10/04/07 01:53:04 発信元:
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【スレ名】 【ゲンダイ】与謝野、平沼新党は終わりのゴングで、自民党はいよいよオシマイだと日刊ゲンダイ
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世界に向け発信を続ける4chのPolitics板(URLリンク(4-ch.net) ) [Japan] Confrontation
between Jimintou and Minsyutouスレッドより。雲孤さんの弟さんは現在アク禁中です。
410 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2010-04-03 20:22 ID:O+VKje2c
(`・ω・´) Yosano has sailed. Tanigaki looks paled out! I suppose chaos will come!
What you must know is Sadakazu Tanigaki (谷垣 禎一), the president of the Liberal Democratic
Party (Jiminto Party), is only a puppet of Makoto Koga (古賀 誠). Koga has the largest sect
of the LDP. Last general election of members of the House of Representatives so collapsed other
sects that the Koga Sect grew the largest one. The LDP members awared they could not win the
election, so they tossed the head of the election to Koga. Therefore Koga put all resources into
his own sect....
Yosano's departure says Tadamori Oshima (大島 理森) practised a deception on Yosano....
Yosano gave a dent to Aso Cabinet and turned away from Kunio Hatoyama (鳩山 邦夫) . Whereas
Yosano gets no reward from the LDP. Yosano cannot bear that any more. Yosano wished to be the
president of the LDP, but failed.