SublimeTextエディタのスレat SOFTWARE
- 暇つぶし2ch725: on the fly without artifacts HTML: Pressing enter when between a tag pair will increase indentation Some snippets have have been moved into a sub-directories, so custom overrides and key bindings that reference them will need to be updated show_scope_name command shows the scope in a popup Package Development: Added 'Syntax Tests - Regex Compatibility' build variant for evaluating syntax definition performance Package Development: Expanded the set of regexes the new regex engine is able to handle Syntax Definitions: Fixed some cases where pop matches with back references weren't working correctly Fixed some Unicode handling issues in Goto Anything Fixed a scenario where changes to .tmPreferences files weren't being picked up Fixed a 3096 rendering performance regression Fixed a 3096 regression in regular expressions when using \x{nnnn} escapes Fixed a crash that could occur with an invalid result_file_regex settings API: Added window.status_message API: Changes to how plugins are loaded. This should be transparent, but resolves a number of corner cases API: Updated to Python 3.3.6, and now includes the _ssl module on Linux, plus sqlite3 and bz2 on all platforms API: Updated OpenSSL to 1.0.2h