07/11/28 09:25:59 0
4422天沢信彦 診療記録
初診・所見) 多発外傷、顔面蒼白、?、代謝性アシドーシス、心タンポナーゼ、胸腔内出血、心雑音
Ht上昇、、高ミオグロビン血症、CRP・LDH・???上昇、収縮期圧 92mmHg、脈拍 102/min
処置・処方) ?メイロン?0mL静注、??、GI、???トナル
実験医療空間 4422 電脳???? (高度ナリ?)
??事故から約12時間後 死亡 電子カルテの死亡診?
4423 天沢勇子
初診・所見) ショック状態、呼吸困難
The patient was in an unconscious
state when brought into the hospital.
Hurt in the head in a traffic accident,
the patient had gotten unconscious.
some excoriations were found in the body.
The patient got conscious once in the hospital
but repeated somnolence, and then had been
on a comatose condition for a few days.
The pulse was feeble.
Also the temperature was high and the
perspiration didn't stop.
SOB occurred for a time.
After getting conscious the patient had
disturbance of consciousness, dysarthria and
deafness. The patient lost consciousness many
times and complained of palpitation of the
heart. But no abnormality was found on
the ***