16/01/11 17:09:38.15 B74rWqyA.net
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16/01/11 17:10:12.12 B74rWqyA.net
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16/01/11 17:10:45.78 B74rWqyA.net
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16/01/11 17:25:05.33 8BQRaGMh.net
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16/01/11 17:57:27.49 XBcIp1Bf.net
16/01/11 18:13:09.72 fcWNoUIz.net
16/01/11 19:19:30.75 LnzukmvQ.net
16/01/11 20:18:17.00 V5yPHUJ7.net
16/01/11 22:57:58.69 wOkc+mzQ.net
16/01/11 23:05:33.77 yOvVlKC+.net
16/01/12 22:13:23.36 mivnlo+U.net
16/01/13 21:49:44.14 dko8oS+d.net
16/01/14 13:51:30.88 EXReSyPg.net
16/01/14 13:57:06.28 VKoZ8t54.net
16/01/14 19:00:46.53 7Yq2KfRP.net
16/01/18 22:55:51.86 k8F1ibMm.net
16/01/18 22:57:02.00 DdwakQYr.net
16/01/19 08:28:57.40 qwrHEjMo.net
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16/03/17 20:23:29.71 GyKAyzZw.net
16/03/25 18:01:34.97 TJa37T8J.net
16/04/05 21:10:14.29 dGZN4j5m.net
16/04/17 12:05:51.49 baVHIgQZ.net
16/05/14 23:03:39.39 seOEFWfU.net
16/05/17 00:44:23.75 xX0Xv6bv.net
16/05/24 19:33:02.03 /YiJmEBi.net
16/05/26 23:52:06.05 ZotKoQu7.net
16/06/02 00:56:55.12 OmDBn2I/.net
16/06/04 20:26:24.72 0nZF+YvX.net
16/06/10 22:55:09.46 HEWyQ975.net
16/06/21 14:23:57.92 vfaJr/mH.net
16/06/28 05:48:00.74 V64N3x1I.net
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16/07/11 04:27:00.46 .net
G.Skill announced new Trident Z-branded DDR4 RAM kits coming in June that push the boundaries of DDR4 one step further with lower latency and higher capacities. The new RAM kits will operate at 3200 MHz, 3466 MHz or 4266 MHz.
As clock speed is usually what people tend to focus on, naturally the 4266 MHz RAM kit will get the most attention, but it is actually the least impressive kit of the trio. There are already higher-performance DDR4 RAM kits available on the market. S
However, those faster kits have smaller capacities, at just 2 x 4 GB, and it should be noted that upon its release, the Trident Z 4266 MHz will be the fastest 2 x 8 GB DDR4 RAM kit on the market, but many enthusiasts that want the most performance wi
G.Skill announced several kits clocked at 3200 MHz and 3466 MHz, and these kits currently have a slight advantage against other DDR4 memory currently on the market. The 3466 MHz kits have timings of 14-14-14-34 and use 1.35 V, but there aren’t any D
Thanks to their lower timings, the 3200 MHz and 3466 MHz RAM kits will have a slight performance advantage against the competition when they are released (as the market stands now). The Trident Z 4266 MHz kit won’t offer the same performance as othe
There is currently no word on pricing.
Follow Michael Justin Allen Sexton?@EmperorSunLao.?Follow us on Facebook,?Google ,?RSS,?Twitter?and?YouTube.
16/07/11 04:27:08.11 .net
Facebook added a new feature that lets you decide what happens to your Facebook account in the untimely event of your death.
In recent years, following the death of a family member or friend, it has become common practice for users to leave farewell notes on the dearly departed's profile and messages to the surviving family members. As soon as Facebook found out, however,
The reason for freezing the accounts comes down to privacy issues. Technically, Facebook is required to prevent others from using accounts they don't own. While the users might have given control to an individual, Facebook is still required to preven
With this change, users can select another Facebook member who will be given some control over the account. If users don't wish to do this, then they also have the option of setting up the account to be deleted after their death.
If users do not choose either of these options beforehand, then the account will just be frozen at the time Facebook finds out about the person's passing. Facebook calls this process "memorialization." Memorialized profiles currently number in the hu
Users who are given control of accounts after the passing of their loved ones are referred to as "legacy contacts." These users will have the ability to change and upload new photos, accept friend requests, leave wall posts, and download an archive o
As of today, users can now go in and set a legacy contact. This can be changed any time before the user's passing. To set up a legacy contact, simply go to your Facebook settings and choose Security. At the bottom of the Security options will be a pl
Alternatively, you can click the check box below to have your account deleted should you pass away. It's notable that this feature is inside of the security section, as it really shows how great of a concern Facebook places on this option.
This change will please some users who wish to leave their accounts to someone after their death. However, it also comes as a rather hard reminder of how fuse
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16/07/11 04:27:16.10 .net
AMD's SeaMicro SM15000 range of servers is now certified for Cloudera's distribution, including Apache Hadoop Version 4 (CHD4). It has become the first fabric-based computing server to receive?a certification for the industry's most widely deployed?d
16/07/11 04:27:24.11 .net
When the GTX 980 and GTX 970 launched, they came with a new feature called DSR, better known as Dynamic Super Resolution. At the time, it was only available on those two Maxwell-based GPUs, but now it’s available on all Kepler- and Fermi-based graph
Dynamic Super Resolution is an anti-aliasing method that essentially renders the game you’re playing at a higher resolution than your display and then downsamples the result to make it fit on your screen. It is basically SSAA (Super Sampling Anti-Al
The reason for DSR’s existence is that lots of game developers have opted not to include SSAA into the game engine or setting choices because it is very demanding. There are more efficient Anti-Aliasing techniques, but SSAA (or in this case DSR) is
Additionally, the driver also brings support for Lords of the Fallen, Civilization: Beyond Earth, and Elite: Dangerous.
You can find the 64-bit desktop driver on Nvidia’s website here, or you can download it through Nvidia’s GeForce Experience desktop software, which may already have notified you.
Follow Niels Broekhuijsen @NBroekhuijsen.?Follow us?@tomshardware, on?Facebook?and on?Google .
16/07/11 04:27:32.12 .net
Acer Chromebook 15
Chromebooks are hot these days, denting the traditional PC market all around but especially in areas such as education, and they're increasingly coming to market with features that set them apart from one another.
That's not always easy to do, as Google's Chrome OS platform is quite homogenous ?(more so than Android, even), including no custom skins and standardized keyboards. There's much more differentiation these days, including multiple processor options,
Some are lower-res, some are higher, but Acer just decided to go big and build a Chromebook with a 15.6-inch display.
The Acer Chromebook 15 features a Full HD (1920 x 1080) resolution, and it's one of Acer's "ComfyView" displays with anti-glare features. There's also a 1366 x 768 version, but -- pardon us if we come off as finicky here -- that seems awfully low-res
Under the hood, you have the option of a 5th-gen Intel Core i3 or Celeron processor, as well as either 16 GB or 32 GB of SSD storage and 2 GB or 4 GB of RAM. The amount of RAM is significant, because although earlier Chromebooks often sported 4 GB of
Other features include 802.11ac WiFi (with MIMO 2x2) and Bluetooth for wireless connectivity, and ports include USB 3.0, USB 2.0, HDMI and an SD card reader. There's also a 720p webcam. The machine itself has a white, textured finish.
Acer Chromebook 15Acer smartly made use of the extra body real estate necessitated by the big display by adding a larger touchpad than you usually see on a Chromebook and placing two upward-facing speakers on either side of the keyboard area.
The Chromebook 15 (model CB5-571) starts at $249.99 -- which is a normally a good price for a Chromebook -- but bear in mind that's going to be for a model with the lower 1366 x 768 resolution, the Celeron chip, 2 GB of RAM, and 16 GB of SSD storage.
With the highest-end specs, it's hard to say what the Chromebook 15 might cost, but it will be a lot more than $249.99.
Acer Chromebook 13 with touchIn a
Follow Seth Colaner@SethColaner. Follow us @tomshardware, on Facebook and on Google .
16/07/11 04:27:40.11 .net
When Google announced the Nexus 4, many were surprised that the phone didn't come with support for 4G LTE. Fast forward to the launch and early tear downs indicated that the phone did have a 4G chip, it just wasn't in use. However, it seems a Canadia
"Don't know if it was posted already but I just discovered that nexus 4 can be used on telus LTE network," xda-developers user a1jatt wrote on Friday. His claims were immediately met with calls for video proof, which he then provided. The YouTube
Nexus 4 on telus LTE network
So, how did he do it? Apparently, he was able to force the phone to run on Telus 1700MHz and 2100MHz from the phone’s debugging menu. As for the missing signal amplifier and filter, Anandtech last week reported that the phone "could essentially be s
Meanwhile, LG has offered an explanation as to why 4G wasn't included in the phone (officially) in the first place. Speaking to TechRadar, the company explained why 4G was left out of the equation.
"In order to provide the best possible specification for Nexus 4, LG utilised the same powerful Qualcomm Snapdragon chipset as can be found in its 4G LTE product, namely LG Optimus G," a spokesperson is quoted as saying.
"This powerful chipset is only available with a combined processor and modem and cannot be implemented separately. The modem contains 4G LTE capabilities but is only effective when combined with other essential hardware parts such as a signal amplifi
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16/07/11 04:27:48.11 .net
As promised, Amazon has launched the 7-inch Kindle Fire HD tablet, allowing consumers to purchase the 16 GB model immediately. For those who want the 32 GB model, Amazon is gladly accepting pre-orders for $249 now, and will ship the tablet on October
As previously reported, the Kindle Fire HD sports a 7-inch HD LCD screen with a default resolution of 1280 x 800. Powereing the device is a masked Android 4.0 "Ice Cream Sandwich" and a dual-core 1.2 GHz OMAP4460 SoC from Texas Instruments. Also thro
For $40 less, customers can purchase the revamped original Kindle Fire for $159.99 USD. Not much has changed with this gadget unfortunately, as it still sports the same 7-inch screen with a 1024 x 600 resolution, 8 GB of internal storage, and single-
For consumers who think bigger is better, Amazon's Kindle Fire HD 8.9 will be avialable on November 20, costing $299 for the 16 GB version and $369 for the 32 GB version. Still not enough? Try the Kindle Fire HD 8.9 4G LTE models launching on the sam
"We're taking on the most popular price point for a tablet, $499, but doubling the storage and incredibly, adding ultra-fast 4G LTE wireless," said Jeff Bezos, Amazon.com Founder and CEO. "Kindle Fire HD is not only the most-advanced hardware, it's a
To get your new Kindle Fire HD, head here.
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16/07/11 04:28:04.13 .net
The financially troubled company will be selling the bundle for around $525 million. A portion of that figure will be paid by 12 intellectual property licensees via RPX Corp. Each licensee will obtain rights to the patent portfolio, as well as other
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16/07/11 04:41:31.95 .net
Patrick Leahy's bill that intended to deliver warrantless email access for American internet users to the U.S. government has been shelved.The Senator said in a press release that his latest amendments to the bill will adhere strictly to protecting p
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16/07/11 04:41:39.92 .net
In what appears to be a product named after us, Biostar has built the J1800TH. Unfortunately, the TH does not stand for Tom's Hardware but rather just 'thin,' referring to the form factor. This is a Thin Mini-ITX board with a J1800 SoC from Intel on
The J1800 SoC is simply a dual-core processor that runs at 2.41 GHz with an on-die chipset and an on-die GPU, which runs at up to 792 MHz, and it supports up to 16 GB of DDR3L-1333 memory. This specific motherboard has two SO-DIMM slots. The board ha
Rear I/O is quite minimal, providing you with power in, a single USB 2.0 port, a single USB 3.0 port, Gigabit Ethernet, an HDMI connector, VGA, stereo audio out, and lastly, a microphone jack.
Potential uses for a board like this are in thin clients, digital signage, and kiosks. The J1800TH can be used in office applications, but due to the limited I/O and minimal processing power, we would hesitate to do so.
Follow Niels Broekhuijsen @NBroekhuijsen.?Follow us?@tomshardware, on?Facebook?and on?Google .
16/07/11 04:41:48.04 .net
Windows 10 for PCs is already here, but users on smartphones are still waiting on the new OS. Although it's not ready to go onto handsets yet, Microsoft is deep into development, pushing out build 10512.
It has taken Microsoft an unusually long time to get this latest build out to users. This is likely primarily because of the need to focus on the PC release of the OS over the last couple of weeks. During that time, however, Microsoft has managed to
The build features performance and stability improvements, layout changes, improved writing algorithms, language improvements, and other bug fixes. A few new features have also been added, such as the ability to use a picture from the Photos app as t
A few problems persist in this build, though. For example, mobile hotspot functions are currently not working, and various applications are experiencing problems, but as this is a project build, that is to be expected to an extent. Most of these bugs
You can read the full list of issues and changes here.
Now that Windows 10 is out on the PC, Microsoft should be able to shift more of its resources into finalizing the mobile version of the OS.
Follow Michael Justin Allen Sexton @LordLao74. Follow us @tomshardware, on Facebook and on Google .
16/07/11 04:42:04.05 .net
The day to finally play SimCity offline has arrived, as Electronic Arts released Update 10 that enables connection-free gameplay.
Patrick Buechner, General Manager of the Maxis Emeryville studio, revealed back in January that the Offline Mode would arrive in the next major update, aka Update 10. He said that with this patch, gamers can still play solo in Regions on their own, o
"Bringing the game Offline means big things for our wonderful community of Modders," he wrote. "They can now make modifications to the game and its components without compromising the integrity of the Online game. Modding is a big part of our studio'
To get the game to function Offline, the team had to rewrite the entire system -- which was written in Java -- in C . The team also "knocked out the Internet pipe stuff," meaning there is lots of code that hits the servers looking for information, a
"Our game routes pieces of data from one city to another as data flows through the regions," said Simon Fox, lead engineer on the Single Player Mode for SimCity. "All of that code exists on the server, and now we've brought all of that down into the
According to an FAQ, gamers still need an Origin account to download and launch SimCity. Once Update 10 is installed, players can put Origin into Offline Mode when playing Single-Player Mode. To put Origin in Offline mode, log in to the Origin client
"Single-Player Mode allows for a multi-city Single-Player experience without requiring an Internet connection," reads the FAQ. "All region maps are available in Single-Player Mode. Since Single-Player Mode does not require a persistent Internet conne
Here are a few more tidbits from the developer:
Q: How do I download the Single-Player Mode for SimCity?A: The Single-Player Mode will be included as part of Update 10 at no additional cost. This will be available to all current and future players on PC and Mac starting March 18, 2014.
Q: Will I still require an
Q: Will my previous Downloadable Content (DLC) be playable in the Single-Player Mode?A: Yes. All of your previous DLC is available for use in both the Single-Player Mode and Multiplayer Mode.
Q: Where are Single-Player regions saved? A: Single-Player regions are saved locally, not on the server. You can find your regions on PC here: \Documents\SimCity\Games\~ID NUMBER~\ You can find your regions on Mac here: Go-
16/07/11 04:42:11.93 .net
AMD has unveiled the E1-2100, E1-2500 and E1-3000, three new Kabini APUs based on Jaguar cores (the successor to Bobcat) that are intended for use in "netbooks, thin laptops and all-in-one systems." The Kabini APUs feature a revised memory controller
The chips all use 28 nm transistors, come in a BGA packaging, and have 1 MB of L2 cache memory combined with an unknown frequency and power consumption. In addition to the aforementioned 3 APUs, the E1-3310 and E1-2210 also have been confirmed, but n
AMD has also added two Piledriver FX chips to its product line-up: the FX-4350 and FX-6350. The former chip is a quad-core clocked at 4.2 GHz and 4.3 GHz when only two cores are active. The latter is a hexacore CPU clocked at 3.9 GHz that can be furt
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16/07/11 04:42:19.93 .net
With Windows 10 set to launch at the end of the month, AMD is getting a head start by releasing version 15.7 of its Catalyst Software suite, which features support for AMD's latest technologies. Version 15.7 comes with full support for Microsoft's up
Catalyst 15.7 includes display driver version 15.20.1046, which AMD said is designed to support advanced features that the OS offers, such as streaming Xbox One content to Win10 devices, responsive resume, and of course Direct X 12. HEVC decoding is
Catalyst 15.7 doesn't just offer Windows 10 features; the new driver is supported by Window 7 and 8.1 as well, and a number of new features have been unlocked for all supported operating systems.
Frame Rate Target Control (FRTC) is now available on all R7 and R9 GPUs above the R7 260, including the latest Fury GPU. This technology first appeared in AMD's Kaveri APUs earlier this year and is mainly used to reduce power consumption. Gamers can
Catalyst 15.7 also unlocks Virtual Super Resolution (VSR) for many other GPUs. This technology was also introduced with Kaveri and until now was only available on those APUs. The latest Catalyst driver supports R7 260 and up, and Desktop A-series 740
Catalyst 15.7 has improved CrossFire support, as well. AMD has made profile enhancements for each of following games, and each title now supports FreeSync displays while in Crossfire.
Battlefield: Hardline???????? EvolveFar CryR 4Lords of the FallenProject CARSTotal War: AttilaAlien: IsolationAssassin's CreedR UnityCivilization: Beyond EarthFIFA 2015GRID AutosportRyse: Son of RomeTalos PrincipleThe Crew?Grand Theft Auto VDying Lig
AMD's Catalyst 15.7 package is 286 MB and can be downloaded from the company's website today.
Follow Kevin Carbotte @pumcypuhoy. Follow us?@tomshardware, on?Facebook?and on?Google .
16/07/11 04:42:44.05 .net
Online electronics retailer PC Connection is currently listing an Acer all-in-one (AIO) PC featuring an Intel Core i5-4430 "Haswell" CPU clocked at 3.0 GHz, and 1 GB of RAM. There's nothing else on the listing to indicate what platform it will use, t
According to the report, the Acer DA220HQL AIO PC will be priced just around $400 at most retailers. CompSource is listing the Android computer as well, but for $391 USD. This listing shares a few more details such as 8 GB of internal storage, Androi
Unfortunately for Microsoft, the disappointing reception of Windows 8 has pushed ODMs to seek out new life in alternative platforms, and the Android/Intel combo will reportedly become an increasing trend during the second half of 2013. Android is a h
Last month former CEO Paul Otellini hinted to the wave of Android devices that are on the way, reporting that notebook prices should soon reach $200. Most of these will be based on Google's Android platform and Intel's Atom mobile processor, not Wind
Even more, Dadi Perlmutter, Intel executive vice president and chief product officer, said at the time that Android devices running the company's mainstream Core processors could sell for as little as $399 to $499. Even some high-end Atom-based devic
Just this week Samsung reportedly signed a deal with Intel to use the chip maker's 32 nm "Clover Trail " Atom mobile chip in at least one version of the Samsung Galaxy Tab 3.0 10.1-inch tablet. It was supposedly spotted on benchmarks last week, sport
A large number of Android devices are expected to be announced alongside Intel's introduction of its "Haswell" line of fourth-generation processors during COMPUTEX 2013 this month. Like other ODMs, Acer can still reveal its new Android-based AIO with
16/07/11 04:42:51.93 .net
In addition to offering the Avalanche and Omni game desktops, AVADirect has added another solution to its Signature Series: the AVA Sixense VR series. Currently, the company is offering this desktop in two configurable flavors -- the AVA Sixense VR a
The AVA Sixense VR series was built from the ground up with virtual reality gamers in mind. The desktops are certified by Sixense, meaning customers should be good to go once they add the STEM System to these specific gaming PCs. This experience is b
The base specs show that both models feature the Hadron Air Black mini tower case with a Sixense etched side panel. They also include a Z97 Stinger motherboard, an ACX mITX CPU cooler, and a 1 TB Barracuda 7200 RPM hard drive with 64 MB of cache. The
As for additional similar features, both computers include a black slim slot DVD burner, two Quiet Case fans at 1800 RPM and custom 20-color LED lighting that can be configured using a special remote. Both are also sold with the company's Silver Warr
The differences between the AVA Sixense VR desktop and the Ultimate models are rather small. The Ultimate model uses an Intel Core i7-4790 quad-core processor (3.6 GHz, 4.0 GHz), which adds the Intel HD Graphics 4600 GPU into the mix. This model also
For the cheaper non-Ultimate configuration, this base model uses Intel's Core i5-4460 quad-core processor (3.2 GHz, 3.4 GHz) and the Intel HD Graphics 4600 GPU. There's only 8 GB of HyperX Fury Black DDR3-1866 memory, and there's no SSD installed. Th
Want to upgrade the non-Ultimate base model? Customers have two additional options for the processor: the Intel Core i5-4690 (3.5 GHz, 3.9 GHz) for $40 extra or the Intel Core i7-4790 (3.6 GHz, 4.0 GHz) for $140 extra. Customers can also upgrade the
Let's not forget about the STEM System from Sixense, which will be an added expense with either of these builds. This system includes the STEM Base ($99), a STEM Controller ($119.99) and a STEM Pack ($99.99). The c
Update, 4/22/15, 6:40am PT: Updated pricing info.
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16/07/11 04:42:59.92 .net
A total of $40 million went to:
- content sharing platform Box - content distributor Hungama.com - chip designer Focaltech - social radio Jelli - social game company LIFO Interactive - mobile proximity platform NewAer - e-payment provider PagPop - cloud services company Tier 3 - 3D
The announcement was made at the Intel Capital Global Summit, which reportedly hosts more than 1,000 Intel funded entrepreneurs. "Our annual Global Summit and the ongoing Intel Capital Technology Days provide our portfolio companies with unmatched ac
Intel rarely benefits from its investments directly, but typically places its investments strategically to support its core businesses and support an increase in chip sales.
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16/07/11 04:43:07.93 .net
Samsung announced that it has begun the mass production of chips utilizing its 14nm Low-Power Plus (LPP) process node. The LPP process node is the second generation 14nm FinFET process from Samsung, which brings improvements in energy efficiency as w
Samsung's Exynos 7 Octa chip, which powers the Galaxy S6, was built on the 14nm Low-Power Early (LPE) process node. The new process node will be used to build both Samsung's own next-generation chip, the Exynos 8 Octa, as well as Qualcomm's Snapdrago
"We are pleased to start production of our industry-leading, 2nd generation 14nm FinFET process technology that delivers the highest level of performance and power efficiency" said Charlie Bae, executive vice president of sales and marketing for Syst
Samsung says that the new LPP process delivers up to 15 percent improvements in speed as well as up to 15 percent improvements in power consumption compared to the LPE process. Samsung's new process is one of the best in the chip market, surpassed on
However, Intel has a small share of the smartphone and IoT (Internet of Things) markets and it doesn't let other chips makers use its fabs. Therefore, the most cutting edge chips in the smartphone and IoT markets this year will use either Samsung's 1
Qualcomm should be the main beneficiary of Samsung's new process this year. With a new CPU core and a modern process, the Snapdragon 820 will likely avoid the overheating issues of its predecessor, the Snapdragon 810, although it will still largely d
Lucian Armasu is a Contributing Writer for Tom's Hardware. You can follow him at?@lucian_armasu.
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16/07/11 04:43:15.93 .net
When Google announced the Nexus 4, many were surprised that the phone didn't come with support for 4G LTE. Fast forward to the launch and early tear downs indicated that the phone did have a 4G chip, it just wasn't in use. However, it seems a Canadia
"Don't know if it was posted already but I just discovered that nexus 4 can be used on telus LTE network," xda-developers user a1jatt wrote on Friday. His claims were immediately met with calls for video proof, which he then provided. The YouTube
Nexus 4 on telus LTE network
So, how did he do it? Apparently, he was able to force the phone to run on Telus 1700MHz and 2100MHz from the phone’s debugging menu. As for the missing signal amplifier and filter, Anandtech last week reported that the phone "could essentially be s
Meanwhile, LG has offered an explanation as to why 4G wasn't included in the phone (officially) in the first place. Speaking to TechRadar, the company explained why 4G was left out of the equation.
"In order to provide the best possible specification for Nexus 4, LG utilised the same powerful Qualcomm Snapdragon chipset as can be found in its 4G LTE product, namely LG Optimus G," a spokesperson is quoted as saying.
"This powerful chipset is only available with a combined processor and modem and cannot be implemented separately. The modem contains 4G LTE capabilities but is only effective when combined with other essential hardware parts such as a signal amplifi
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16/07/11 04:43:24.03 .net
Biostar will be showcasing motherboards packing Intel's 100-series chipsets that support Intel's sixth generation of Core processors, codenamed Skylake, the company announced in its latest press release. We've heard rumors before pointing towards the
Biostar will have boards on demo at Computex with the Z170 chipset, the H170 chipset, and the B150 chips. The Z-series chipsets are generally the full-featured parts with overclocking capabilities. The H-series matches the features of the Z-series, b
Naturally, if Biostar is presenting these chipsets, it is very well possible that other motherboard vendors will be doing the same. This tells us that Computex will be the reveal of the 100-series chipsets, where we will find out all of its secret ju
Additionally, in the same press release Biostar announced its Gaming Z97X motherboard -- a board aimed at high-performance enthusiasts. It is "designed from the ground up to be cool looking and high performing," and comes with Hi-Fi audio, dual Gigab
Follow Niels Broekhuijsen @NBroekhuijsen.?Follow us?@tomshardware, on?Facebook?and on?Google .
16/07/11 04:43:31.94 .net
It's been a long time since we first heard about the Lytro camera. Announced back in the summer of 2011, the Lytro light field camera allows you to capture images and refocus them later by capturing all the light traveling in every direction in a sce
This week, it emerged that Amazon, Target and Best Buy will be selling the device in time for the holiday shopping season. Previously only available via the Lytro website, the device will hit major retailers in October. Best of all, this isn't a U.S.
"Since introducing the Lytro camera just six months ago, nearly 400,000 light field pictures have been shared on Lytro.com. We are excited to take this picture revolution one step further by making Lytro available to more photographers in the US and
If you're interested, you can snag yourself a Lytro from Target.com, BestBuy.com, and Amazon.com, starting October 9. Canadian photographers will have to go through Future Shop (same release date), while the Australian release date is scheduled for o
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16/07/11 04:43:39.93 .net
Patrick Leahy's bill that intended to deliver warrantless email access for American internet users to the U.S. government has been shelved.The Senator said in a press release that his latest amendments to the bill will adhere strictly to protecting p
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16/07/11 04:43:47.93 .net
Facebook added a new feature that lets you decide what happens to your Facebook account in the untimely event of your death.
In recent years, following the death of a family member or friend, it has become common practice for users to leave farewell notes on the dearly departed's profile and messages to the surviving family members. As soon as Facebook found out, however,
The reason for freezing the accounts comes down to privacy issues. Technically, Facebook is required to prevent others from using accounts they don't own. While the users might have given control to an individual, Facebook is still required to preven
With this change, users can select another Facebook member who will be given some control over the account. If users don't wish to do this, then they also have the option of setting up the account to be deleted after their death.
If users do not choose either of these options beforehand, then the account will just be frozen at the time Facebook finds out about the person's passing. Facebook calls this process "memorialization." Memorialized profiles currently number in the hu
Users who are given control of accounts after the passing of their loved ones are referred to as "legacy contacts." These users will have the ability to change and upload new photos, accept friend requests, leave wall posts, and download an archive o
As of today, users can now go in and set a legacy contact. This can be changed any time before the user's passing. To set up a legacy contact, simply go to your Facebook settings and choose Security. At the bottom of the Security options will be a pl
Alternatively, you can click the check box below to have your account deleted should you pass away. It's notable that this feature is inside of the security section, as it really shows how great of a concern Facebook places on this option.
This change will please some users who wish to leave their accounts to someone after their death. However, it
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16/07/11 05:03:39.06 .net
While I can't honestly say that the Lizard Squad ruined Christmas this year, the hacking group prevented me from playing my freshly acquired copy of Bungie's Destiny for the PlayStation 3. The inability to play the game was a bummer to say the least,
But as reports began to surface that both PlayStation Network and Xbox Live were suffering Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, all I could do was shake my head. Really people? Why disrupt these networks on Christmas Day? The answer is simpl
Oh boy.
The tool is called the Lizard Stresser, and it comes with eight different price plans. The price goes up as the duration of the attack goes up. For example, the starting price pays for an attack that lasts for 100 seconds. Want something longer? Try
The group also provides add-ons, such as the concurrent "dual boot" for $299.99 and a 5x concurrent "dual boot" for a meaty $1139.99. All fees and purchases are made using Bitcoin; however, the group plans to add PayPal support in the near future. Pa
According to VentureBeat, the Lizard Stresser has been used three times since the Lizard Squad began offering the subscription plans about ten hours before this report.
So what's a DDoS? This attack requires access to a botnet, which is a network of computers controlled by the DDoS author. Those who use the new tool will be able to flood a specific server to the point that normal traffic cannot access the targeted s
Recently, one of the group's members contacted Daily Dot and said the Christmas Day hack was merely a marketing scheme. "Playing games on a Twitter is fun, but it comes down to the money. The objective here, for me at least -- can't speak for others
Xbox and PlayStation customers sure weren't laughing on Christmas Day.
Regardless, the big story here is that a DDoS tool will be made available to anyone on the Internet. The Lizard Squad plans to let its tool take the stage while the group fades back into the back
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16/07/11 05:03:47.01 .net
United States President Barack Obama has said that the government is halfway from where it wants to be regarding patent reforms.Patent reforms that were passed in 2012 don't do enough to fully protect entrepreneurs from software patent holders who tr
Obama Google Hangout
16/07/11 05:03:55.01 .net
BioWare said on Thursday that the global launch date of the Star Wars: The Old Republic free-to-play option will go live on November 15, 2015.
News of a free-to-play option couldn't have arrived at a better time. Just last week, the internet seemingly came to a standstill as news of Disney's acquisition of Lucasfilm poured either gallons of fear or hope into the hearts of every Star Wars fa
Since then, there has been speculation as to what kind of tale this new trilogy will tell. After all, both Anakin Skywalker (Darth Vader) and Emperor Palpatine are dead. Even more, current Lucasfilm head honcho Kathleen Kennedy said the new films wil
As it stands now, one of the more solid rumors is that the storyline will take place 40 years after Episode VI, and feature a bearded old Luke Skywalker running a restocked Jedi Order. The two droids will naturally return as well, and both Carrie Fis
All that said, the Star Wars franchise has seemingly been thawed out of its Carbonite prison, electrified with new interest and thus may multiply the number of gamers waiting patiently for The Old Republic's free-to-play doors to swing wide open. Bio
"If you’re a paying Subscriber at the launch of the Free-to-Play option on November 15th, you will be granted all of the Complimentary Cartel Coins currently listed on your Cartel Coin Ledger page, plus a one-time grant of 250 Complimentary Cartel C
"Additionally, we are extending the Rewards Program! All former subscribers who reactivate their subscription by the new date of December 20, 2012 at 11:59pm CST will be granted Complimentary Cartel Coins for their prior paid months up to November 15
Addition information about all the rewards gamers can potentially receive can be found here. For more information about the PC game itself, head here.
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16/07/11 05:04:10.90 .net
AMD has unveiled the E1-2100, E1-2500 and E1-3000, three new Kabini APUs based on Jaguar cores (the successor to Bobcat) that are intended for use in "netbooks, thin laptops and all-in-one systems." The Kabini APUs feature a revised memory controller
The chips all use 28 nm transistors, come in a BGA packaging, and have 1 MB of L2 cache memory combined with an unknown frequency and power consumption. In addition to the aforementioned 3 APUs, the E1-3310 and E1-2210 also have been confirmed, but n
AMD has also added two Piledriver FX chips to its product line-up: the FX-4350 and FX-6350. The former chip is a quad-core clocked at 4.2 GHz and 4.3 GHz when only two cores are active. The latter is a hexacore CPU clocked at 3.9 GHz that can be furt
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16/07/11 05:04:18.90 .net
Qualcomm Snapdragon 400 Power
The performance and functionality of smartphones continues to advance at a steady pace. But battery technology lags behind in comparison. We've spent some time talking to the folks at Leyden Energy about its Li-imide platform, and have some idea abou
A glance at capacity is one way to approximate a phone's ability to deliver one full day's endurance. Our in-depth explorations into platform power use prove that consumption is an equally influential variable, though. Even as Intel's engineering tea
In a blog post published this morning, Qualcomm included a video comparing the dual-core Snapdragon 400 (MSM8x30) at 1.2 GHz to an unnamed quad-core competitor at the same clock rate.
The video shows two phones hooked up to power supplies delivering a constant 3.7 V, bypassing the batteries. Via time lapse, you're shown the amperage each phone draws at idle, during a phone call, and without the display turned on. Naturally, the du
Of course, we're missing some vital information from this experiment. Mainly, what's that phone sitting next to what appears to be HTC's One VX (incidentally, if that's the One VX, we're technically looking at an MSM8930)? Possible options include th
16/07/11 05:04:34.91 .net
Google released Chrome 47 for the beta channel with support for cooperative multitasking, splash screens for sites that are added to the home screen, and more flexible desktop notification management, as well as some security patches.
Cooperative Multitasking
Android had a problem with lag and stuttering for many years, which was mostly fixed in Android 4.1 Jelly Bean and then further improved in future iterations. One of the main causes of the problem was the way in which Android handled the processing o
To fix the issue as well as achieve 60 frame per second animations in their apps, developers need to be proactive with how they optimize both their apps, as well as web apps. Starting with Chrome 47, web developers will be able to set work to run dur
Splash Screens For Android
Because mobile devices aren't as powerful as PCs (especially at lower price levels), it can sometimes take a few seconds for apps to load, which can frustrate users. Splash screens help alleviate that impatience a little, by showing users something a
If the developers enable this option,?the app can first show a splash screen when their websites are launched from the Android home screen. They can customize the splash screen by setting a name, icon, background color, and notification bar color in
Flexible Notifications
Starting with Chrome 42, Google enabled push notifications in web applications, which can be used by social media apps, email web apps, and so on. However, such apps can also tend to send too many notifications at once, which hurts the user experienc
Now, developers can give users more options for what they can do with these notifications, such as keeping the notification onscreen until the user dismisses them, or allowing automatic dismissal of such notifications.
If you want to get this version of Chrome, you can get it from the beta channel. Otherwise, it usually takes around six weeks until the version is made fi
______________________________________________________________________Lucian Armasu joined Tom’s Hardware in early 2014. He writes news stories on mobile, chipsets, security, privacy, and anything else that might be of interest to him from the technology world. Outside of Tom’s Hardware, he dreams of becoming an entrepreneur.
You can follow him at?@lucian_armasu. Follow us?@tomshardware, on?Facebook?and on?Google .
16/07/11 05:04:42.93 .net
Though Sony's PlayStation 4 announcement event revealed rather little on the hardware front?no pictures, no price, few specs (other than AMD APU inside)… surprise!?making the first hour a rather lackluster bore, Sony showed PS4's true chops when it
Recent tech trends have swayed towards social media and personalization, and Sony's no exception. Using the Dualshock 4's 'Share' button, players can easily livestream gameplay footage, as the PS4 features dedicated always-on video compression and vi
Sony's acquirement of game streaming service Gaikai was the crux of the two-pronged effort. Gaikai CEO Dave Perry took to the stage to discuss Sony's plans for social media and streaming content. Perry's announced the company's partnership and UStrea
The event took a turn towards the positive when Sony began announcing games. Drawing on the power of exclusives and its IP, Sony's started its games portion with its arms swinging. No doubt the company hopes to avoid the fate that the PS Vita and com
Beside's Cerny's pet project Knack, a brand new IP reminiscent of Pixar's works, Sony confirmed Ubisoft's Watch Dogs, Bungie's Destiny, a new Square Enix Final Fantasy,new Capcom fantasy Deep Down, Killzone: Shadow Fall, infamous: Sword Son, and Evol
All Diablo drama aside, though Sony's announcement event shocked no one, the company's proved itself to be a strong contender in the next console generation race, if not by innovation, then by the sheer force of its great title lineup.
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16/07/11 05:04:51.01 .net
MSI has been making strides in the notebook world. In January it announced the flagship GT80 Titan SLI gaming laptop with a number of industry firsts, most memorably a full mechanical keyboard from SteelSeries featuring Cherry MX switches. With Compu
Update 5/29/2015, 11:04am PT: A previous version of this article included details on the MSI GT72 gaming notebook. Some of the information was not authorized by MSI's partners for release, and they've asked us to take it down. We've decided to comply
MSI GS And GE Series Notebooks
The innovation doesn't stop at the top for MSI. The GS and GE series computers are aimed at a more affordable price point, yet they still include some cutting edge technology. The company will be demonstrating Nahimic Sound Technology on its GE72 not
MSI said that the sound improvement technology has been acknowledged as a step forward by industries such as military and aeronautics, and it will soon be available on MSI GS60, GS70, GE62 and GE72 series notebooks.
MSI Prestige Series Notebooks
With all this power crammed into modern gaming notebooks, it only makes sense that people would use them for content creation, as well. The major setback with image and video editing on a notebook has always been the lower image quality generally fou
MSI saw this as an issue that needed a solution and created the Prestige series notebooks. These high-powered laptops come equipped with Intel Core i7-4720HQ processors and a choice of Nvidia GTX 950M or 960M GPUs. Using True Color Technology, compan
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16/07/11 06:21:21.16 .net
Since its announcement a few months back, Google's Project Tango has been a really fascinating curiosity, but not much else. Hot on the heels of Computex, the tech giant unveiled a new tablet that has the same 3D mapping capabilities we all saw in th
The tablet will cost $1024, and will come with an SDK and all the tools developers will need. Those attending the I/O conference later this month will be the first to have the chance to purchase the tablet.
This comes as another in a long line of decisions that tech companies have made to invest early in 3D mapping and Virtual Reality. In March, Facebook purchased Oculus for $2 billion, and Apple picked up PrimeSense in November.
Tango is the product of Google's Advanced Technology and Projects group, a division of Google that was rolled in after the purchase of Motorola Mobility back in 2012. The project is remarkably ambitious, and aims to give mobile devices a form of spat
16/07/11 06:21:29.16 .net
It's been a long time since we first heard about the Lytro camera. Announced back in the summer of 2011, the Lytro light field camera allows you to capture images and refocus them later by capturing all the light traveling in every direction in a sce
This week, it emerged that Amazon, Target and Best Buy will be selling the device in time for the holiday shopping season. Previously only available via the Lytro website, the device will hit major retailers in October. Best of all, this isn't a U.S.
"Since introducing the Lytro camera just six months ago, nearly 400,000 light field pictures have been shared on Lytro.com. We are excited to take this picture revolution one step further by making Lytro available to more photographers in the US and
If you're interested, you can snag yourself a Lytro from Target.com, BestBuy.com, and Amazon.com, starting October 9. Canadian photographers will have to go through Future Shop (same release date), while the Australian release date is scheduled for o
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16/07/11 06:21:45.26 .net
In what appears to be a product named after us, Biostar has built the J1800TH. Unfortunately, the TH does not stand for Tom's Hardware but rather just 'thin,' referring to the form factor. This is a Thin Mini-ITX board with a J1800 SoC from Intel on
The J1800 SoC is simply a dual-core processor that runs at 2.41 GHz with an on-die chipset and an on-die GPU, which runs at up to 792 MHz, and it supports up to 16 GB of DDR3L-1333 memory. This specific motherboard has two SO-DIMM slots. The board ha
Rear I/O is quite minimal, providing you with power in, a single USB 2.0 port, a single USB 3.0 port, Gigabit Ethernet, an HDMI connector, VGA, stereo audio out, and lastly, a microphone jack.
Potential uses for a board like this are in thin clients, digital signage, and kiosks. The J1800TH can be used in office applications, but due to the limited I/O and minimal processing power, we would hesitate to do so.
Follow Niels Broekhuijsen @NBroekhuijsen.?Follow us?@tomshardware, on?Facebook?and on?Google .
16/07/11 06:22:09.25 .net
Cadence recently announced that it has developed "multiple" versions of its DDR PHY and controller IP based on advanced drafts of the DDR4 spec published by JEDEC.
"DDR4 is going to be the next big thing in DRAMs, but its signaling is challenging to handle," said Jim Handy of Objective Analysis in a prepared statement. "As PCs migrate to DDR4 DRAMs, this standard will become the volume leader, giving it a price
Cadence said that its PHY exceeds the data rates described by the DDR-2400 draft, but did not reveal what speeds have been achieved. The company also announced that it has a "low-power, all-digital mobile PHY implementation that exceeds the data rate
Cadence said that its DDR4 memory controller technology and PHY IP ?is available now.
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