13/03/21 23:16:52.11 fLDB9wLR
779 名前:日出づる処の名無し[sage] 投稿日:2013/03/21(木) 23:10:25.43 ID:4oDju24W [31/31]
An important Japanese news source (NikkeiBP) has a much more mundane
explanation for the South Korean bank shutdown. It seems that many South
Korean institutions, including the banks highlighted in yesterday's news,
use bootleg computer programs to run their operations, instead of authorized
(and much more expensive) programs. Perhaps what happened yesterday was
that someone flipped a switch on an operating system like Windows7, a
Microsoft product, and the bootleg copies shut down. This could be the price
these South Korean institutions are paying for trying to be frugal and too
clever by half.
If these Japanese stories prove to be the case, the scary speculation
concerning a North Korean Stuxnet can be put to rest. But, also, if the
Japanese version proves to be correct, many other people will have reason
to sweat.
2013/03/21 片山 昌樹