05/11/14 22:38:44
Hi,guys! The first part of SLAMDUNK was fun,wasn't it?
Basketball is great! Let's play it together!
みんな! スラムダンク前半、おもしろかったでしょ?
バスケって最高! 一緒にやろうよ!
Thanks for waiting! The second part of SLAMDUNK will start in a minute.
Let's get together in front of TV!
お待たせ! スラムダンク後半、もうすぐ始まるよ。
Hi,guys! Finally,Hanamichi will put on the show on the court.
Let you remain!
みんな! いよいよ花道がコートで活躍するよ。
If you can hold the ball in a hand,you'll be a great basketball player!