12/02/06 10:19:56.26 fLcbx7XQ0
She defeated the insect of 2ch completely!
Therefore, keep your promise, apologize for the insects of 2ch to her, and pay a compensation (100 million dollars)!!
If it cannot pay, it needs to be arrested by the police right now!
12/02/06 10:22:01.02 fLcbx7XQ0
The fools of 2ch are jealous of her talent!
It is because she is an angel of a stricken area!!
2ch fabricated, so that there are many of her donations goes mad with jealousy!!
50:観察戦隊ペンタゴン ◆jPGZyP88CSHX
12/02/06 10:26:30.14 POcL1zsN0