20/06/04 17:33:55.36 Y5FE42LS9.net
ゴールドマン・サックスは本日、人種的不公平、構造的不公平、経済格差に取り組む代表的な組織の活動を支援するため、「ゴールドマン・サックス 人種的公平性基金」を創設したことを発表しました。この基金は、寄付者アドバイス基金「Goldman Sachs Gives」から1,000万ドルの拠出をうけ設立されます。 ゴールドマン・サックスとその現職、退職した従業員たちが、世界中の福祉サービスが行き届いていないコミュニティを支援するために直接助成金を交付できるように。
“We must stand up and support organizations dedicated to the fight for a more just and equitable society,” said David M. Solomon, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. “To honor the legacies of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery, we must all commit to help address the damage of generations of racism.”
Goldman Sachs Establishes Fund for Racial Equity
$10 Million to Be Deployed to Help Address Racial and Economic Injustice
NEW YORK, June 3, 2020 – Goldman Sachs today announced it has created the Goldman Sachs Fund for Racial Equity to support the vital work of leading organizations addressing racial injustice, structural inequity and economic disparity. The fund will be launched with $10 million from Goldman Sachs Gives, a donor-advised fund that allows the firm and its current and retired senior employees to direct grants to support underserved communities around the world.