14/07/06 00:54:42.63 Yr24BBNK
The Third Elementary Education Project was a comprehensive intervention, combining both hard and soft components.
>In the mid-1990s, the Government of the Philippines faced three major problems with its elementary
>education system: deteriorating quality; uneven access to schooling; and overly centralized management.
>In an effort to change course and strengthen its school system, the Government of the Philippines teamed
>up with the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (this arm of JBIC, which provided loans at concessionary
>rates, is now a part of JICA) and the World Bank to launch the Third Elementary Education Project (TEEP) in 1998.
>The approach was a comprehensive one. With a combination of school construction and rehabilitation, textbooks
>and school supplies, principal and teacher training, information management instruction, and school governance
>reform, JBIC and the World Bank set out to improve learning achievements, increase access to quality elementary
>education, and to build the institutional capacity of the Department of Education.