12/12/21 18:22:57.13 atLjQMan0
Rosenhelm って拠点ちゃうし。
From: Hidenobu Onishi <kotochan0725@gmail.com>
Date: 2012年11月19日22:55:12 GMT+01:00
To: "briefe@abendblatt.de" <briefe@abendblatt.de>
Subject: I am a first refugee from Japan
Today I went your office and wrote two papers.
Fortunately, I could make a copy of some materials, so I bring them tomorrow.
I think Japanese big problem is, Government tells people something wrong intentionally.
For my case, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry person said to me, Personal Information Protection Law is a company - to - consumer's law.
But I don't think so, because that law is taken after the OECD’s Eight Principles.
The OECD’s Eight Principles doesn't mention about the organization which uses Personal Informations.
But Japanese law mention about that, as "third party".
From the point of the OECD’s Eight Principles, "third party" should be a person who is not allowed to see or use the Personal Informations.
But, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry person said, "third party" means other company,
so your case is your company, as "second party", so that is not a illegal case.