 .net

02: Residents of Sumida Ward are attending a briefing on a draft city ordinance to protect the city
landscape. Tokyo Sky Tree is set to open in May next year. The ward office hopes to instate a zoning
code restricting the types of buildings that can be constructed in the tower's vicinity. The ordinance
would ban advertisements and signs that are not related to the area. The height and building ratio of
all structures are restricted. And sex establishments would be prohibited.

27: In addition Noda visited a firming corporation that has achieved large scale farming by amalgamating
several smaller firms.

46: Saito says he should thank to Brewers Manager for sending him to the pithcer's mound in such a
crucial time. After allowing a hit, Saito faced the tough spot with runners on first and third. Cardinals
slugger Albert Pujols stepped up to the plate.

354: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/10/11 22:40:06.38 .net

00: People can bring their own foods to this shop in Kashiwa City, Chiba Prefecture, to test
them themselves for radiation. Consumers flooded to the shop just after its open today.
The company in the city opened the shop in the commercial area near the station.
There are six dosimeters here that people can use to test foods that they bring with themselves.

05: Pension benefits are an important source of imcome for retirees. However, the eligible age
to receive pension payments may have to increase in the future.

25: This resident was involved in the planning. He says the plan should be implemented promptly
to give residents the strength to overcome the predicament.

35: Akimoto says he disposed of the crops on the zone in the presence of a prefectual official
except one kilogram of rice for radiation tests. He says he's sorry about the rise on which he
lavished so much care for so many months. Akimoto says someone had to pave the way for the
farmers in this remote village to hold on to rice farming.

355: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/10/12 22:39:29.22 .net

03: An expert told Setagaya Ward that rainwater gathered at the spot in question raised the
radiation level.

08: He says he is worried that unfounded rumors may hurt sales.

10: This man says the situation may be worse than the aftermath of the March 11th disaster in Japan.

11: Jetro's senior official in charge of Asia-Pacific region says As was known from the March 11th
disaster, makers cannot complete production when even one part is not available.

27: Until now, car makers have focused their efforts on producing plug-in electric vehicles as the
key to make them appealing to the general public. Now the companies are shifting their attention to
producing models that supply powers to households by discharging electricity.

356: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/10/13 22:30:50.02 .net

00: Seiji Maehara says he cannnot help but feel concerned about the prospect of Japan losing its
competitiveness. Why is the Democratic Party policy chief expressing such strong concern?

33: The Himalayan country with the population of only 700,000 is known for its unique idea of
Gross National Happiness, or GNH, which emphasizes people's well-being.

36: Butan is facing an uncontrolled wave of modernization. The ban on televison and internet was
lifted in 1999. Information obtained from these communication networks prompted young people to
seek material well-being.

38: Many youths cannot find jobs while a number of well-off who own automobiles thanks to the
nation's modernization on the rise.

48: The main reason why he has not won any tournaments so far is his drive which he has been
very good at.

357: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/10/14 22:36:19.42 .net

00: Gohara says he is frankly flabbergasted by the report produced by Kyushu Electric. He says the
utility has cherry-picked their findings and made it appear it is willing to act on their recommendations.

09: (In the booklet made last year) only two pages are dedicated to explaining radiation and they say
little about the effect of radiation to the human body. The new book is different. It explains that
exposure to massive radiation can cause burns or cancer and that is important to minimize exposure
to radiation. The book include tips on evacuation and readiness in case of an accident at a nuclear
power plant.

19: On the tape the prosecutor says it depends on the extenuating circumstances. Ishikawa says
he will say what he has to say and leave the matter to the judges.

358: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/10/15 10:18:28.62 .net
It's not bad sometimes to apply vocablaries and sentence structures I learned from those news
contents to my English writing.

...φ(゚∀゚ )
Nothing can extenuate what you did. You cherry-picked from theses of others and it is only plagiarism.

The main reason why people fear radiation hysterically is that it is invisible and they cannot find
its effect on the human body until noticeable symptoms appear.

I am flabbergasted to see you flabbergasted at the alteration. As is well known, the revised
specifications went open to the public last year, so you could have found the point in question
with adequate attention.

359: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/10/15 19:57:29.60 .net

00: The U.S. government is set to urge Japan to take specific steps to relocate U.S. Futenma air
station in Okinawa. NHK has learned that Washington will soon ask Japan to seek Okinawa's
permission by June next year to reclaim waters off Nago City where the bases due to be moved.

03: The more time it takes to transfer the troops, the more it will cost. The U.S. Government
Accountability Office estimates that the U.S. cost burden has already trippled to some one trillion yen.

06: Earthquake experts are questioning why the March erthquake could not be predicted. The
Seismological Society of Japan is holding a symposium in Shizuoka City where they review their
past research and their role in the nation's disaster management. Nagoya University Professor
Takeshi Sagiya says the Magnitude 9 quake was beyond any of their expectations. He says they
must identify the problems that led to their failure to predict it and invites candid opinions from

360: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/10/16 20:05:52.09 .net

00: Paper product and diaper maker Daio Paper Corporation is filing a criminal lawsuit against the
former chairman who allegedly failed to repay his personal loans from the group companies.
The former chairman who borrowed more than eight billion yen, also allegedly failed to explain how
he spent the money. A special squad from the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office has begun
investigating the case and asked the company to voluntarily release documents on the case.

07: The Thai government in a whirl is trying to help stem flood-related damage. About 500 ships
have been positioned in many spots on the river and their propellers activated to send river water
into the ocean.

19: In Iwate Prefecture about thirty people walked along the tracks of Sanriku Railway. Most of
the company's lines have been stopped since the quake and tsunami hit the Sanriku coast.
The crowd walked the 2.5 kilometers stretch, writing prayers and messages of encouragement
on sleepers and stones along the tracks.

361: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/10/17 22:24:20.85 .net

04: One of Japan's best-known home appliance brand has been bought by a leading Chinese
electronics firm as part of its marketing strategy for Asia.
Now that Chinese shopping sprees have extended to buying up a well-known Japanese electronics

11: The heart of the problem is not on what the governor said or did not say but is about the
collusive relations between electric companys and the government.

28: Hamada says there are over 5,000 hazardous sites on manmade reclaimed land where no measures
have been taken to counter liquefaction.

362: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/10/18 22:34:36.88 .net

00: The police launched a crackdown on illegal cyclists in Tokyo's Nakano Ward today. The traffic
light has turned red but cyclists don't pay any attention. They've been stopped for ignoring the
red light.

21: Newborn babys' antibodies passed from their mothers protect them from infectious diceases
such as measles. The immune system can work against infections until babies turn around six months.
In the case of the RS virus, it is difficult for people to have antibodies even after they become
infective with the virus. For that reason the amount of antibodies to be passed from mothers to
babies is small, causing serious infections in babies under age one and some cases.

26: Let's look at how the money was illegally withdrawn. The method that was used involved
infiltrating personal computers with spyware to steal IDs and passwrords unbeknown to bank account
holders. A computer virus is often attached to e-mails disguised as a letter from a bank. If you
access to the bank's web page and input your ID and password on the infected computer, your ID and
password are sent to the perpetrator.

56: Seibu won 4-3. Seibu ended the season in the third place, clinching a slot in the playoffs.

363: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/10/19 22:31:32.91 .net

16: So how can we protect ourselves from those viruses? First, you should download applications
from reliable sites run by mobile phone carriers where virus checks are conducted. Second, use
a virus scanning security software. And conduct frequent updates of basic softwares of your

30: Forty-four local authorities are eligible for government grants that are provided to places
that host or are looking at hosting nuclear facilities. The grant scheme has been a financial bonanza
for local authorities.

50: Ochiai felt the usually cool-headed pitcher was slightly ruffled, so he approached the mound.

Ochiai says that pitchers sometimes send signs to the bench, saying they want help. He says you
have to look closely or you won't notice it. Ochiai urges people to watch baseball with this in mind.
It will be interesting because each player has particular quirks.

364: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/10/21 22:41:39.85 .net

09: The plan aims to reorganize Osaka City and Sakai City in special autonomous districts with
population of 300,000 to 500,000. It calls for reorganizing Osaka Prefecture and the cities in the
prefecture to create Metropolis of Osaka governed by metropolitan governor of Osaka who'd be the
only official exercising command.

42: It is government to come to the rescue when problems take place of banks. So if the cisis of
banks becomes more accute then that will exacerbate state finances. This is a mutual negative
chain reaction between the government and the banks making it difficult to resolve the problem.

365: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/10/22 19:58:16.97 .net

03: Many cameras are manufactured in Thailand. The yearend and newyear shopping season will
no doubt be affected. Sony, for example, was forced to delay the launch of a new product because
of flooding damage. Other manufacturers have also reported delays in the shipment of some
products with some taking up two weeks insted of three days to reach store shelves.

06: More than seven months have past since the March earthquake. Today people participated in
the events to pray the souls of victims in the disaster and remember their hometowns devastated
by the quake and tsunami. The national championships of poetry recitation in the form of a boxing
match were held in Tokyo today. The participants cited their original poems in the ring.

15: Amid the growing cases of illegal withdrawals of money from online bank accounts a new scam to
steal personal identification numbers has been discovered. This shows a table of random numbers
distributed to the depositors which is common in Japan. The use of random numbers has been
provided for internet customers to identify them as depositors. But cases are growing in which the
whole table of random numbers has been stolen.

366: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/10/24 22:33:57.57 .net

00: The taxi ran through a fence and fell onto the rail tracks and the train that came into contact
is still remaining there.
The passengers are still waiting in the train cars. There are no reports of injuries to them.
JR Yokosuka Line remains inoperable between Tokyo and Kurihama on both inbound and outbound

06: But he says relocating it to Henoko will be prolonged and will be nealy impossible and this
could lead to a mud-slinging match

42: An increasing number of people suffer from depresson triggered by stress from work.The Health,
Labor and Welfare Ministry plans to oblige companies to take measures including stresschecks
to maintain the mental health of their employees.
The number of workers who applied for worker's compensation due to depression or other illnesses
caused by stress from their work hit a record high of 1,181 in the twelve months through March 31.
That was about six times the number ten years ago.

367: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/10/25 22:36:09.88 .net

11: Some of the land is at sea level. Such low-lying areas extend deep in land. This geographical
feature makes it difficult for floodwater to flow smoothly into the sea.

18: The territorial dispute between Japan and China over the Senkaku Islands is an everyday issue
for the residents of the Yaeyama District. an Unprecedented situation is underway in the district
over the selection of civics textbooks to be used next year by junior high schools in the district.

It has been screened by the Education Ministrory. But there are differences in the way they write.
For example, on the Senkaku Islands, the currently used textbook says the Senkaku Islands are
Japanese territory, but China is also asserting their position. And the new textbook some of the
board of education are trying to take up says that the Senkaku Islands, though China is asserting
the ownership of them, are inherent territory of Japan historically and due to international law.

41: NHK will also beef up backup power sources of broadcasting facilities to insure continued
service during prolonged blackouts. Secondly, NHK aims to create world-class high quality news
and other programs and to introduce new services that represent a symbiosis between television
and internet.

368: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/10/27 22:31:48.86 .net
13: Market investors say the latest EU package doesn't mean that credit concerns are gone for
good. For Japan, which is trying to recover from the march disaster, the situation remains dire.

15: Until now, the central bank has been using a war chest of 15 trillion yen to purchase government
and corporate debts and investment trusts in financial markets. The aim was to provid ample
liquidity so that financial institutions would lend more money to companies which would in turn
stimulate the economy.

By putting more money into circulation the BOJ is also hoping to dampen the value of the yen.
However, experts say the move didn't halt the yen's rise today because the government did not
intervene in the market simultaneously. Barkleys Capital Chief Economist Kyohei Morita says
Monetary easing wasn't coupled with market intervention. He says that ironically this reinsures
investors that they can keep on buying the yen.

369: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/10/28 22:33:13.94 .net

03: Mori sincerely wants to go on farming as his forfathers did. At the same time he doesn't want
Japan's manufactureing industry to crumble. So he wavers between the pros and the cons.

07: Yamada says Tariffs on lumber were abolished before, and Japanese cypress lumber has come
to be sold at the same price as horseradish, two hundred yen a piece.

14: Sources say most of the withdrawn money was remitted to a bank account with ties to overseas
casinos. The withdrawal was made from seven subsidiaries of Daio Paper. The investigator panel says
Ikawa had the subsidiaries remit designated amounts to his own bank account or an account held
under the name of a Japanese unit of a firm that operates casinos.

30: People are still seeking redress for the leaking one year ago of purported secret intelligent files
amassed by the Tokyo Metropolitan Police concerning international terrorist threats. Many people
named in the documents say their privacy was violated or that statements in the files are false or

370: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/10/29 20:03:27.15 .net

15: The operator of this outlet says winter bedding is selling very well with sales having nearly
tripled over the last year. This supermarket official says people seemed to be accustomed to leading
a life without relying much on electricity. He says in light of this he thinks the current trade will

16: The committee says the auditing firm is said to have already identified his borrowing last year
but it did not ask him about it during a meeting in August of this year.

371: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/10/30 19:52:00.05 .net

00: An early snorstorm has struck the U.S. East Coast, leaving three people dead and two million
hoseholds without power. The center of New York City had about three centimeters of snow.
That's the heaviest snowfall at this time of year since weather observation started in1869.

18: This is Nihonbashi Bridge in Tokyo drawn in the Edo period. For 400 years it has prospered as the
starting point of five main roads including the Tokaido. And this is the present-day Nihonbashi, the
twentieth in four centuries. Today a festival marked the centennial of the completion of the current

26: Kodaira later said that she still had gas in a tank at the end. Her pace did not slow down. Kodaira
didn't allow takagi to catch up and won the race.

372: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/10/31 22:36:22.98 .net

07: The key factor that is pushing up the yen's value is foreign rather than domestic.
But the government and the Bank of Japan went ahead and intervened again. Asked whether
the effects of the intervention will be limited, Finance Minister Jun Azumi says although he isn't
in a positon to comment on what the market think the intervention, we'll continue until the
government is satisfied.

44: In its ruling the Osaka District Court said it is clear that the defendant was fully capable of
being held responsible for what he did. The court said it is debatble whether hanging is the best
method of execution, but it concluded after hearing the lay judges' opinions as well that hanging
does not violate the constitution. The court sentenced Takami to death.

52: His skillful mix of fast balls and curve balls kept the batters off balance.

373: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/11/01 22:38:38.11 .net

00: Land prices are adjusted following major natural disasters and the new rates will apply to people
who acquire lands through inheritance or donation with the aim of reducing their financial burden.
Minus step was taken for the first time following the 1995 Great Hanshin Earthquake. The maximum
assessed land price drop was 25 percent. Urayasu City saw its assessed land prices fall as much as
40 percent. This reflected damage caused by liquefaction.

09: The representatives of these regions said that Japan's participation in the TPP would bring about
devastating results. Toshiaki Matsuzaki of Kagoshima Prefecture's agricultural cooperative says
sugar cane is growing to protect other crops from typhoons or other disasters. He says if no tariff is
levied the sugar cane willl disappear.

36: The disaster threw Sato into severe depression. He was totally apathetic and unable to think
about anything, even photographs. He says he felt guilty about persueing his hobby while everyone
else was working hard to help rebuild the community.

374: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/11/02 22:40:15.59 .net

01: It is estimated that the quake and tsunami left behind 23 million tons of debris in Iwate, Miyagi
and Fukushima Prefectures. It is impossible to dispose of all this waste within the region. According
to a survay by the Environment Ministry in April, 572 waste disposal bodies including municipalities
and local cooperatives in 42 prefectures said they would accepte disaster debris. But a recent
survey showed that the number of candidates had declined to 54 in 11 prefectures. The number
dropped to about 10 percent because many local residents fear possible radioactive contamination.

The Tokyo government has received 800 complaints by email and telephone. But the government is
sticking to its decision. Tokyo Governor Shintaro Ishihara says people should help each other and
he believes Tokyo should help people in the disaster-hit areas.

25: Metropolitan Police say the robbery was masterminded by the defendant Hideto Ozawa. He is
believed to have hand-selected the actual perpetrators of the crime, funded the getaway and
provided a getaway car. Each person had set a role on the robbery. One of the most important parts
of the plan was the informants. Mastermind Ozawa gained access to inside information. His first
source was a complete stranger, a hair salon manager.

26: Tomatsu's conversation with two of his clients is said to have eventually leaked to the criminal
syndicate tipster Ozawa.
Tomatsu was believed to have confided in his hair salon customers.

375: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/11/03 22:41:51.33 .net

09: Japan's fiscal problems came to the front late last week. The outstanding balance of national
debt was estimated to reach 1,024 trillion yen by the end of the current fiscal year, topping the
1,000 trillion mark for the first time ever. Sovereign debt has triggered a crisis in Greece, thus
spreading concern in other EU nations. Many of these nations are settled with central or local
government debt reaching over 100 percent of their GDPs. In other words, they are borrowing more
than what their economy is worth.

10: Why is Japan, despite its colossal debt, escaping the type of crisis that is hampering Greece?
Analyst Tetsuya Matsunaga of Mizuho Securities says fiscal sustainability is judged by nation's ability
to raise funds. He says the markets believe Japan still has leeway to raise money by hiking the
consumption tax, whose rate of 5 percent is deemed quite low. He says that's why long-term rates
are stable in Japan.

44: You can find clouds of various shapes this season. These ones are called floccus clouds.

*floccus: a tuft of wool or similar clump of fibres. [COD]

376: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/11/05 20:00:50.95 .net

11: Old bridges are becoming a serious problem for the nation. Because they are degraded, some are
closed or traffic is restricted.
And degradation will become a serious issue for the country.

This is Shinnaka Bridge in Tochigi Prefecture. Cracks have developed on the piers and concrete is
coming away.
Steel girders have become rusty and corroded.

14: The government hasn't earmarked the budget for massive renovation projects.

24: This woman won the contest. She says she is learning a bamboo artwork at a vocational school
in Kyoto.

377: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/11/06 19:58:40.65 .net

02: Police said the burnt building was more than 30 years old. There are 26 apartments in this
two-story building. Reports suggest 23 people are living in 22 households there. Many of the
residents are elderly citizens living on welfare.

06: He removed materials from storage. He then clean mud from the files one by one.
Suzuki says they are important documents for the town to carry out legitimate elections.
He says it will take time but he must clean them all.

15: President Barak Obama won the previous election by pledgeing economic recovery. But the
U.S. economy has remained sluggish. With the next presidential race just one year away, voter
frustration is mounting.

21: In men's tennis, Japan's Kei Nishikori pulled off an amazing upset at the Swiss indoor event,
defeating world No.1 Novak Djokovic.

378: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/11/12 19:51:21.66 .net

26: SoftBank leading one-nothing. But in the seventh inning, Chunichi's veteran Kazuhiro Wada
was called on as a pinch hitter. He's a fifteen-year veteran. Tsuyoshi Wada, the SoftBank starter,
hadn't given up a hit at this point. But Wada goes deep, tied the game.

379: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/11/13 20:05:56.45 .net

04: The opposition Liberal Democratic Party Leader Sadakazu Tanigaki says Noda claims that the
TPP will help Japan draw on the power of growth of the Asia-Pacific region, but he doubts that view.
He says it will be very risky for Noda what to decide to join the TPP negotiations just to support
President Obama's reelection.

06: Prime Minister Noda hopes that by responding to President Obama's expectations he could
patch up the bilateral relationship and eventually solidify his own power base.

16: Hiramatsu says he wants to work with people who love Osaka City and help expand the small
activities of such people into bigger movements. He says a black-and-white political stance or
branding those who disagree with U.S.(?) enemies will never brighten people's hearts.

22: At around four-thirty p.m. today, Keihin-Tohoku line train bound for Omiya hit five bicycles
that were on railway near Kaminakazato station. No passenger was hurt. The site was not accessible
to general public.

380: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/11/14 22:23:56.90 .net

12: Participation by Canada and Mexico will supply a tail wind to Obama who tries to expand TPP
in the Asia-Pacific region.

42: A list of the contemporary master craftsmen for 2011 has been announced. They include
craftsmen from around Japan who have outstanding skills. On the list is Seietsu Ishine, an engineer
who oversaw the assembly of the asteroid probe Hayabusa, which returned after seven-year jaourney,
bringing dust samples from an asteroid 300 million kilometers from Earth.

51: At initial charge Goeido tries to duck in low, but Kotoshogiku doesn't let him do this. He crashes
out Goeido from the front just as he planned. Kotoshogiku says he's going to step hard on a gas pedal
tomorrow and for the rest of the tournament.

381: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/11/15 22:31:32.26 .net

00: It's five AM. The police suddenly started clearing the park of demonstrators earlier this morning.
Officers were seen holding down young people by their arms and legs. Some of the young people
were roughly hundled by police offecers as they were bundled into vehicles.

04: Japan's position of starting consultations with member countries to join the TPP talks has left
room for various interpretations.

09: The communication gap between the United States and Japan came to the surface already.
Why should this happen? It's because the Japanese government has been so vague in presenting its
policy. Ambiguous expressions used by Noda only work among those who can tolerate it. The United
States and other countries involved in the TPP negotiations as well as those who oppose to it in
Japan will not accept such vagueness.

24: Preparations for the onset of winter are also underway at the temporary housing area in
Kesennuma City, Miyagi Prefecture. Insulation has been installed to ward off the cold weather.

382: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/11/16 22:29:26.48 .net

30: Tokyo Station was completed in 1914. It's made from state-of-the-art steel and reinforced
bricks used in that period. It was designed by Kingo Tatsuno, pioneer of modern architecture. He's
remembered for creating buildings that suited to Japanese environment. He put efforts in making
Tokyo Station earthquake-resistant. Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923 destroyed much of Tokyo.
Tokyo Station withstood the huge jolt. So what was the technology behind its steadiness?

This photo was taken during renovation work. Tokyo Station was supported by pine. Ten thousand
piles made of pine were hammered into the ground to supoo35 the building which extends 335 meters
North to South.

34: A surveillance camera shows the Vietnamese shoplifting group making off with merchandise.
Many Vietnamese theft rings of this type have been apprehended throughout Japan.

383: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/11/17 22:42:56.11 .net

00: Under the happy young king, Bhutan has been building a nation that prioritizes the well-being
of its people over economic growth.

12: Japan's decision to start consultation with countries involved in negotiations for the TPP
showed consideration for the United States. But this time Noda is expected to tell leaders in
Indonesia that Japan wants to promote economic ties within the ASEAN plus three framework
as well. How will Japanese diplomatic policies navigate the differences between China and the
United States?

37: The technology tempers concrete with seawater. It was considered to be unworkable. The salt
in seawater was thought to be concrete's greatest enemy. Gravel and other particles in concrete
tend to swell when they react with salt. As a result, concrete easily develops cracks and breaks apart.
But after conducting experiment the construcion firm discovered that mixing cement made with
less alkaline components with special agent can control the reaction caused by salt. The company
also found the use of seawater can increase the strength of concrete.

But when using seawater, rust on reinforcing rods becomes a problem. It could happen that as rust
develops the reinforcing rods will swell and the concrete will break apart. Researchere tried to cover
the rods with special resin.

384: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/11/18 22:30:40.39 .net

00: At four-thirty this afternoon, Giants President Tsunekazu Momoi held a news conference and
said the Giants removed the 61-year-old director from his post effective today. He said it would
become apparent that Kiyotake is not fit to serve as a director. Kiyotake set up a stir by abruptly
holding a news conference last week. Kiyotake then says the Giants chairman Tsuneo Watanabe
told him that he would pick former Giants pitcher Suguru Egawa as new head coach and the current
head coach would be demoted. He says Watanabe also told him negotiations with Egawa were already
underway. Kiyotake says this runs counter to the club's internal control and compliance. Kiyotake
said Watanabe tried to reverse the team's decision on a personnel issue although he is not authorized
to do so.

Later that day, the Giants president Momoi also held a news conference, criticizing Kiyotake. Momoi
says Kiyotake held the news conference withoug informing him and this is unacceptable for the
viewpoint of corporate compliance and internal control. Watanabe said in a statement that the
accusation made by Kiyotake lacks commonsense and is a malicious lie. He said Kiyotake defamed him.

385: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/11/19 19:58:33.13 .net

14: Next, we look at the topic related to iPS cells, or induced pluripotent stem cells, which can
potentially develop into all types of tissues and organs in the body. Speaking at a symposium today,
Professor Shinya Yamanaka of Kyoto University said he and his colleagues are aiming to start clinical
tests for treating diabetes and other ailments with the cells within ten years. Yamanaka is the
first to successfully create human iPS cells.

20: The priest says he was honestly surprised when the king kindly held up his umbrella for him and
thought the king must be a kind person. He says the king told him war is always going on somewhere
in the world and he wishes the power of Buddhism could end this. Says the priest responded by telling
him he totally agrees with him.

21: And today the king and queen visited a place where Buddha images are on display. Vocational
school students are making the images to pray for reconstruction of the disaster-hit region.
The students are using pine trees from Rikuzentakata City, Iwate Prefecture, devastated by the
tsunami to create statues. King Wangchuck carefully cut into a Buddha image with a chisel. And the
queen followed suit.

This student says she was touched to see the king and queen treat their handy work with so much

386: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/11/20 20:03:25.31 .net

01: The difference between the current screening and the previous one is the type of issues up for
discussion. Previous screening covered individual projects conducted by ministries and agencies.
This time government policy and systems are being scrutinized. Previously the targets were projects
conducted by ministries and agencies as well as indipendent administrative corporations and those
funded by special accounts. After discussions panel members determined if a specific project was
really necessary or not. They also decided if it should be continued or discontinued. This time the
panel is discussing the goverment's basic policies on nuclear, social security and other issues.
It will examine problems and present proposals on how to fix them.

13: The residents will actually be heading towards the troubled nuclear plant and at one point halfway
across the bridge they enter the ten kilometer zone from the plant. If an evacuation order is issued
for the ten kilometer zone, the bridge could be closed. Residents question the route, too. This person
says it doesn't make sense to go the other side when that's where the accident is taking place.
He says it's like getting from the frying pan into the fire.

387: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/11/21 22:29:42.68 .net

02: Why did young people with advanced degrees and expert knowledge blindly follow Aum founder
Shoko Asahara, whose real name was Chizuo Matsumoto, and commit crimes? The tials are over,
but the mystery remains.

How much became clear in the trials that lasted 16 years? Former Aum senior member Seiichi Endo
was given a final death sentence today. He made the sarin used in the 1995 Tokyo subway attacks.
Endo was doing research on AIDS at Kyoto University's graduate school. He joined the Aum cult
attracted by mystical experiences. NHK obtained a confidential tape recording of conversation within
the cult.

The cult founder Matsumoto praised and flattered his followers. Endo who wanted to be right by the
leader is delighted. The tape recording also has parts in which Matsumoto who tells his followers off
using harsh words.

Matsumoto praised and told off his followers skillfully, manipulating their minds.

32: Some critics worry the participating the TPP may have a negative impact on employment.
Noda says Japan's GDP will increase by 2.7 trillion yen in real terms and it will be a positive impact on

388: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/11/22 22:29:16.67 .net

05: Handreds of thousands of housewives around the country have failed to change their pension
status after their husbands quit their jobs and became self-employed. The government today
anounced measures to resolve the pending issue of housewives' pension payments, putting an end
to a year-long debate. Health, Labor and Welfare Minister Yoko Komiyama says the cabinet today
approved a long awaited bill to revise the National Pension Law.

Housewives are required to notify the authorities when their salaried husbands leave their employees
pension programs after quitting their jobs and start paying their own contributions to the nation's
basic pension system. If they fail to change their status, their pension contribution records thereafter
are categorized as not paid. This means they will receive less pension payments for the portions they
missed to pay.

37: During five-and-a-half months aboard the international space station, Furukawa carried out
various medical experiments. Among them was a test to produce protein crystals using the Japanese
experimental module Kibou. There are hopes that the research will help in a development of medicine
for intractable diseases.

389: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/11/23 22:30:58.42 .net

00: Popular rakugo storyteller Tatekawa Danshi has died of throat cancer at the age of 75. He arranged
traditional stories for contemporary audiences. Free spirited life also won the hearts of many people.

01: Danshi's public image was someone who rebelled against convention. But his autobiography reveals
another face. In the book Danshi said he would have dropped out of the society if he had not found
rakugo. He said traditional storytelling saved him. Danshi was born in 1936 in Tokyo's Bunkyo Ward.
When he was 16 he became an apprentice of rakugo performer Yanagiya Kosan V. He became a master
at the age of 27 and assumed the stage name Tatekawa Danshi. He started to appear on TV early on
his career. He was the first MC of Shoten, a long-running TV program featuring rakugo performance.

Danshi's specialty was classical rakugo stories. He was considered a leading storyteller along with
Kokontei Shincho and two others. But Danshi left the association of rakugo performers in 1983 because
he opposed the group's promotion system and established his own troop.

04: Danshi's remarks and actions sometimes caused commotion. But his main focus was rakugo, which it
describes is an art that tolerates all sorts of emotions and actions.

22: Today is Labor Thanksgiving Day. The flower arrangement in the studio is the work of ikebana artist
Hiroki Maeno. The red and white tones represen Japan.

390: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/11/24 22:49:40.49 .net
l.9 => along with the late Kokontei Shincho
l.12 => which he describes


03: People in Okinawa have had to live with a bilateral agreement on the status of U.S. forces in
Japan. It was revealed today that Japan and the United States have agreed to punch a hole in this
long-standing wall. Foreign Minister Koichiro Genba says this has been important progress in the
crminal sphere of the Satus-of-Forces Agreement, adding that Japan will exercise jurisdiction over
traffic accidents caused by American civilians associated with U.S. military bases in Japan while they
are on duty.

27: News of a rare phenomenon discovered by a high school girl in Ibaraki Prefecture was carried in
at an America's science Journal. The student just stumbled upon the phenomenon during her
ordinary daily routine. The reporter was in Mito City, Ibaraki Prefecture. The group of students at a
prefectural high school say they made the discovery by chance.

In the well-known Belousov-Zhabotinsky or BZ reaction, a mixture of several chemicals with distinct
qualities changes color as it oxidizes and deoxidizes in a seemingly interminable cycle.

391: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/11/25 22:31:52.37 .net

00: Chief Cabinet Secretary Osamu Fujimura made the following remarks at the news conference
this morning. He says it's true that there is an urgent issue regarding the activities of the Imperial
Family. And what was he referring to as an urgent issue? Currently the Imperial Family consists of
the Emperor and 22 family members. 15 of them or about two thirds are women. Fujimura says
female members of the Imperial Family are approaching the marrying age.

So what concerns does this situation pause? The Imperial succession is stipulated in the Imperial
Household Law. Article 12 says female members of the Imperial Family abandon their status when they
marry someone other than the Emperor or members of the Imperial Family.

If female members of the Imperial Family leave the Imperial household by marriage one after another,
It may not be possible to maintain the current level of activity.

05: Fujimura says the debate must take into account the various opinions of the Japanese people of
different backgrounds. He says he is aware the government cannot afford to leave the issue untouched
but neither should it hold a hasty debate. He feels now is not the time to say whether it will take
certain number of months or years.

392: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/11/25 22:33:42.97 .net
l.6 pause => pose

393: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/11/26 11:17:31.44 .net

44: It's 11:28 a.m., the time that the sun rises to the highest point in Tokyo this time of the year.
But it seems the sunlight is not coming from directly above. It's coming from an angle. Famous
tenth to eleventh century Japanese poet Seishonagon wrote the dusk is the best time in autumn.

How do people see autume these days? This man says each day sun that shines into his house
recedes little by little. This is it seems like the sun inches across the tatami mats. This woman says
she feels more rush just as the days get shorter. She feels like she must go home in a hurry, cook
dinner in a hurry and go to bed right away.

There is a reason why people feel the days are getting quite short around this time of the year.
Here is the hours of sunrise and sunset in Tokyo. Today the sun sets at 4:30 p.m., which is earlier
than on the winter solstice when the day is the shortest. The sun sets earlier from late November to
mid-Dicember than in midwinter.

Why does this happen? The sun is supposed to be the highest at noon if the earth's axis is not tilted.
However, the axis on which the earth rotates that connects the north and the south pole is slunted
and the earth's orbit around the sun is not a circle but an oval. Because of this, the sun comes to the
highest spot in the sky a little before noon at this season. On the midwinter day the sun rises later
than now but it also reaches the highest point later. This is why the sun sets earlier at this time of
the year than around midwinter.

394: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/11/26 19:59:00.18 .net

07: Do you have any idea what tamakon, saikon and abikon mean? They are versions of gokon,
a group which is dating or partying that have been set up in Tokyo's Tama City, Saitama City and
Chiba's Abiko City. Gokon on this scale are called Machikon, meaning town dating or partying
because they involve people in the entire town and have become fairly popular among young people.

17: Nishimoto was called a great manager with bad luck. That's because he never managed to lead
his team to claim the Japan Series title. One game that many people remember is the final game
between Kintetsu and Hiroshima in the Japan Series in 1979. In the ninth inning Kintetsu had a
chance to turn the game around with the bases loaded with one out. Sticking to his principle of
staying on the offensive, Nishimoto signaled batter Shigeru Ishiwatari to go for squeeze. Hiroshima
pitcher Yutaka Enatsu sensed the move and deliberately threw a high pitch. So Nishimoto's Kintetsu
blew the opportunity to become Japan's No.1 team.

395: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/11/27 20:17:27.24 .net

01: Like a fingerprint, the pattern on a human palm remains unchanged for a lifetime. Police have
many thousands of palm prints on their computer database. The system allows them to quickly
match prints taken from crime scenes with those of ex-criminals. But it has come to light that a
palm print was falsely registered.

10: The United States launched its most advanceed Mars probe yet on saturday. The 900 kilogram
vessel dubbed Curiosity is about the size of a small passenger car, three meters long and two meters
wide. The probe is a mobile laboratory equipped with state-of-the-art instruments for analysis.
Its mission is to seek clues of life on Mars, the fourth planet from the sun in our solor system.

26: Hakuho needed one more win to achieve a perfect record in this tournament.

Hakuho says he wants to aplogize to fans. He says he may have been some reaxed over the last
cupple of days because the championship was decided on the thirteenth day of this tournament.

396: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/11/27 20:19:40.81 .net
=> some relaxed over the couple of days

397: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/11/28 22:36:19.63 .net

00: Hashimoto has been calling for strong leadership. In June he described it as a dictatorship.
Hashimoto says the most important thing in politics today is dictatorship. He says the thing that is
demanded most of Japanese politics now is enough authority to be called a dictator. Hashimoto's
supporters passed out flyers. The incoming mayor has gained the approval of over 100 members of
the local assembly who joined his party Osaka Ishinno Kai.

05: Hashimoto's approach to promote reforms often considered high-anded and he draws wide range
of opinion. Hashimoto says he's set on achieving the goal of Osaka becoming a metropolis.
Hashimoto's plan for Osaka as a metropolis will not be easy to achieve since it will entail changes for
the relevant laws. Memeber of both the Democratic Party and the Liberal Democratic Party are
unwilling to move forward hastily to revise the laws. Hashimoto says at least fifty lawmakers are
needed to submit a bill to the Diet. He says if his group cannot get enough lawmakers to support his
Osaka metropolis plan by the end of March, his political party Oska Ishinno Kai may have to feed its
own candidates for Diet seats.

11/11/29 09:14:05.93 .net


sbj (ディストゥ or ディス to) say ~


399: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/11/29 22:36:11.99 .net

22: Crime organizations are barred from bidding for construction projects whose orders come from
the state or local autonomies. Those projects can be assigned to subcontractors from successful
contractors. And those subcontractors can assign their work to sub-subcontractors. Crime
organizations target those sub-sub or sub-sub-subcontractors. To conceal their identities they ask
a katagi, an average citizen, meaning a non-gang member, to become the president of their
companies. They can win contracts without revealing their true identities. They've been making
unlawful entry into reconstruction businesses, taking advantage of confusion in disaster-hit regions
where secrity clearance tends to be loose and insufficient.

41: Fukubukuro lucky bags have long been a popular new year tradition in Japan. Every year long lines
form at major department stores long befor opening hours on their first business day of the year.
Customers rushing into stores and jostling to grab a lucky bag have long been a common new year
sight. This woman says she buys one every year. Another person says the fact that the contents
are intended to be a surprise gives them the extra allure. The contents make headlines every year.

400: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/11/29 22:37:26.59 .net
I suppose you mean "had this to say."

11/11/30 00:47:22.34 .net
I'm much obliged for your kindness.

Lloyd George had this to say after meeting Hitler at Berchtesgaden in 1936, after commending Hitler for reoccuping the Rhineland.

sbj had this to say ~ 


402: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/11/30 22:32:56.26 .net

09: An outlet of leading DVD rental shop chain Tsutaya will be admonished by the Tokyo government
for failing to report an alleged shoplifting scheme to the police. The outlet is accused of buying
from a group of high school students more than a hundred and thirty CDs and other items that
it knew had been stolen.

Shop manager Isamu Sasazawa says dime stores like his operate a narrow profit margin and depend
on a large sales volume. He says they need to sell about twenty items to recover the cost of one
stolen article.

403: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/11/30 22:34:35.97 .net

07: There are many different types of analyses, maybe analyses three to four. Due to dangerous
conditions, it will not be possible to look directly inside of the facility. So it will become necessary to
review many different analyses results. If they are able to achive a cold shutdown, it will take much
longer, thirty years, in order to decommission the reactor. They will need to use robotic arms to
remove the molten fuel. It is crucial to understand accurately what is happening inside the reactor.

10: At first prosecutors refused to tell the attorneys whether there is undisclosed evidence at all.
Five years after Meakawa began his campaign for another hearing, judges urged the prosecutors
office to submit the undisclosed evidence. This came about because the introduction of thelay judge
system, which was accompanied by new disclosure obligations. The public prosecutors office desclosed
99 pieces of evidence some of which were detrimental to the prosecutors' auguments.

58: In the seventieth minute, Leonessa's Ji So-Yun breaks through to score a goal. But eight
minutes later the Arsenal ladies work around the Leonessa's defense to score.

404: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/12/01 22:32:40.49 .net

22: Erika yamase is a junior at university in Hyogo Prefecture. She hopes to land a job at a midium-
sized trading house specializing in food products. Yamase says she's not too concerned about the
company's scale and is focusing more on corporate culture and fields in which young people can be
active. She says she wants to enter the food industry because she believes women's sense can be
useful. But she encountered an unexpected obstacle. Her mother Masami was not happy with the
company name that she heard for the first time. Erika Yamase's mother says when her daughter
mentioned the company name she was take aback because she never heard of it before. She says
she says she could not flatly tell that to her daughter so she searched on a computer. She says
her daughter studies at university and she'll be happier if her child enter a bigger company with a lot
of capital.

405: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/12/02 22:50:26.63 .net

22: The top selling book in Japan this year is a detective story. Tokuya Higashigawa's Nazotoki wa
Dinner no Atode, or We'll Solove This Mystery after Dinner. It's a story about a wealthy young woman
turned detective who pursues a number of defficult cases with the help of her butler. This woman
says it was an easy but great read with flushes of humor in it, a great detective novel.

And other four best-selling titles; No.2 and 3 are low-calorie recipe books produced by Tanita
Corporation, manufacturer of scales, body fat gauges and other health-related equipment. The books
give the recipes of low-calorie meals that are served in the company's cafeteria. This woman says
the books give teriffic tips on how to cut calories. She hasn't actually tried out any of the recipes
but it's the great read about them.

37: Tomono says that when the number of inspection routines and regulation increases businesses
think only about the need to clear those items. He says the businesses might have the false
impression that they are safe as long as they clear the checks and that this becomes their job while
securing over our safety on their own becomes secondary.

40: Analysts say TEPCO was looking at trees, not the forest. They say the company was blinded by
the safety myth.

406: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/12/03 11:58:00.42 .net
44: The list of the ten most popular words for 2011 in Japan was announced today. The top buzzword
was Nadeshiko Japan, the nickname for the women's soccer team. The screening panel said winning
the World Cup title gave Japan hope and courage and that expectations are high throughout Japan
that the Nadeshiko squad's energy will flower further.

23: Fourth on the list is Kokoro wo Totonoeru, or Maintaining Peace of Mind, by the professional
soccer player Makoto Hasebe. He shares says that's on what it takes to achieve personal goals.
This was Hasebe being interviewed on News Watch 9 in July last year. Hasebe says he realized that
Japan would never be world champions unless the players did more to cultivate their individual talents.
Many people were impressed by Hasebe's cool demeanor during last year's World Cup finals in South

407: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/12/03 20:07:50.47 .net

09: The rice cakes were made of rice flour. They were made in Sendai when electricity and gas
stopped. No heat is required. They were able to preserve the rice cakes for a long period as a staple.
This person who invented the mathod says the food is made only with water as no boiled water or fire
was available.

Let's take a look at this food. Soy bean paste which is a Sendai specialty is mixed with garlic, ginger
and yuzu fruit. This special soy bean paste was made in an evacuation center in Sendai City's Taihaku
district. At the center only rice had been stored in case of an emergency and the main food people
had were rice balls without any ingredients or flavor added.

11: One person recalled his experiences during the second world war. This curry was served with
flour dumplings instead of rice. Jin Hashimoto had to stay home for three days after the quake as he
suffered from low back pain and was unable to move to an evacuation center. A kerosine heater was
the only equipment available for cooking.

12: Kashiwa returned to the first division this season. It wanted to become the first team to win the
league title in the same season after being promoted to J1.

28: Sunshine will return to the Pacific coast but the winds will be strong, creating a wind chill effect.

408: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/12/04 20:00:29.60 .net
20: The survey first asked people if they feel friendly toward the United States. 41.4 percent said yes
and 40.5 percent said they are more inclined to say yes than no. 82 percent of the people polled
made positive responses up about 2 percentage points from last year to hit the highest ever number.

The Foreign Ministry said many people must have felt close ties with the United States when they
watched American soldiers help the Japanese people in the areas devastated by the quake and
tsunami on March 11.

Now let's take a look at China. When asked about their sense of closeness with China, the percentage
of positive answers was up by 6 percentage points from last year to 26.3 percent, while negative
answers dropped by about 6 points to 71.4 percent

The Foreign Ministry said the collision between the Chinise fishing boat and Japan Coast Guard ships
near the Senkaku Islands in September last year aggravated the Japanese people's feelings against
China but the tension between the countries has eased since then and Japanese people are beginning
to feel more positive about China.

409: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/12/04 20:01:58.25 .net

07: The russian constitution bans the president from running for office for third straight term. Putin
has now announced he will run again for the presidential race early next year, while having Medvedev
assume the prime minister's post. He also used his party's parliamentary majority to run through a
constitutional amendment extending the presidential term to six years. This has paved ways for Putin
to hold power until 2024 if elected. But this election has put Putin in an upheld battle.

At a combat sport event his speech was interrupted by boos from the audience. Songs critical of Putin
were performed at this concert in Siberia. The group say everything is such a big deal, they don't
understand at all. Damn heads support for Putin, damn heads love Putin. This man says he wants
government officials to hear the song. In Moscow, this person says people no longer appreciate or trust
the United Russia Party. This person says It's high time the government became aware of its
unpopularity and changed its ways.

410: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/12/05 22:38:15.48 .net
22: The investigation so far has found that sports car aficionados in around twenty vehicles which
were traveling from Kyushu to Hiroshima. The accident occurred in a part of the expressway with
the series of mild uphill curves. A sign just before the crash site warns a 400 meter curve to the left.

today's nw9...φ(。。)

19: Some members of the ruling bloc remain wary of raising the comsumption tax, citing the possible
ill effects on the economy. The public is similarly devided over the matter. This woman says the
consumption tax increase may be inevitable to ease the fears over pensions in the aging of society.
This woman is against the idea. She says across the board tax hike in everyday items would be hard
on the family budget. This woman says she understands. She would have to pay more if you want to
pedal social welfare programs for her child. This man says the government appears rushing to raise
taxes before making visible efforts to cut wasteful spending.

411: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/12/05 23:04:30.66 .net
pedal => pay the

412: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/12/06 22:36:24.48 .net

00: A junior high school girl was attacked last month on this straight section of road in Misato City,
Saitama Prefecture. Although a seemingly unlikely crime scene, this may have been the ideal place
for the perpetrator. A suspect has reportedly told police that he wanted to kill pedestrians. During
questioning the police found a machete and a knife in this suspect's pocket and bag.

05: The arrest of an Olympic gold medalist is sending shock waves across Japan. Two-time gold
medalist Masato Uchishiba is suspected of getting a minor female judoist intoxicated and then raping
her. But Uchishiba, denying the charge, says the act was consensual. This person says he was
surprised to hear that an Olympic gold medalist had been arrested. He says it is shame because he was
a role model for young judoists.

All Japan Judo Federation chairman Haruki Uemura says rape is an indecent act for a human being,
let alone for a judoist. He says he feels as though he has been splashed with cold water just as his
judoists are gearing up for the London Olympic games.

13: If the opposition-dominant Upper House passes the censure motion and leads to the resignation
of a minister, there is a concern that this precedent may trigger a domino effect of resignations.

413: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/12/07 22:53:28.86 .net

26: A ministerial meeting of the UN Climate Conference has opened in Durban, South Africa. The
key issue was whether to extend the Kyoto Protocol, which expires at the end of next year. The
protocol has major problems. China has no obligation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions even
though it is the largest emiter of such gasses in the world. And the United States, which is the
second largest emitter, is not even taking part in the framework. Japan, the European Union and
other countries required to reduce emissions together account for only 26 percent of the global
output. Japan, which opposes the extending of protocol ..., finds itself increasingly isolated.

35: Hot pot dishes are popular winter treat in Japan. Shoppers may have noticed that this year the
price of ingredients for these dishes fluctuates. Oysters are more expensive while Chinese cabbage
and other vegetables are cheaper. The supply of seafood and vegetables is susceptible to the weather
and other environmental conditions. Their prices reflect the influence of nature.

414: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/12/08 22:36:29.81 .net
which opposes the extending of protocol ...
=> which opposes extending the protocol as it is


17: This is a vocational school for child care providers. The number of job offers in child care is
doubled compared with two years ago. But the number of applicants to these vocational schools has
not kept pace with the rising demand. Teacher in charge of job placements of the vocational school
says there's been a spike in demand for child care providers, but there are not enough students
graduating. It's serious imbalance between demand and supply.

34: A depopulated town and an IT business are an unlikely pair but apparently have a good chemistry.
And we'll connect the dots for you.

37: The decision brought an unexpected by-product. The circuits are now being used for the internet.
Reactions from the employees; fast! It's really fast, getting goose bumps. The sound quality is super-

415: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/12/09 22:46:26.80 .net

16: In the midst of deflation, there is a strong opposition against increasing the consumption tax rate
because it may badly affect the economy. Why does the gavernment want to implement a tax hike?
Perhaps they have sense of crisis. They feel they have to do it before it becomes too late. Japan is
experiencing an unprecedented speed of aging. Its social security spending is growing year by year.
And they cannot continue covering it with deficit-covering bonds. And the European financial crisis
may lower the rating of Japanese national bonds. So they are engaged in a sort of a hand-to-mouth
operation. They want to relax the tension of such an operation.

37: The Health Ministry says it's considering easing the restrictions because Japan's safety standards
for beef imports are stricter than those of other countries. The ministry also says the number of
BSE cases has dropped sharply around the globe. In the United States no BSE cases have been
reported for four years. Just like Japan, the U.S. has been listed as a country with controled risk.
It is allowed to export beef if high-risk body parts including brains and spinal cords are removed.

416: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/12/10 19:56:06.02 .net

22: This is live footage of full moon in Shibuya, Tokyo. Four hours from now, the moon will past
behind the earth, so the earth blocks the sun's rays from striking the moon. A total eclipse of the
moon could be seen in some areas last year and earlier this year. But for the first time in eleven
years people will be able to see the entire sequence of the lunar eclipse from anywhere in Japan.
Conditions are likely to be very good this evening for observing the eclipse.

Eleven years ago a total eclipse could be seen in many places across Japan. The eclipse occurs only
when the sun, earth and moon are lined exactly with the earth in the middle. The dark moon can be
seen slightly colored by solar rays reflected in the earth's atmosphere.

This chart shows the timing of the lunar eclipse tonight. The National Astronomical Observatory says
the eclipse will begin at 9:45p.m. The moon will be covered by the earth's shadow for about 50 minutes
from 11:05 to 11:58p.m. The darkness and color will be determined by atmospheric conditions at that
time. Then the moon will move out from the earth's shadow and become a full moon again shorly
after 1a.m. People will be able to see the total eclipse in any place in the country.

417: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/12/11 19:58:55.21 .net

14: Ken Shimizu, a student at university in Tokyo, for example, got two transplanted front teeth
after losing their originals in a snowboarding accident two years ago. The year before the accident,
he had back teeth removed to make room for braces. The molars were then frozen to preserve them.
Those back teeth were later transplanted to replace the two that went lost. Shimizu can now eat
normally again.

15: Here is how it works. Between teeth and their sockets is a tissue called the periodontal membrane
which has a spring-like function. Before freezing, a removed tooth with the membrane attached is
soaked in a preservative. The tooth is then stored in a special refrigerator at the temperature of
minus 140 degrees Celsius to keep the tissues alive. The frozen tooth will be available for transplants
if necessary. Researchers say the process revives the membrane which enables the patient to have
the same sense as before when the upper and lower teeth come into contact.

418: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/12/12 22:32:58.52 .net

42: This footage is from Akita. A big catch of sail-fin sandfish was landed at the port of Kitaura in
the city of Oga. The sandfish comes close to the coast during the winter when the temperature
goes down. The sandfish fishng takes advantage of this habbit. At one point, sandfish fishing was
banned because the number of fish dwindled. Today sandfish is something that people in Akita do not
miss in winter. This man says that this is a great catch. This woman says that thecatch makes her
busy and happy as well.

25: The seventeenth poll had a record 490,000 applications. 6,000 recommended the character
kizuna, or bond, which came in first place. Most of the top 20 were related to the March disaster.
They include the characters for disaster, tremor, waves, help and recovery. Another selection of kanji
characters wes held at this Confucian shrine in Tokyo's Bunkyo Ward.

11/12/13 00:08:02.37 .net

「なべ」(鍋物)ってhot pot dishって言うのも最近見たNHKニュースの副音声で知りました。


420: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/12/13 20:46:13.90 .net
TThank you for your encouraging words. I have got into a habit of doing dictation everyday,
like toothbrushing or taking a bath. So I don't feel it is a sincere effort.

By the way, I have hardly been able to make a live thread for the English news broadcast on
the [NHK LIVE] board in recent days because of a tightened regulation on thread creation.
Would you mind if I asked you to try to make a new one on that board? I will give you a notice
here on this thread when I need your help. It is OK only when you have time.
Could you give me a hand?

421: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/12/13 22:34:07.42 .net

12: In addition to the disposal of radioactive debris, many municipalities are also struggling with an
increasing amout of radioactive ash from incinerated garbage. It's been about a half year since this
problem first arose, but the central government still hasn't come up with any effective measures
to resolve the issue. The amout of ash is increasing by the day.

13: The issue of radioactive ash from incinerated residential garbage came to light in June this year
at an incineration plant in Tokyo's Edogawa Ward. If radiation levels are high, the ward is not allowed to
dispose incinerated ash at a landfill site. According to guidelines issued by the Environment Ministry
at the end of August, if the radiation level is more than 8,000 becquerels but below 100,000 becquerels
per kilo, the ash can be buried after being fixed in concrete. But Matsudo City doesn't have a facility
to fix redioacitive ash in concrete. It can't do anything but store the ash.

19: The headlines in South Korea's newspapers this morning included wording such as low and insulting
diplomacy. The South Korean newspaper Chosun Ilbo carried an article saying that South Korea cannot
forcefully approach China over the illegal behavior of Chinese fishing boats. It says this is because the
government often asks China for cooperation on issues such as defectors from North Korea.

11/12/13 23:25:57.15 .net
振り返ってみると、スレたてたこと一度もないな、そういえばw そもそもどうやってスレたてるんだろ?w 

423: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/12/13 23:46:24.13 .net
They say the "THREAD TATESUGI" limit was raised upward, though I don't understand much about it.
I know I can create threads as many as I want by buying "●"(an authorized tool for creating
new threads and viewing past ones), but it is a waste of money only to make live threads.
Thank you for a quick response. Good night!

424: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/12/14 22:37:34.73 .net

13: Some companies have already started taking steps to make full use of old employees. This is a
temp staff agency in Tokyo. Most of the forty employees at Tokyo headquarters are over sixty years
old. This person says he's marketing development manager. Another person says he also has the
same title. Asked what the titles are, they all say they are division managers. Everyone at the
headquarters says the title of divisional manager. This person says he's comfortable with his job as he
has the same title as before retirement. He says it's nice to have a title on his namecard. Another
person says it makes business easier if he visits his clients with the namecard with a title rather
than without one. The employees all receive the same basis salary but the company tries to boost
their incentive with bonuses that reward business results.

32: The oyster season has arrived. But this winter is an unusual year for producers and consumers
alike. Most farming rafts were swept away along the coast of Miyagi and Iwate, major producers of
oysters. Oyster shipments plummeted to about 10% of a normal year. Another major oyster producer,
Hiroshima, is taking steps to make up for the shortfall. Hiroshima is anxious to help its rival producers
on the Sanriku Coast.

425: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/12/15 22:47:53.72 .net

31: Many people attempted to flee coastal areas when tsunami warnings were issued at the time of
the March earthquake. But there's evidence that railroad crossings along the coastal regions
prevented people from fleeing.

33: Why did the gate remain closed? Railroad crossings are programed to close automatically when
detecting approaching trains. But when there is a power failure and the system becomes unable to
detect trains, emergency power activates, closing down most gates for safety reasons.

34: The JR Joban Line runs across Tsurishi district along the coastal region when the biggest damage
from tsunami was reported. The then designated shelter was a building adjacent to the city office.
But in order to get there, people needed to cross the railroad.

11/12/16 00:20:14.50 .net

11/12/16 02:45:07.12 .net
con artistだと思う

428: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/12/16 22:49:17.90 .net

30: But experts say just wearing a mask is not enough. One doctor says people need to change the
way they behave when they sneeze. It's not enought just to cover you mouth with your hand. When
you do that, the virus just escapes between your fingers and spreads out. And there are large
amounts of the virus still on your hand. Professor Intetsu Kobayashi of Toyo University Medical
Departoment demonstrates. He says that if people use an item of clothing they can stop all of the
virus when they sneeze. He says that's one example of good manners that people should observe.
But what'll that virus be on the out of the clothing? Kobayashi says the germs will be on the clothing,
but the clothes are less likely to come into contact with places that other people touch.

11/12/17 12:41:09.23 .net

Thanks a lot

430: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/12/18 20:12:00.36 .net

13: Fresh revelations shine more light on Olympus's cover-up of over 100 billion yen in investment
losses. People close to the company's management say that former security firm employees were
paid about 15 billion yen in commissions and rewards for teaching the management accounting tricks.
Tokyo Procecuters are preparing to search the offices of those implicated.

It has been revealed that the cover-up losses are over 100 billion yen. Olympus's former auditor
Hideo Yamada and vice president Hisashi Mori helped defer the posting of investment losses from
1998. The sources say that three former security firm employees taught the Olympus executives
how to defer posting losses. The three are said to have advised Yamada and other Olympus executives
to set up funds abroad to accept investment losses. Those three men also took part in covering up
the losses. Two of them brokered Olympus's acquisition of a British company. They raised 63.2 billion
yen disguised as commissions. The other suggested padding the cost of acquiring three firms in Japan
in order to raise 71.6 billion yen. The funds were used to make up the losses incurred by Olympus.

18: To address the safety concerned, the tower's owner announced measures to reduce the amount of
snow and ice falling from the tower. Panel heaters have been installed inside the walls of the observation
deck to melt the ice. Aluminium boards have been installed on the roof of the observation deck to
contain falling snow and ice. Twenty cameras have been installed to monitor the snow. When there is
a chance that snow may fall from the tower, the owner will fax the information to local schools and
neighborhood associations. The company will also send security guards to warn people. The tower's
operator promised local neighborhood associations that it will assume responsibility for injuries or damage
caused by the falling ice.

431: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/12/18 20:32:09.15 .net
l.13 safety concerned => safety concerns

432: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/12/19 22:55:31.74 .net

03: Former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi held talks with Kim Jong-il in 2002 and 2004 on the
abduction and other issues. Koizumi says he was disappointed as he'd been hoping the missile issue
and other problems could be resolved while Kim was still the contry's leader and paved the way for
normalizing bilateral deplomatic ties.

11: There were increased reports on his movements as if to give the impression that he was well.
Radio Press which analyses reports from North Korea says North Korean media reported on Kim's
activities a record 161 times last year. This year visits he made of factories, military units and other
locations were reported on 157 occasions. The most recent occasion was last Thursday. The
announcer quotes Kim Jong-il as saying that efforts should be made to make sure essential items
should reach every citizen. He was shown visiting a supermarket in Pyongyang along with his successor
Kim Jong-un. Not long after that, report he died suddenly. The announcer says he experienced a
severe heart attack while traveling by train and died at 8:30am.

71: Sugiuchi says that frankly speaking it was not easy to finalize the decision, but he feels good now
that he's made up his mind. Sugiuchi has decided to put on the Giants uniform. Sugiuchi says in a
telephone conversation with his hero Shigeo Nagashima told him to help make the Giants an even
stronger team. He says he wasted no time, saying yes to the honorary manager.

11/12/19 23:56:10.89 .net

surface XXXX inside not liking


11/12/20 01:47:06.05 .net
pretending to obey but secretly betraying (someone)

435: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/12/20 20:51:40.58 .net
Here is my dictation (I don't assume this is correct) :
"Hashimoto says he doesn't care if people obeyed on the surface but defied inside or if they don't like him."

11/12/20 22:26:50.85 .net
I cannot thank you enough.

437: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/12/20 22:38:40.39 .net

55: Swimmers who wore high-tech rubber gear developed by a British maker marked unbelievably fast
times. In Beijin these swimmers grabbed one gold medal after another. In an international swimming
competition that followed the next year, 43 new world records were set. The International Swimming
Federation took notice of the fact that the swimsuits had a huge impact on the athletes' performance.
The federation said new standards for makers developing swimwear. "Definitely, the material will
constitute only by textile fabric." The new models must be made from woven fabric and can reach only
as high as the knees. Makers faced an uphill struggle.

This maker came up with three types of swimming gear. Some parts of the fabric are woven tight to
another parts and different patterns have been developed to cater the different styles of swimming.
Another maker uses two different kinds of fabrics. One is more elastic than the other. The tighter
fabric is used on the back side. The idea behind this is it will help the athlete's kick with more force
because the stretched fabric of the back will try to return to its former shape. This designer says
developing new gear under the strict rules was by no means easy. He says without doubt all the
swimmers will face difficulty in clocking fast times.

11/12/20 22:39:50.61 .net

11/12/20 23:34:12.63 .net
after another→one after another 

440: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/12/21 20:47:37.34 .net
Please read carefully what was written. You can see "one gold medal after another."

Here are some other examples;

"drag one foot after another" [Genius English Dictionary]

"Throughout the evening one guest after another complimented her on the fine fare and
gay atmosphere of the party." [The Dictionary of English Collocations, Kenkyusha]

441: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/12/21 20:50:05.32 .net
Would you enter "sage" into the e-mail address field except when you post a question?

442: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/12/21 22:42:21.41 .net

30: Film Director Yoshimitsu Morita has died of acute liver failure. Often dubbed as a genius, his most
famous works included the Family Games and Paradise Lost. He was 61 years old.

His works sensibly reflected the atmosphere of modern society. He here explains one of the concepts
of his films. Morita says that one's life is short. Its difficult to meet with many different kinds of people.
But he says if you go to the movie theater, you'll be able to see all kinds of people, bad, good and
amazing people.

Morita came to fame by the film Kazoku Game or the Family Game, which featured Yusaku Matsuda
in lead role. Unique style of the work shocked and delighted movie fans. The film dipicted dysfunction
of modern family. In one symbolic scene they are seated at the table side by side, taking the meal
without looking one another.

32: Morita was from Tokyo. He was devoted to filmmaking style in his college years when he worked with
8mm film. He played the main character in the college film titled Movie. Morita made his professional
debut in 1981. He released a string of movies that drew much public attention.

443:436 & 439
11/12/22 00:17:38.64 .net
I am extremely sorry for my rude behavior with you.
I will accept your offer.

444: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/12/22 20:50:29.46 .net
You don't need to apologize.
I appreciate your cooperation.

445: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/12/22 22:41:20.76 .net

09: This is not the first time the DPJ government had to renegue on a pledge in the election
manifesto. In 2009 the party said it would abolish the temporary tax on gasoline. Then Prime Minister
Yukio Hatoyama says the government decided to maintain the current tax rate. He says he has to
apologize for keeping the tax instead abolishing it. The Democrats also promised to pay families
26,000 yen per month for each child up to fifteen years of age. The plan is to be withdrawn before
that full amount ever being paid. The manifesto also said the DPJ will eliminate all expressway tolls.
No expenditures to achieve this goal will be included in next year's budget. And now, the Yamba Dam.

26: Japanese people traditionally celebrate New Year's Day at home. Recently many people traveled
during the new year's holidays but there is a reverse trend in the tourism industry this year. Major
travel agency surveyed people who have planned to travel during the holidays. The percentage of
people who planned to visit their home towns and stay at their parents' home has increased by 4.4
percentage points.

54: Chono says he must work hard in next year so this season's result is not regarded as a fluke.

11/12/22 23:31:59.85 .net
They don't do anything they promised at the election, at all. 


447: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/12/23 22:46:36.56 .net

35: On December 24th, 2008, popular TV personallity Ai Iijima was found dead in her apartment. But
her blog site still lives on. Though Iijima is no longer able to update her blog, her fans who sympathize
have visited the site everyday and commented over the last three years. They posted total of 67,500
comments. The world is full of cheers in happiness on Christmas Eve. But three years ago, a woman
was found dead, alone in her room in central Tokyo on the night before Christmas.

TV personality Ai Iijima had been dead for about a week when her body was discovered. Iijima had been
posting entries on her blog until about ten days before her death. She used to write candidly about her
everday life. In the last three years the site has seen increased number of comments by women who
write notes as if they are talking to Iijima in person. The total number of comments is close to 68,000.
This person says she's found a lover and asks Iijima to cheer for her love affair. This person says she
cannot but come to the site because she wants to see Iijima.

Why are so many women still attracted to Ai Iijim even though She is passed away. Some write that
they have trouble withing their personal relationships at work. Others say they stressed out bringing
up children. Here's others confess they are anxious because they cannot find a job. We wrote to a
hundred and seventy people, asking them to give us an interview, but few people replied. One of the few
who wrote back said the blog is a place where she can be her true self.

448: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/12/23 22:51:12.74 .net
I usually watch a television screen during the English news broadcasts, but I try not to see
Japanese captions. They often become obstacles rather than helps to listen to English
because there are some gaps of meanings and timing between Japanese subtitles and
English voices.

I wish you a Merry Christmas!

449: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/12/23 23:07:33.86 .net
Why are so many...passed away. => ...passed away?

Others say they stressed out => they are stressed out

11/12/23 23:20:11.11 .net




451: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/12/25 20:49:09.54 .net

18: For the last fifty years, the most common cause of death of children aged between one and
fourteen years of age has been freak accidents. Many of these deaths occurred when children fell
off apartment buildings or into swimming pools, or swallowed toys. What can be done to prevent
these kinds of accidents? Doctors have started to address the issue.

Today as part of the effort to unravel the causes of children's deaths, doctors issued or rather
discussed the issue in a meeting held by the Japan Pediatrics Society. Pediatrician Tatsuhiro Yamanaka
took part in the meeting. He's long been looking for ways to prevent children frombeing involved in
freak accidents. But he's always been frustrated. He says there is little information about the root
causes of deaths. Here in Japan, doctors' death certificates must include information about the cause
of death as well as the situation in which the person died. Doctors are allowed to enter up to four items
to describe the cause of death in a certificate.

24: Favorite Orfevre has won the Arima Kinen Grand Prix Horse Race. Orfevre, the seventh racing
horse in history to chalk up all three major titles in Japan, was the focus of the attension. The
champion started slowly, keeping behind the leading group in the first half. Jocky Kenichi Ikezoe says
Orfevre showed what he can do, giving a wonderful Christmas gift to those who have extended warm

452: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/12/25 20:51:56.07 .net
I frequently access BBC sites, but rarely visit CNN. VOA and NPR (National Public Radio)
are my favorite U.S. media. The reason why I like these media is because I used to listen
to English programs on the radio. BBC and VOA were broadcasting on shortwave.
And I was able to enjoy some NPR programs on AFN (American Forces Network).
I can say I prefer educational media to journalistic ones.

11/12/25 23:25:35.26 .net
NPRは私も好きでよく聴いてますよ。特にAll Things Consideredとか。


454: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/12/26 22:49:23.45 .net

55: Major League Baseball: Nippon Ham Pitcher Yu Darvish and many other Japanese players are
aimed to join the Major Leagues next season. But Japanese fielders are not as well recognized as
pitchers. Why?

"Ha, ha, ha, ha! Year, who wouldn't love to have Yu Darvish, right?" "Well. I like him. Ah, big, strong
hard thrower. That's gonna be an expensive deal right there." Pitcher Yu Darvish is at the center
of baseball news in Japan and the United States. The Texas Rangers who paid for bid 51.7 million
dollars won the right to negotiate with him. According to the U.S. media reports, its cost to obtain
Darvish including a multibillion contract will be 125 million dollars, or 10 billion yen. Another Japanese
Pitcher, SoftBank's Takeshi Wada who won more than ten games two seasons in a row signed a
contract with the Baltimore Orioles. His two-year contract is reportedly worth 630 million yen, almost
as same as what he earned with SoftBank.

57: "Because of the past experience of Kazuo Matsui, Fukudome, and players like that, ah, Nishioka."
Fielders, especially infielders in the Major Leagues are expected to have outstanding fielding capabilities.
Rafael Furcal of St. Louis Cardinals who became the World Champion this season bats only two-thirty.
But he signed a two-year contract for 1.1 billion yen for his strong fielding performance.

455: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/12/27 22:38:05.37 .net

13: The death of the North Korean leader is of the utmost importance from a security prospective
because it could potentially lead to social instability in the North's military action and in exodus of
refugees. But a serious lapse has been revealed in the information gathering and response capabilities
of the Prime Minister's office. According to media reports, Kim died two days before the
announcement. But the rest of the world had been kept in the dark. Asked if he had prior knowledge,
the South Korean Defence Minister says he found out through news reports. A lawmaker says how is
the government going to handle the Korean Peninsula situation with no analytical ability whatsoever.

And in Japan, the Chief Cabinet Secretary says the information was confirmed through the spceial
noon broadcast of Korean Central Television. But there had actually been a clue to the announcement.
North Korean state-run TV had announced two hours beforehand that there would be a spcial
broadcast at noon. Had the Prime Minister's office been made aware of this. The government gave an

16: But at 11:59, just a munute before the new-scheduled special broadcast, Noda left his office after
instructing his aids to inform him of the contents of the special broadcast and respond accordingly.

almost as same as => almost the same as

456: ◆BONZAKOt7U
11/12/28 22:39:52.85 .net

23: This is the last business day of the year for many people. The year end looks quite different from
an ordinary day to people in Tohoku hit by the March 11th disaster. People offered a moment's
silence for disaster victims in the ceremony to mark their last business day. Employees of Naraha
Town, Fukushima Prefecture, wrapped up their business for the year at the makeshift office of the
relocation site. Most of the town is in the evacuation zone around the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear
Plant. The Deputy Town Mayor says he feels frustrated in powerless for a while due to the slow
progress in rebuilding. And he wants to return to Naraha with everyone.

49: Former golf champion Teruo Sugihara, whose professional career spanned more than 50 years,
has died of cancer. He was 74 years old. Sugihara says he can't give up. He says everyone should
pursue their aspirations. Sugihara became a pro in 1957. He won 63 times and had been a leading
player in men's golf. Sugihara was diagnosed with cancer when he was 60, but refused an operation
and battled cancer through chemotherapy.

59: And that ends News Watch 9 for 2011.
