12/05/09 21:34:41.50 nN/Sqa1Y0
353: 名無しに人種はない@実況はサッカーch [] 2012/05/09(水) 01:56:07.09 ID:pn4Cd/mH0
James Moulding (08/05/2012 at 12:13)
Comparing Kagawa to Park only demonstrates ignorance and is frankly, borderline
racist. Kagawa is an entirely different type of player, of a far higher calibre
and his performances for Borussia this season demonstrate that, he's been
right up there with Ribery/Robben, who most United fans would be
creaming themselves over if we made a move.
Bringing Kagawa in on the cheap would be a fantastic bit of business
「パク?ねーよw 一緒にすんな、こっちはガチのフットボーラーだって」的コメント多数で
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