09/05/05 10:57:50
Battery Williston
The two Army Model 1919 16-inch guns were installed in 1923-24 at Battery Williston, on the west side of the entrance to Pearl Harbor,
Model 1919 16インチ砲は、真珠湾西部港のウィリストン砲台に1923年から1924年まで配備されていました。
the Bureau of Ordnance assumed the Iowa class would use the 16"/50 Mark 2 guns constructed for the 1920 South Dakota-class battleships.
lighter, more compact 16"/50 and designed the ships with barbettes too small to accommodate a 16"/50 Mark 2 triple turret.
The new 16"/50 Mark 7 was designed to resolve this conflict.
Super-heavy shell
The Mark 7 gun was originally intended to fire the relatively light 2,240-pound (1,016 kg) Mark 5 armor-piercing shell.
However, the shell-handling system for these guns was redesigned to use the "super-heavy" 2,700-pound (1225 kg) APC (Armor Piercing, Capped)
The North Carolina and South Dakota classes used the preceding 16"/45 caliber Mark 6 gun, which could fire the 2,700-pound shell.
Only the Yamato-class super dreadnoughts could throw more weight.
>>677 >要塞砲はMk7じゃなくて、Mk2と書いてあるようだが?
1925年以降で 16"/50 Mark 2 guns 配備。
よく見たら Super-heavy shell の事も書いてあった(=射程距離が下がることはない)。
Yamato-class に関してもねw
>>678 >そもそも最大射程にどれほどの意味があるのか