23/04/22 00:22:06.86 TlzWQwipa.net
He said something interesting at the last part of his remarks.
It's difficult for chat GPT to cover all the expressions which human beings do because GPT is just a model which learn lots of data, and so for, sometimes GPT makes sentences which sounds unnatural to human beings.
He also said my advice would make his sentences better if I give it to him.
This is a declaration of being defeated by me. GPT lose, I win.
最後でこのAI 様はこうおっしゃってますね。
「GPT は多数のデータから学習したモデルに過ぎない」
「彼(Fanta )が修正することによってより自然な表現になる可能性があります」
新進気鋭のAI 様の敗北宣言デスネ♪
GPT の負け。ぼくの勝ち。(*^^*)