10/02/26 14:17:19 TqfJDRcg0
859 :可愛い奥様:2010/02/26(金) 05:56:41 ID:lALUSvHNO
lvis Stojko: Mao has an innocence about her skating witih grace. Yu-Na has the sex appeal.
Sasha Cohen: Yu-Na is a faster, more powerful skater, but she doesn't have as difficult a program as Mao.
・ストイコ(長野銀メダリスト 4回転の帝王)
Yu-Na skated great. She was awesome. But her score was inflated.
Mao's triple axel double toe is WAY more difficult than Kim's triple lutz triple toe.
860 :可愛い奥様:2010/02/26(金) 06:04:51 ID:reBuoNmz0
669 :名無しさん@恐縮です:2010/02/25(木) 22:18:45 ID:P9UCvBPD0
NYタイムズ 2月25日
“She'll more than likely have a few mistakes here, but the gold medal is absolutely hers to lose."
普通はhers to win だけどすごい皮肉。金もらっても負け、みたいな。
“It's amazing how easily she can collect points in other ways. Every single moment she's out there,
she's adding value. Every time she takes a breath, I think she collect points."