【速報】ロシアの戦闘機が米海軍の飛行機を迎撃 6日0時at NEWSPLUS
【速報】ロシアの戦闘機が米海軍の飛行機を迎撃 6日0時 - 暇つぶし2ch1:みつを ★
18/11/06 01:33:42.40 CAP_USER9.net
Russian fighter jet intercepts US Navy plane
By Barbara Starr and Zachary Cohen, CNN
Posted at 10:50 AM ET, Mon November 5, 2018
Washington (CNN) ― A US Navy reconnaissance aircraft flying in international airspace over the Black Sea was intercepted by a Russian fighter jet Monday in an unsafe and unprofessional manner, according to three US defense officials and a statement from the Navy.
During an encounter that lasted a total of 25 minutes, the Russian SU-27 jet passed directly in front of the US EP-3 aircraft at a high speed, the officials said. The US crew reported turbulence following that initial interaction in which the direct pass occurred.
The SU-27 then made a second pass of the US plane and applied its afterburner while conducting a banking maneuver, which is believed to have caused a vibration that was experienced by the American crew.
"This interaction was determined to be unsafe due to the SU-27 conducting a high speed pass directly in front of the mission aircraft, which put our pilots and crew at risk. The intercepting SU-27 made an additional pass, closing with the EP-3 and applying its afterburner while conducting a banking turn away. The crew of the EP-3 reported turbulence following the first interaction, and vibrations from the second," according to a statement from the US Navy.
Officials so far, have not been able to estimate how close the Russian aircraft came to the US plane, but described the flight behavior of the Russians as the key factor in making the determination the encounter was unsafe.
US officials were not initially aware of whether the Russian aircraft was armed.
