12/02/25 13:59:35.72 fYdtZRBU
Rock Rock is the shit!
We got drunk and they played all of our requests and took Polaroids of us to hang on the walls!
These fans/groupies followed us there so that made for some laughs.
Funny fact of the night: there is a famous groupie that has slept with like,
その夜あったおもしろい話: そこにはどのバンドとも寝るような有名なグルーピーが
every band that has come through Osaka, and her name is, drum roll please, Japamela Anderson.
Wow, what more can I say about tonight, drink, drank, drunk.
Rachel: Have you guys had any crazy fan experiences?
Marko: We have a fan from the East Coast named Alix who has seen us play over 50 times in 5 years; she's actually become a formidable rock photographer now (I think her site is called www.secretsshown.com).
We also have fans in Japan who find us at the airport, train stations, and stake out our hotel lobbies; one in particular is nick-named "Japamela" because she has fake boobs and bleached hair like Pamela Anderson.
Ask most bands about her and they'll know who you're talking about.