12/12/14 21:59:04.71 SP9eAaZj0
Date: 2012年12月14日11:56:54 GMT+01:00
To: 'Hidenobu Onishi' <kotochan0725@gmail.com>
Cc: ******
Subject: AW: New flat for You
Dear Mr. Onishi,
I have a little change of plans for tomorrow: Mr. ****** will pick you up at 11:00 a.m in Haselund.
And I think that his car will be big enough for all your things.
And by the way, the bicycle belongs to Mr. and Mrs. ******.
Your wardrobe will be delivered on 15 in January, your washing machine will be delivered next Monday, dec. 17.
With kind ragards
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Amt Viöl